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Performance Management Systems

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2 Performance Management Systems
Chapter 11

3 Chapter Overview Understanding Performance
Performance Appraisal: Definition and Uses Performance Appraisal Methods Potential Errors in Performance Appraisals Overcoming Errors in Performance Appraisals Providing Feedback through the Appraisal Interview Developing Performance Improvement Plans Performance Appraisal and the Law Summary of Learning Objectives 11-3

4 Performance Management Systems
Performance management systems that are directly tied to an organization’s reward system Provide a powerful incentive for employees to work diligently and creatively toward achieving organizational objectives When properly designed and implemented, performance management systems let employees Know how well they are presently performing Clarify what needs to be done to improve performance 11-4

5 Understanding Performance
Degree of accomplishment of the tasks that make up an employee’s job Reflects how well an employee is fulfilling requirements of a job Often confused with effort, which refers to energy expended, performance is measured in terms of results 11-5

6 Determinants of Performance
Job performance is net effect of an employee’s effort as modified by abilities and role (or task) perceptions Performance in a given situation can be viewed as resulting from interrelationships among effort, abilities, and role perceptions Effort – Results from being motivated Refers to amount of energy (physical and/or mental) an individual uses in performing a task Abilities – Are personal characteristics used in performing a job Usually do not fluctuate widely over short periods of time Role (task) perceptions – Refer to direction(s) in which individuals believe they should channel their effort on their jobs Activities and behaviors people believe are necessary in the performance of their jobs define their role perceptions 11-6

7 Determinants of Performance
To attain an acceptable level of performance, a minimum level of proficiency must exist in each of the performance components Level of proficiency in any one performance component can place an upper boundary on performance If employees put forth tremendous effort and have excellent abilities, but lack a clear understanding of their roles, performance will probably not be good in the eyes of their managers Much work will be produced, but it will be misdirected 11-7

8 Determinants of Performance
An employee who puts forth a high degree of effort and understands the job but lacks ability probably will rate low on performance An employee who has a good ability and understanding of the role but is lazy and expends little effort Employee’s performance will likely be low An employee can compensate up to a point for a weakness in one area by being above average in one or both of the other areas 11-8

9 Environmental Factors as Performance Obstacles
Other factors beyond the control of the employee can also stifle performance Such obstacles are sometimes used merely as excuses, they are very real and should be recognized Common potential performance obstacles include Employee’s lack of time or conflicting demands upon it Inadequate work facilities and equipment Restrictive policies that affect the job Lack of cooperation from others Type of supervision Temperature, lighting, noise, machine or equipment pacing Shifts Even luck 11-9

10 Environmental Factors as Performance Obstacles
Environmental factors should be viewed not as direct determinants of individual performance but as modifying the effects of effort, ability, and direction Poor ventilation or worn-out equipment may well affect the effort an individual expends Unclear policies or poor supervision can also produce misdirected effort A lack of training can result in underutilized abilities One of management’s greatest responsibilities is to provide Employees with adequate working conditions A supportive environment to eliminate or minimize performance obstacles 11-10

11 Responsibilities of the Human Resource Department in Performance Management
Responsibilities of the human resource department are Design the performance management system and select the methods and forms to be used for appraising employees Train managers in conducting performance appraisals Maintain a reporting system to ensure that appraisals are conducted on a timely basis Maintain performance appraisal records for individual employees Responsibilities of managers in performance appraisals are to Evaluate the performance of employees Complete the forms used in appraising employees and return them to the human resource department Review appraisals with employees Establish a plan for improvement with employees 11-11

12 Performance Appraisal: Definition And Uses
Process of evaluating and communicating to an employee how he or she is performing the job and establishing a plan for improvement When properly conducted They let employees know how well they are performing Influence their future level of effort and task direction Effort should be enhanced if good performance is positively reinforced Task perception of the employee should be clarified through establishing a plan for improvement Common uses of performance appraisals is for making administrative decisions relating to promotions, firings, layoffs, and merit pay increases An employee’s present job performance is often the most significant consideration for determining whether to promote the person 11-12

13 Performance Appraisal: Definition And Uses
Performance appraisal information can Provide needed input for determining both individual and organizational training and development needs These data can then be used to help determine the organization’s overall training and development needs For individual employees, completed performance appraisal should include a plan outlining specific training and development needs Performance appraisals can also be used to encourage performance improvement Used as a means of communicating to employees how they are doing Suggesting needed changes in behavior, attitude, skills, or knowledge 11-13

14 Performance Appraisal: Definition And Uses
Feedback clarifies for employees manager’s job expectations Feedback must be followed by coaching and training Information from performance appraisals can be used as Input to validation of selection procedures Input to human resource planning How often to conduct performance appraisals No real consensus on how frequently performance appraisals should be done In general, as often as necessary to let employees know What kind of job they are doing If performance is not satisfactory, measures that must be taken for improvement It is recommended that informal performance appraisals be conducted two or three times a year in addition to an annual formal performance appraisal 11-14

