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SD1/P19/ID119 The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in the South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives P. Bragato.

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Presentation on theme: "SD1/P19/ID119 The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in the South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives P. Bragato."— Presentation transcript:

1 SD1/P19/ID119 The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in the South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives P. Bragato 1, G. Costa 2, N. Horn 3, J. Pahor 4, D. Pesaresi 1,5, W. Lenhardt 3, P. Suhadolc 2, M. Zivcic 4 (1) Ist. Naz. di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS, Udine - Trieste, Italy (2) Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, Italy (3) Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Vienna, Austria (4) Agencija Republike Slovenije Za Okolje (ARSO), Ljubljana, Slovenia (5) Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Roma, Italy E-mail : In the period 2002-2006 the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) in Udine (Italy), the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna (Austria), the Dipartimento di Geoscienze (DiG) of the Trieste University in Trieste (Italy), the Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje (ARSO) in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and the Protezione Civile della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia (PCFVG) in Palmanova (Italy) were involved in the EU INTERREG IIIA project “Seismological Networks Without Frontiers in the Southeastern Alps”. ZAMG is involved in the EU INTERREG IIIA project “FASTLINK”, together with the Protezione Civile della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano (Italy) and the ETH of Zurigo (Swizerland). The commercial Antelope-software suite from BRTT (Boulder Real Time Technologies - has been chosen as the common basis for real time data exchange, rapid location of earthquakes and alerting. Each institute contributes to the seismological monitoring in the South-Eastern Alps by sharing data from its seismic network. Antelope is a powerful software suite that easily allows sharing data in real-time among several institutions by means of its module ‘orb2orb’. The current Antelope setup of all institutions involved in data acquisition, sharing and archiving is described, together with the future evolution of the project. The border region of Slovenia, Austria and NE Italy has experienced several destructive earthquakes in the past. Different seismic networks are operating in the area supporting monitoring, alerting and research. The example of recent strong earthquakes demonstrated that the integration of services provided by the neighboring networks is essential for a rapid and efficient intervention. SUMMARY Antelope @ OGS Earthquake detection and notification BRTT Antelope CRS procedures REFERENCES The Antelope-software suite is used at OGS - CRS as the main data acquisition tool by the Seismic Network run by OGS in Northeast Italy. The main OGS-CRS Antelope server is running in Udine on a 2 nodes SUN-Fire-V240 cluster: the main module takes care of data acquisition, automatic location determination, data archiving and exchange, plus the alert system via Short Message Service (SMS), email, fax and web. For Antelope users, real time data from the OGS Seismic Stations is available at address Another Linux workstation running Antelope (antelope-wks) at the OGS-CRS headquarters in Udine is used for post-processing including ShakeMaps and manual relocation determinations. Data is also forwarded for redundancy to a SUN-Fire-V245 Antelope machine (antogs) at Protezione Civile della Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Civil Protection of the Friuli- Venezia Giulia region) headquarters in Palmanova and for convenience to a Linux Antelope machine (antelope-crsts) at OGS headquarters in Trieste. Data from the Antelope SUN-Fire-V240 cluster at OGS-CRS headquarters in Udine are also forwarded to the OGS-CRS seedlink server that runs under SeisComP on the same machine: this data is available on request. Bragato P.L., Costa G., Fitzko F., Horn N., Priolo E., Kobal M., Suhadolc P., Zivcic M. (2005). The INTERREG IIIA Project: “Trans-National Seismological Networks in the South-eastern Alps”. IASPEI General Assembly, Chile 2005. Bragato P.L., Costa G., Fitzko F., Horn N., Priolo E., Kobal M., Suhadolc P., Zivcic M. (2004). The INTERREG IIIA Project: “Trans-National Seismological Networks in the South-eastern Alps”. XXVII European Seismological Commission (ESC) General Assembly 2004. Costa G., Moratto L., Suhadolc P. (2009). The Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network “ RAF. BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1570-761X, doi: 10.1007/s10518-009-9157-y Costa G., Suhadolc P., Michelini A., Govoni A., Bragato P.L., Zivcic M., Grisa M., Melichar P., Lenhardt W., (2002) Real-Time data Integration in the Southern Alps. EMICES workshop Real-time data exchange in Europe, Barcelona, Spain, 23…-25 October. Gallo A., Costa G., Suhadolc P., (2010). Fast moment magnitude estimation in the Southeastern Alps. XXXII European Seismological Commission (ESC) General Assembly 2010, Montpellier (France) Moratto L, Costa G., Suhadolc P (2009). Real-time generation of Shake Maps in the Southeastern Alps. BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, vol. 99, 4; p. 2489-2501, ISSN: 0037-1106 Pesaresi D., Bragato P.L., Di Bartolomeo P., Saraò A., Bernardi P., (2008). Monitoring in real time the North East Italy seismicity: the OGS-CRS experience with the Antelope software suite, XXXI