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Geography of Greece. Objective: – SWBAT describe the geography of Greece and its impact on the development of Ancient Greece Do Now: – Locate Greece on.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography of Greece. Objective: – SWBAT describe the geography of Greece and its impact on the development of Ancient Greece Do Now: – Locate Greece on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography of Greece

2 Objective: – SWBAT describe the geography of Greece and its impact on the development of Ancient Greece Do Now: – Locate Greece on the map of Europe Activity: – Geography of Greece Movie and questionsGreece Movie – Map activity Map activity Assessment: – Collection of Movie Questions Homework: – Outline essay!

3 Location: Greece is located on the continent of Europe

4 Classical civilization Greece is considered a Classical civilization. Classical civilizations are the societies (community) that were more advanced and more recent than the ancient civilizations such as Ancient Egypt. Most classical civilizations had a Golden Age- A period of great achievements in art, literature, math, and science. Greece is considered a Classical Civilization.

5 Greece – Located on a peninsula which is a land mass surrounded by water on 3 sides. – Greece has an irregular (uneven) coastline in southeastern Europe. Since it had an irregular coastline it made Greece ideal for natural ports and harbors. – Greece is also an Archipelago which is a chain of islands. – Greece relied on the sea for both food and transportation—this was good because Greece had little natural resources

6 Mountains and their Effect on Greece: – Because Greece has a very mountainous geography It was not one united civilization. Instead, Greece was divided into many independent (separate) city-states. Each city-state (or polis) had its own government and land. The two most famous city-states were Athens and Sparta. They were very different societies. Mountains made it difficult to communicate with others Mountains made it difficult to travel Very little land was available for farming The Climate (weather) : Varied weather---people mainly did things outdoors. Held public meeting, worked and played outdoors. If it was bad weather they couldn’t do the things they wanted to do!

7 Movie Questions: 1.What is a classical civilization? 2.What is an archipelago? 3.What is a peninsula? 4.How do the mountains affect Greece? 5.What is Terrace farming? 6.Where else that we have studied uses Terrace farming?


9 Map Questions: 1.What products did the ancient Greeks trade for? Why did they have to trade? 2.What did the Greeks get from Sicily ? 3.What did the Greeks get from Cyprus? 4.What did the Greeks get from Crete? 5.What peninsula is Greece on ? 6.Where did Greece get precious stones from? (name all) 7. What products do the Greeks export? 8. What products do the Greeks import?


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