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Aerial View Eucalyi River, Peru Seismic View: 2 km Deep Meandering River.

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Presentation on theme: "Aerial View Eucalyi River, Peru Seismic View: 2 km Deep Meandering River."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aerial View Eucalyi River, Peru Seismic View: 2 km Deep Meandering River

2 Overview of Seismic Imaging Jerry Schuster KAUST

3 Outline Forward Acoustic ProblemForward Acoustic Problem Inverse Acoustic ProblemInverse Acoustic Problem Seismic ExperimentSeismic Experiment Seismic MigrationSeismic Migration

4 ZO Seismic Section Depth Time c  22 11

5 Monterey Optical Image Monterey Seismic Image 0 km 2 km 0 km 0.1 km

6 Acoustic Forward Problem Depth c 2c1 Given: d + k d = o 22 k =  c Find: d(r) Soln:  rorr)()(  g  rd  )(  drdr Pressure Source

7 Goal: Compute ZO Seismic Section Depth Time c  22 11  rorr)()(  g  rd  )(  dr  rorr)()( g  rd  )( 

8 Common Shot Gather Depth Time

9 Common Midpoint Gather DepthMidpoint Time

10 Normal Moveout Correction Midpoint Depth Time

11 Stacked Trace Midpoint Depth Time

12 Stacked Seismic Section Depth Time

13 Outline Forward Acoustic ProblemForward Acoustic Problem Inverse Acoustic ProblemInverse Acoustic Problem Seismic ExperimentSeismic Experiment Seismic MigrationSeismic Migration

14 What is the Problem? V/2 Depth Time Events Can Originate Updip Incorrect location. You think events originated directlybelow geophones. D=VT/2

15 What is another Problem? Depth Time Events Originate Pt. Diffractors

16 0 m 30 m 0 km 30 m corner

17 ZO Data Migration (Relocates Reflections back to Place of Origin) 0 km 7 km 0 km 3 km

18 Given: d = Lo Seismic Inverse Problem Find: o(x,y,z) Find: o(x,y,z) Soln: min || Lo-d || Soln: min || Lo-d ||2 o = [L L] L d T T‘ L d L dT migration waveforminversion

19 Outline Forward Acoustic ProblemForward Acoustic Problem Inverse Acoustic ProblemInverse Acoustic Problem Seismic ExperimentSeismic Experiment Seismic MigrationSeismic Migration

20 2-way time (x-x ) + y 22.5 c s rsrsrsrs =  rsrsrsrs + T o ZO Migration ZO Migration Smear Reflections along Fat Circles Smear Reflections along Fat Circlesxs r d(x, )  rsrsrsrs s

21 2-way time ZO Migration ZO Migration Smear Reflections along Fat Circles  rsrsrsrs d(x, ) s  x & Sum

22 2-way time ZO Migration ZO Migration Smear Reflections along Circles  rsrsrsrs d(x, ) s  r & Sum

23 ZO Migration Resolution ZO Migration Resolution Intersection of Fresnel Zones Vertical Res. = Near-Offset Traces

24 ZO Migration Resolution ZO Migration Resolution Intersection of Fresnel Zones Horiz. Res. = Far-Offset Traces

25 Why is Pt. Scatterer Response of Migration Why is Pt. Scatterer Response of Migration a Blurred Version of Point? Migration: m = L d TMigratedSectionData but d = L r L rL rL rL r Migration Section = Blured Image of r

26 Seismic Section Time 12 km

27 0 km 7 km 0 km 3 km

28 0 km 7 km 0 km 3 km Migration Least Squares Migration

29 Seismic Imaging Course Kirchhoff & Beam MigrationKirchhoff & Beam Migration Phase Shift-Like MethodsPhase Shift-Like Methods Reverse-Time MigrationReverse-Time Migration Full Waveform InversionFull Waveform Inversion

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