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Compliance Responsibility is every banker’s journey Chamber of Thrift Banks GMM June 11, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Compliance Responsibility is every banker’s journey Chamber of Thrift Banks GMM June 11, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compliance Responsibility is every banker’s journey Chamber of Thrift Banks GMM June 11, 2010


3 Training Objectives Empower Compliance Officers and Coordinators in understanding of their role and challenges Orient bank support officers on the value of Compliance.

4 Training Objectives Improve soft skills of Compliance officers to effectively discharge their functions Promote pro-active compliance culture in respective banks Support thrift banks achieve satisfactory CAMELS rating.

5 Compliance Function – A Dynamic Process Compliance Program Regulatory Bodies Compliance System Communications Monitor & Assess

6 COMPLIANCE FUNCTION Before CO EraAVOID ThisIDEAL Regulatory Pressures Line Officers’ Regulatory Knowledge Personnel Knowledge Compliance Officer Line Officers Personnel Line Officers’ Regulatory Knowledge Personnel Knowledge Compliance Officer Personnel Knowledge Line Officers Personnel

7 Compliance culture and Bank’s Journey to CAMELS 5 What is CAMELS Rating? Why Is it important? Where are we now? How do we get there? When do we go there?

8 Journey to CAMELS 5 must be owned by BANKER Regulatory Pressures for CAMELS 5 CAMELS RATING is DRIVEN from all areas of OPERATIONS BENEFITS OF STRONG CAMELS RATING IS for the whole BANK


10 Training Outline Module 1 Intro to Compliance –Responsibility & Compliance frame work –Compliance Soft Skills Module 2 Compliance Systems and Tools Module 3 Compliance Technical skills –MORB Basics –Understanding CAMELS Module 4 Reinforcing AML and EDD


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