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GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA Public Sector Modernisation Division Cabinet Office
Public Sector Modernisation Division
PMAS OBJECTIVES Institutionalise the principles of service, output and outcome oriented operations Create systems and processes to support delivery of services in a more efficient and effective manner Increase motivation of staff clearly define contribution to the organisation reward high performance and achievement Higher levels of productivity Public Sector Modernisation Division
Public Sector Modernisation Division
PMAS =CULTURE CHANGE New performance culture with greater emphasis on: development of human resources optimum utilisation of human resources client focused and results oriented Public Service Public Sector Modernisation Division
Guiding Principles/Values
Effective Communication Objectivity Transparency Fairness Equitable Treatment Mutual Respect Public Sector Modernisation Division
GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA PRIORITIES (Key Government Objectives) MINISTRY’S STRATEGIC PLAN (Goals and objectives in line with Key Government Objectives) BUDGET ALLOCATIONS (Prioritised resources in line with government objectives – estimated initially and known thereafter) DEPARTMENT’S OPERATIONAL PLAN AND ANNUAL BUDGET (Goals and objectives for a given Financial Year) UNIT PLANS (How each unit within the Department will contribute to the implementation of the annual plan) INDIVIDUAL WORK PLAN OBJECTIVES OR KEY TASKS (What each individual is expected to contribute towards the achievement of objectives) (Includes performance measures/indicators/targets that indicate task completion/success) change in priorities/budget allocation will lead to revision of the operational and individual work plans Public Sector Modernisation Division
How Is the New System Different?
Objective basis for the appraisal Clarity in performance expectation and contribution by the individual job contribution to the achievement of divisional and subsequently organisation’s objectives performance standards expected in delivering on outputs Results of the appraisal provide useful information performance improvement, skills enhancement career development and/or succession planning Public Sector Modernisation Division
How Is the New System Different?
Improves communication between Manager/supervisor and direct reports regular performance reviews, feedback and adjustments performance reviewed against mutually agreed outputs and performance standards training and development needs identified fosters more open and participative environment Provides for Recognition, Rewards and Sanctions good performance recognised improvement encouraged sanctions for performance below a minimum standard Public Sector Modernisation Division
Pre-requisites for PMAS Implementation: Leadership Elements
Top management must understand and support the objectives and guiding principles of the system give active and consistent commitment, support and leadership to its development and implementation. responsible for Change Management A functioning internal implementation management team appropriately constituted Trained have specific responsibility for managing PMAS implementation and Change Management activities across the organisation. A PMAS Core Project Team (headed by the Senior Director Human Resource Management) trained in the writing of output focused job descriptions, performance standards and the development of work plans undertakes the actual implementation work. Public Sector Modernisation Division
Pre-requisites for PMAS Implementation: Organisational Elements
Change Management Plan importance of the PMAS is promoted implementation actively supported by all the executives, managers and supervisors anxiety minimised or avoided Communication Plan everyone in the organisation has a clear understanding of the change taking place what is required of them Public Sector Modernisation Division
Pre-requisites for PMAS Implementation: Organisational Elements
Strategic Plan or one into which it is linked Operational and Divisional Plans must be linked to that Strategic Plan Gap Analysis related to the human resource management and planning systems to determine the Pre-PMAS implementation situation Written and approved Output focused Job descriptions that identify the accountabilities of each position in the organisation Work plans that indicate what is required of an individual in any given financial year Public Sector Modernisation Division
Pre-requisites for PMAS Implementation: Organisational Elements
Managers and supervisors must have been trained in key management competencies such as work plan development coaching mentoring mediation giving and receiving feedback counselling techniques conducting performance appraisals Public Sector Modernisation Division
Roles & Responsibilities: PS/Chief Officer
Clarify the organisation’s mandate and plan for the year Ensure work environment is organised for optimum productivity Ensure policies and procedures support the desired culture change Provide effective leadership, giving clear consistent direction Foster team spirit & cohesion Regularly discuss performance expectations, changing priorities and resource allocation with Managers Monitor performance for corrective action Share and discuss information on rewards and sanctions Public Sector Modernisation Division