European Seismological Commission (ESC) General Assembly 2008, Crete (Greece). Pesaresi D., Bragato P.L., Di Bartolomeo P., Saraò A., Bernardi P., Govoni A., (2008). Data mining from Antelope at OGS-CRS (Udine, Italy). European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008, Vienna (Austria). Lienert, B. R., 1994. HYPOCENTER 3.2 – A Computer program for locating Earthquakes Locally, Regionally and Globally. Hawaii Institute of the Geophysics and Planetology, Honolulu, 70 pp. Antelope @ DiG Antelope @ ZAMGAntelope @ ARSO At the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Vienna the Antelope-software has been chosen 15 years ago as the main acquisition system for the National Seismological Service of Austria. Experience has shown, that the software can be easily adapted to local needs and allows easy control of data transmission processes and state-of-heath. Current developments involve the inclusion of a sophisticated crustal model to improve the location accuracy of seismic tremors on Austrian territory. The Antelope-software is also used in the EC-funded Project HAREIA, which also deals with installation of additional strong-motion stations in the partner regions of Tyrol, South Tyrol, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. All stations will be monitored and the data are being processed by the Antelope- software. Seismicity of the South-Eastern Alps region (data from ARSO catalog). The rectangle indicates the main historical events occurred in the area. Starting from 2000 the DiG manages 2 duplicates Antelope installations, one at DiG headquarters in Trieste and the second one at the SOR (Emergency room of the PCFVG headquarters in Palmanova). Both system run on high-availability SUN workstations. Thank to the facility in adapting the system to the users needs, new real-time procedures have been developed, both for civil protection purposes (alert system: e-mail, sms, WEB, etc.) and for scientific research. In particular, a procedure for a fast automatic Mw computation and ground motion parameters (PGA, PGV, PSA03, PSA10, PSA30, Arias and Housner) extraction has been written using perl and fortran90 Antelope interfaces (Gallo et al. 2010). A regional calibration of real-time ShakeMaps has been also implemented (Moratto et al., 2009). The Antelope software is also used to manage the DiG stations of the NE Italy Broadband Network and the accelerometric stations of the RAF*-RAN** integrated network (Costa et al., 2010) in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and to manage the relative accelerometric database. In addition to the connections with Interreg datacenters, DiG exchanges regional accelerometric data with the Antelope system running at the National Civil Protection headquarters in Rome and the ground motion parametric data with INGV in Rome. Antelope system is interfaced with SeisComP servers to exchange seismological data with INGV both in Trieste and Palmanova. *) Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network (DiG) **) National Accelerometric Network (National Civil Protection Department (DPC), Rome, Italy). New database tables developed at DiG. ( South-eastern Alps Integrated Network Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network (DiG) Seismic Network of Republic of Slovenia (ARSO) NE Italy Broadband Network (DiG/OGS) Seismic Network of Austria (ZAMG) Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto Seismometric Network (OGS) The Southeastern Alps Integrated Network. The triangles indicate the seismic stations and the black arrows indicate the redundant orb2orb connections among the seismological datacenters involved in the Interreg IIIa projects. ( The integrated accelerometric RAN-RAF Network in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. The Postojna stations is installed in collaboration with ARSO. In 2001 the Antelope software was adopted by Seismology and Geology Office at the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for management of the new slovenian seismic network. Automatic real time earthquake solutions are used for quick alerting while thorough analisys is done by manually picking the seismograms with Antelope’s dbpick program and locating with Hypocenter (Lienert, 1994). There are automatic procedures implemented for earthquake alerting and for data quality control by email, sms and web. Automatic event determinations are made available to the public through web page Seismic data are being shared in real time with Orfeus data center, with all the neighbouring countries and several other countries in Europe. To improve data recovery, low-cost industrial computers are being installed at seismic stations, running SeisComP and sending data to Antelope powered backup data center which was set up recently. Records of seismic stations within 100km from the epicenter of the last damaging earthquake in Slovenia (2004/07/12 13:04 Ml 4.9, near border with Italy and Austria). Foreign stations are dimmed. All the data were available in real time. Seismic data exchange diagram. Network codes folow country names. Seedlink data are being imported in Antelope ORB in real time. Relevant waveforms are routinely being picked for better location determinations. The intense collaboration among the seismological institutions involve in the Interreg IIIa projects continues in the framework of the Interreg IVa project “HAREIA – Historical and recent earthquakes in Italy and Austria”. One of the goals of the project is to integrate the transfrontalier network with 12 new strong-motion stations around the political borders, in order to monitor the faults which generated the main historical events in the area.

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