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Learning, Leadership and Corporate Eminence ~ Rashmi Kapale.

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1 Learning, Leadership and Corporate Eminence ~ Rashmi Kapale

2 Case 1: Local Flavor SBI

3 Background India’s largest public sector bank. (and otherwise) More than 200 years old. More than 200,000 employees. Close to 13000 branches of own (total 17K) In 2005, one is three bank employee worked in SBI and related banks. 8 subsidiary banks associated with SBI.

4 Challenges In spite of being the largest bank, it was losing its market share. Internally the bank was suffering from low productivity and rigid internal processes. The bank was unable to attract young and affluent customers & its brand image was perceived as old and staid. Losing market share steadily, in 70s it was 35% and in early 21 st Century it was 15%. Ranking in “The Banker’s” has slid from 82 to 107. It had to serve dual masters -Serve country and government -Listed entity, hence to satisfy market expectations.

5 Way ahead Launching biggest project of its kind in association with Mc Kinsey and Co. Started with a 4 days outbound conclave. Last 2days for exercises of self discovery and team building to address the issue of employee morale. -Increasing Sales forces -Energizing Employees -Providing consistent and reliable customer service -Pushing for aggressive consolidation -Leapfrogging to new upgraded technology -Re energizing the branch/ distribution network -The name was born- Parivartan

6 How do they do that Conclaves and Video conferencing with-> CGMs, GMs AGMs- Meeting Face to face Union- Jodhpur Conclave To the end of stream- > with powerful message and seamless 2 days workshop with 4 objectives. Delivery was a huge challenge. Selection of 16 “Master Trainers”. 5 day course at State Bank Academy, Gurgaon to train 350 trainers. Parivartan in action for 5 days.

7 The Change In 2008, SBI became no 1 in India in terms of market cap overtaking ICICI Bank. SBI is now India’s 5 th largest company in terms of market cap compare to 14 th in 2006. SBI entered the Fortune 500 global list. By 2010, SBI had more than doubled its profits, deposits and advances. Won the Asian Banker Achievement award for the strongest bank in the Asia Pacific region.

8 Case 2: Global Essence ArcelorMittal

9 Background World’s number one steel company in terms of production. Leader in major global markets, including -Mining -Automotive -Construction -Household appliances -Energy -Packaging Around 300,000 employees Merger between Arcelor and Mittal in 2006.

10 Challenges Company culture Cross cultural differences Seamless transition of people across the hierarchy. -Management training -Global Alignment Bringing together the large number of diverse businesses and operations into one global collaborative firm. Replacing a group of unconnected training programs across different parts of the business with a cohesive global management development curriculum.

11 Work in Progress Corporate University of ArcelorMittal + Outside Talent development firm. Designed and developed 15 programs -21 st Century Leadership. Engaged 17K managers in 30 countries. 14 languages. 36 locally based consultants. Curriculum Zones: -Developing Myself -Developing Others -Developing Teams PMS- 100 trainings integrated into formal talent development process. Managers are briefed and trained to evaluate individual performance in globally consistent format.

12 Results Feedback from Corporate University and workshop participants collected. Supporting the client's strategic goal of unifying the firm and fostering a consistent approach. 96% positive feedback - I would rate this program either 'good' or 'excellent' -This program met my objectives -I would recommend this program to a colleague

13 Reason to celebrate One stop center of operations. Global Push….. Local Pull Seamless delivery of programs based on demand. Use of experienced trainers Constant customization of material to align with local demands, global challenges and commercial strategies. “Excellence in Practice” award from European Foundation.

14 Thank You !!

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