Roles & Responsibilities: Managers/Supervisors
Ensure knowledge of the organisation’s mandate and plan for the year Provide effective leadership, giving clear consistent direction Promote the culture change Ensure work is organised Foster team spirit & cohesion Discuss performance expectations & assessment criteria (work plans) Communicate changing priorities and resource allocation to staff Give regular feedback on performance Facilitate/Provide opportunities for training & development to enhance performance before and after formal performance review Share and discuss information on rewards and sanctions Public Sector Modernisation Division
EPMAT (Employee Performance Management & Appraisal Team)
Develop a comprehensive Change Management Plan: plan of action for implementation of the PMAS across the organisation sensitisation of employees - rationale and benefits of the PMAS, opportunities for employees to discuss how the proposed changes will affect them Attend the relevant training/briefing sessions and transfer knowledge gained into concerted action Participate in the conduct of PMAS Sensitisation sessions Identify and make available/seek to make available, the critical resources to ensure implementation Hold regular monthly meetings (or more frequently as necessary) to monitor implementation against agreed targets Prepare a monthly implementation status report against targets Make recommendations with respect to changes thought necessary, post PMAS implementation The EPMAT must operate as a cohesive whole and demonstrate commitment as it leads the performance culture change process in the organization Public Sector Modernisation Division
Roles & Responsibilities: Core Project Team
Undertake the following by working with all levels of staff: draft output focused job descriptions discuss drafts with incumbents and finalise them based on the approval of their respective Managers/Unit Heads Guide/support managers and supervisors, through coaching and other mechanisms to: Develop work plans with outputs and performance standards that are clearly linked to Unit Plans (which in turn are linked to the operational and corporate plans of the organisation) Deliver in-house training and coaching sessions as necessary Help promote the culture change Give regular feedback to EPMAT on implementation issues Public Sector Modernisation Division
Role & Responsibilities: Employee
Maintain/improve knowledge & skills Maintain awareness of operating environment & organisation’s mandate Know & understand scope of responsibilities & duties Give feedback on performance expectations and assessment criteria Give feedback on constraints to achieving targets Produce & maintain high quality of output Public Sector Modernisation Division
Roles & Responsibilities: Reviewing Manager
Ensure equitable treatment Help resolve any disagreement which may result from the assessment process Public Sector Modernisation Division
Roles & Responsibilities: Human Resource Manager
Ensure knowledge of the PMAS Facilitate exercise of manger’s/supervisor’s responsibilities Facilitate employee development Manage career and succession planning Act as resource for all staff Ensure employee performance appraisal records are kept and maintained Monitor the system Ensure appropriate follow-up action is taken Public Sector Modernisation Division
Public Sector Modernisation Division
Steps in the Performance Management System Public Sector Modernisation Division
Step 4: December/January Step 3: September/October
Step 1: March/April Supervisor & Employee develop & agree on performance objectives/ targets Step 2: June/July Review performance in relation to targets & agree appropriate adjustments/ action Step 5: March/April Annual Review, Setting targets for new financial year, including those in relation to training & development Step 4: December/January Review performance in relation to targets & agree appropriate adjustments/ action Step 3: September/October Review performance in relation to targets & agree appropriate adjustments/ action
Public Sector Modernisation Division
Recourse & Redress Public Sector Modernisation Division
Public Sector Modernisation Division
Step 1: The Employee & Direct Supervisor should try to resolve the issue Step 2: The Employee, Direct Supervisor & Reviewing Manager should try to resolve the issue Step 3: The intervention of the Senior Human Resource Manager should be sought Step 4: If there is still no resolution, a Panel will be appointed to adjudicate the appeal Step 5: The recommendation of the Panel will be presented to the Permanent Secretary for a final ruling. Legal action may be pursued if there is a point of Law in question. Public Sector Modernisation Division
Public Sector Modernisation Division
Final Appraisal Early April No surprises Based on: the latest revised work plan and performance against: Targets agreed Competencies demonstrated Overall score ≥ 75% the increment is paid ≥ 80% recognition and/or rewards may be given Improvement and Development needs identified Appraisal is reviewed by another senior manager (where applicable) Public Sector Modernisation Division
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