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A tradition of skepticism…. In early history, people focused their efforts on gaining an understanding of the physical world.

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1 A tradition of skepticism…

2 In early history, people focused their efforts on gaining an understanding of the physical world.

3 Inquiries into the physical world  Ptolemy, 2 nd century BCE  Copernicus, 1500s CE  Galileo, 1600s  Newton, 1600s  His laws explained the movement of everything visible in the universe  But the church maintained that it was God who controlled the social world

4 But then people started to speculate that maybe the mysteries of the social world could also be examined in a scientific way!

5 First attempt: Auguste Comte, 1798-1857  1842- coined the term sociology  Argued people no longer understood the way things ought to be  Believed human greed and selfishness resulted in social chaos  Humans suffered from “intellectual anarchy”

6 First attempt: Auguste Comte, 1798-1857  Believed social chaos would be overcome when people accepted that knowledge should be based on scientific principles.  Sociologists would use the scientific method and advise people about how to live.

7 Origins of Modern Sociology: France’s Emile Durkheim  Even a society filled with selfish people would together because we need each other to survive.  “Collective conscience”  Worked for pre-modern societies  Modern society was different

8 Origins of Modern Sociology: France’s Emile Durkheim, 1858- 1917  In pre-modern society, people had been held together because of their likeness, but in modern society, held together by differences.

9 Origins of Modern Sociology: France’s Emile Durkheim  Paradox:  In modern society we want to be free but have no choice but to keep social ties  Society’s structure forces us to interact

10 Origins of Modern Sociology: France’s Emile Durkheim  Must focus on the nature of society itself!  Social phenomena do exist!  Social patterns do exist!  Social facts do exist!  Thus, his definition of sociology: the scientific study of social facts.  Durkheim’s definition of “social facts”- manners of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual, which are invested with a coercive power by virtue which they exercise control over him.

11 “social facts”- manners of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual, which are invested with a coercive power by virtue which they exercise control over him. Test this definition! Partner up and discuss: Are norms truly social facts? Test this for yourself. Does the rule or norm that one must wear clothing to class qualify as a social fact according to Durkheim’s definition? Explain why or why not.

12 Origins of Modern Sociology: Germany  Ferdinand Tonnies, 1855-1936  Agreed with Durkheim but with a twist: he wanted to understand how social relationships between people differed in pre-modern and modern societies

13 Tonnies concluded there are two categories of social relationships: “Gemeinschaft” “Gesellschaft”  Communal relationships  Social relationships that people enter into as ends in and of themselves  For emotional reasons  He thought pre-modern society was more like this.  Goal-driven relationships  Social relationships that people enter into as means to specific ends  For the purpose of achieving a goal  He thought modern society was more like this. Thus, the type of the relationship determines the rules of the relationship!

14 Test these definitions! Partner up and discuss: Which of the following types of relationships are most likely to be gemeinschaft? What about gesellschaft? a. Friend-friend b. Wife-husband c. Doctor-patient d. Retailer- customer e. Minister- parishioner f. Parent-child g. Worker-boss

15 Challenge question: Generally, the banker-client relationship in modern society is gesellschaft. Yet, from watching television advertisements for banks, one might conclude that the banker-client relationship is supposed to be gemeinschaft. For example, many banks seem to make a big deal of claiming to be “friendly bankers” or “good neighbors.”  Why would banks promote their services as gemeinschaft rather than gesellschaft?  What, if any, danger is there in thinking of your relationship with your banker as gemeinschaft when it is really gesellschaft?

16 Origins of Modern Sociology: Germany  Max Weber, 1864-1920  Liked Tonnies ideas about motives  “Rational behavior:” seeing each other as means to an end; rational as “calculating”

17 Individual think time:  Think about two things you do for what Weber would call rational reasons? In what respect are your motives rational?  Consider the flip side. Think about two things you do for what Weber might consider non- rational reasons? In what respect are your motives non-rational?

18 Weber observed that people choose efficient, rational behaviors in modern society.  Also observed that “society” looks down upon those who simply do things for enjoyment (non-rational).  Weber wanted to know why society seemed to drive us toward “rational” behaviors

19 Origins of Modern Sociology: Germany  Karl Marx  Did not see himself as a sociologist!  But, sociologists rank him as completely influential  Economics mattered  Class distinctions mattered  Economics was the driving force behind social decisions  Hence, a sociologist!

20 Origins of Modern Sociology: England  Herbert Spencer, 1820- 1903  Believed societies evolved  His work published six years BEFORE Darwin’s  “Social Darwinism”  Survival of the fittest  Can be deadly premise  His bottom line: the competition to survive will be won by “the best”

21 Sociology in the United States  US role in the field came later than Europe  1 st course at Yale  1 st sociology dept. at University of Chicago, 1892  American Sociological Association, 1905

22 Sociology in the United States  Different approach  Not focused on theories  Focused on solving specific social problems  Jane Addams  Social welfare reform (Hull House)  W.E.B. DuBois  Racial inequalities & ethnic differences  Wrote to expose injustices in order to remedy them

23 The Place of Sociology in Modern Society  Evolved to prominence by the end of the 19 th century  Social world viewed as worthy of study  By using scientific tools we could make sense of the social world.  Skepticism continues today…

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