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Anthony Lott, MD Class of 2014. Ambiguous and amorphous Student liaison and voice Connector Advocate MSA Executive Well functioning team MSA Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony Lott, MD Class of 2014. Ambiguous and amorphous Student liaison and voice Connector Advocate MSA Executive Well functioning team MSA Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony Lott, MD Class of 2014


3 Ambiguous and amorphous Student liaison and voice Connector Advocate MSA Executive Well functioning team MSA Council Voice of students Step back and see context


5 MSA Executive Meetings: Weekly meetings Bring up issues over the week Action items: assign tasks and duties Forum for ideas, advice MSA-UME Meetings: Monthly meeting with Dr. Stobart President and VP Internal President + Class Reps + Curriculum Reps + Professionalism Reps Bilateral exchange of issues “Keep a pulse on students”

6 MD/DDS Student Reps and Deans Meeting Bi-monthly meeting Chair Attended by VP Internal and President + Class Reps Forum to voice student body concerns to faculty Student Associations and Deans Meeting Bi-monthly meeting Attended by Faculty Student Associations (MLS, MD, DDS, DH) Prior student only meeting to discuss concerns, share updates and best practices

7 Undergraduate Medical Education Committee Monthly meeting “Visionary” committee MSA President, Past President, Past Past President Associate Deans, UME Directors, UME Staff, Interested Faculty Members Variety of issues: accreditation, admissions, eLearning, feedback

8 Student Professionalism Committee: Monthly meeting President, VP Internal, Professionalism Representatives, DDS, DH, MLS Representatives Student initiative to improve professionalism Professionalism Survey + Execution of recommendations Faculty Professionalism Committee: Monthly meeting Chair: Dr. Stuart Hamilton Response to SPC and to accreditation

9 MSA Council Meetings Twice per semester Hear from greater constituents Constitutional revisions Faculty Council Meetings Overview of faculty activities Infrequently involves students

10 Resident Well Being Committee Bi-monthly meetings President + Health & Wellness Representatives Connection to PARA and Residents Well-being updates, foresight on our future CFMS: Presidents Round Table Bi-annual meetings Presidents of all medical student societies across Canada Pertinent issues affecting medical schools, often with great overlap Sharing of best practices: accreditation, Dean search Council of Faculty Associations (COFA) VP External and President Monthly meeting Issues affecting greater student body: tuition


12 Dean search and selection Survey distributed, report to be written by end of November Constitution review Accreditation 2014 Recruitment of students, development of student survey, early surveys (Dec 2011) Website External branding update from 2008

13 Interfaculty Student Association Meetings Student Curriculum Committee AMA: Young Leaders in Health Promotion Community health initiative, student and resident pairing Interprovincial Projects with U of C RPAP, PAC


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