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1 Core Module Three – The Summative Report Core Module Three: The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Core Module Three – The Summative Report Core Module Three: The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Core Module Three – The Summative Report Core Module Three: The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report

2 2 Core Module Three – The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Part One: Opening

3 3 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Overall Goal of Module Three The overall goal of this module is to build understandings about the Summative Report Form for Experienced Teachers, its requirements, how to complete it and effective practice that transforms the summative report and its related procedures and processes into a meaningful vehicle for teacher growth and development focussed on high levels of student achievement.

4 4 In this module participants will: Learn about the revised Summative Report Form for Experienced Teachers and its requirements Participate in cooperative activities that highlight the important role that trust, professional dialogue and collaboration play in the development of the summative report Examine the relationship between the summative report and the components of the performance appraisal process for experienced teachers Continued… The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report

5 5 In this module participants will: Identify and reflect on effective appraisal practices related to classroom observation Practice writing meaningful comments that reinforce effective practice, provide direction for goal-setting and foster professional growth

6 6 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Participant Experience with Classroom Observation Work with a partner and on the index card you have been given: Partner One lists kinds of feedback a teacher might want from a principal observing a lesson in the classroom Partner Two lists what a principal might be looking for in a classroom observation Partners discuss responses to questions provided Partners work with their table group to identify effective classroom observation practices

7 7 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Part Two: Features and Requirements of the Summative Report

8 8 Features and Requirements of the Summative Report In the revised performance appraisal process for experienced teachers the summative report form has been strengthened to provide principals with a single document to record all aspects of the appraisal process The revised summative report form includes information previously recorded in the pre-observation and post- observation forms of the former performance appraisal process

9 9 Features and Requirements of the Summative Report The Summative Report Form for Experienced Teachers is a ministry-approved form that must be used to document the performance appraisal The Summative Report Form for Experienced Teachers must be used for each appraisal The duties of the principal may be delegated to a vice- principal in the same school or to an appropriate supervisory officer

10 10 Features and Requirements of the Summative Report In preparing the summative report, the principal must: consider all 16 competencies in assessing the teacher’s performance provide comments regarding the competencies identified in discussions* with the teacher as the focus of the performance appraisal *Notwithstanding the discussions held between the teacher and the principal the principal is required to assess teacher performance in relation to all 16 competencies and may comment on competencies other than those discussed

11 11 Features and Requirements of the Summative Report Using the ministry-approved Summative Report Form for Experienced Teachers the principal is required to: comment on the competencies identified in discussions with the teacher as the focus of the teacher’s performance appraisal (the principal may also comment on other competencies that were assessed through the performance appraisal) provide an overall rating of the teacher’s performance and recommend professional growth goals and strategies for the teacher to take into account in developing, reviewing and updating the teacher’s Annual Learning Plan

12 12 Features and Requirements of the Summative Report Principals collect evidence to support their appraisal of experienced teacher performance This evidence may be described in the summative report or attached as supporting documentation Teachers may also collect evidence to support their performance appraisal. This evidence may be noted in the summative report or attached as supporting documentation

13 13 The Summative Report Part Three: Effective Practice

14 14 Effective Practice The summative report documents the appraisal process and captures the professional dialogue between the teacher and principal and allows them to reflect on progress in the teacher’s development It becomes a vehicle for teacher reflection on their development and in the identification of growth goals in their ALP

15 15 Effective Practice The summative report form is a central component in the performance appraisal process for experienced teachers It incorporates and makes connections between and among all the key components of the appraisal including the 16 competencies, the Annual Learning Plan, the pre- observation and post-observation meetings, and the classroom observation

16 16 Performance Appraisal Framework for Experienced Teachers Professional Dialogue and Reflection on Practice Appraisal Meetings Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession Collective Vision of Professionalism That Guides Daily Practices Competency Statements Summative Report Annual Learning Plan Rating Scale Skills, Knowledge, and Attitudes Rating Decision and Identification of Strengths and Next Steps for Improvement Vehicle for Teachers’ Continuous Professional Learning Demonstrations of Performance in Relation to 16 Competencies Experienced Teacher Continuous Growth and Development

17 17 Effective Practice The performance appraisal process for experienced teachers is a dynamic one in which interaction and professional dialogue between teacher and principal are ongoing and the development of the summative report a central focus

18 18 Effective Practice At the same time that principals carry out their legal responsibilities in preparing the summative report they fulfil their role as instructional leaders by working collaboratively with teachers to focus the appraisal on teacher growth and development that brings about high levels of student achievement

19 19 The Summative Report Part Three: Working with the Summative Report

20 20 Working with the Summative Report Activity One: The Importance of Relational Trust Trust is a human virtue, cultivated through speech, conversation, commitments and action ~ Solomon and Flores

21 21 Working with the Summative Report Activity One: The Importance of Relational Trust According to Bryk and Schneider the following are the four vital signs for identifying and assessing trust in schools: respect, competence, personal regard and integrity Throughout the appraisal process, respect and trust are integral elements of a successful appraisal

22 22 Working with the Summative Report Activity Two: Preparing for the Pre-Observation Meeting The rapport between the principal and teacher will contribute to the success of the pre-observation meeting as they discuss the 16 competencies that form the basis of the performance appraisal and which of these competencies could be the focus of the classroom observation

23 23 Working with the Summative Report Activity Two: Preparing for the Pre-Observation Meeting In a climate of trust and mutual respect, a teacher feels comfortable sharing both features of the classroom program that are working well and those the teacher is concerned about, confident that the concerns would be heard in the spirit of collaboration and that support would be offered

24 24 Working with the Summative Report Activity Three: The Classroom Observation – Bringing the Competencies to Life Classroom observations are conducted on the premise that seeing a teacher in action provides the best data source for judging teaching effectiveness. ~ Stronge and Tucker

25 25 Working with the Summative Report Activity Four: Marg’s Classroom Observation A formal classroom observation is only one part of a comprehensive teacher performance appraisal. For some competencies evidence for assessment purposes may be obtained in other ways

26 26 Working with the Summative Report Activity Four: Marg’s Classroom Observation Case-based professional development involves using carefully chosen, real-world examples of teaching to serve as springboards for discussions among educators A good case is carefully designed and poses fundamental issues that reach beyond the particulars in the case and motivates ongoing reflection and inquiry

27 27 Working with the Summative Report Activity Four: Marg’s Classroom Observation Marg Dalhousie: Has been teaching in the intermediate division for 18 years Recently moved from northern Ontario to a new suburban school in southern Ontario Has a grade 8 homeroom class in her new school Must have at least one performance appraisal in her first year of employment with her new board

28 28 Working with the Summative Report Activity Five: The Post-observation Meeting – An Opportunity to Focus on Effective Practice Because the post-observation meeting component of the TPA process appraisal happens only once in a five-year evaluation cycle, it is important that it is a constructive and valuable experience for both teacher and principal

29 29 Working with the Summative Report Activity Six: Writing Comments that Motivate the Teacher The summative report is an important tool for providing feedback and direction for the teacher in a manner that motivates the teacher to a higher level of performance Teachers refer to the information in the summative report for guidance as they move towards their learning and improvement goals

30 30 Working with the Summative Report Activity Seven: Suggestions for Professional Growth and Development To be practical and constructive, professional goals and strategies should align with the competencies, build on the previous goals and strategies in the teacher’s ALP and support school improvement goals when possible

31 31 Working with the Summative Report Activity Eight: Putting It All Together The revised performance appraisal process for experienced teachers supports teacher professional growth and development on a continuous basis throughout an experienced teacher’s career It is a process rather than an event supported year by year by the development and ongoing maintenance of the ALP

32 32 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Part Five: Closing

33 33 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Guided Reflection Reflection is what allows us to learn from our experience: it is an assessment of where we have been and where we want to go next. ~ Kenneth Wolf

34 34 The Role of Professional Dialogue and Collaboration in the Summative Report Food for Thought

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