15 Performance Appraisal Methods
Whatever method of performance appraisal an organization uses, it must be job related Prior to selecting a performance appraisal method, an organization must conduct job analyses and develop job descriptions Methods of performance appraisals include Management by objectives (MBO) Multi-rater assessment (or 360-degree feedback) Graphic rating scale Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) Critical-incident appraisal Essay appraisal Checklist Forced-choice rating Ranking methods Work standards approach 11-15

16 Management by Objectives (MBO)
More commonly used with professional and managerial employees Consists of Establishing clear and precisely defined statements of objectives for the work to be done by an employee Establishing an action plan indicating how these objectives are to be achieved Allowing employee to implement the action plan Measuring objective achievement Taking corrective action when necessary Establishing new objectives for the future Other names for MBO include management by results, performance management, results management, and work planning and review program 11-16

17 Management by Objectives (MBO)
For this system to be successful, several requirements must be met Objectives should be quantifiable and measurable Objectives whose attainment cannot be measured or at least verified should be avoided where possible Objectives should also be challenging yet achievable, and they should be expressed in writing and in clear, concise, unambiguous language Employees participate in objective-setting process Employee’s active participation is also essential in developing the action plan Objectives and action plan must serve as a basis for regular discussions between manager and employee concerning employee’s performance Provide an opportunity for manager and employee to discuss progress and modify objectives when necessary 11-17

18 Examples of How to Improve Work Objects

19 Typical Areas of Supervisory Objectives

20 Multi-Rater Assessment (or 360-Degree Feedback)
Managers, peers, customers, suppliers, or colleagues are asked to complete questionnaires on the employee being assessed Person assessed also completes a questionnaire Questionnaires are generally lengthy. Typical questions are: “Are you crisp, clear, and articulate? Abrasive? Spreading yourself too thin?” Human resources department provides results to the employee, who in turn gets to see how his or her opinion differs from those of the group doing the assessment 11-20

21 Graphic Rating Scale Requires rater to indicate on a scale where the employee rates on factors such as Quantity of work Dependability Job knowledge Cooperativeness Rating scales include both numerical ranges and written descriptions Potential weakness Evaluators are unlikely to interpret written descriptions in the same manner due to differences in background, experience, and personality Choice of rating categories It is possible to choose categories that have little relationship to job performance Omit categories that have a significant influence on job performance 11-21

22 Sample Items on a Graphic Rating Scale

23 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
Determines an employee’s level of performance based on whether or not certain specifically described job behaviors are present Focus of BARS is not on performance outcomes but on functional behaviors demonstrated on the job Assumption is that these functional behaviors will result in effective job performance Job dimensions – Means broad categories of duties and responsibilities that make up a job Each job is likely to have several job dimensions, and separate scales must be developed for each Scale values – Define specific categories of performance Anchors – Specific written statements of actual behaviors that, when exhibited on the job, indicate the level of performance on the scale opposite that particular anchor 11-23

24 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
Rating performance using a BARS requires Rater to read list of anchors on each scale to find the group of anchors that best describe the employee’s job behavior during the period being reviewed Scale value opposite the group of anchors is then checked. Process is followed for all the identified dimensions of the job Total evaluation combines the scale values checked for all job dimensions BARSs are normally developed following these steps: Managers and job incumbents identify relevant job dimensions for the job Managers and job incumbents write behavioral anchors for each job dimension As many anchors as possible should be written for each dimension Managers and job incumbents reach consensus concerning scale values to be used and grouping of anchor statements for each scale value 11-24

25 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
Advantages BARSs are developed through active participation of both managers and job incumbents Anchors are developed from observations and experiences of employees who actually perform the job Increases the likelihood that the method will be accepted BARSs can be used to provide specific feedback concerning an employee’s job performance Drawbacks Takes considerable time and commitment to develop Separate forms must be developed for different jobs From a technical point of view, BARS is a graphic rating scale that was developed to help overcome errors in performance appraisals 11-25

26 Example of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

27 Critical-Incident Appraisal
Rater keeps a written record of incidents that illustrate both positive and negative employee behaviors Rater then uses these incidents as a basis for evaluating the employee’s performance Incidents recorded should involve job behaviors illustrating both satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance of employee being rated Drawback Rater is required to jot down incidents regularly, which can be burdensome and time-consuming Definition of a critical incident is unclear and may be interpreted differently by different people Method may lead to friction between manager and employees when employees believe manager is keeping a “book” on them 11-27

28 Essay Appraisal Rater prepares a written statement describing an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and past performance Requires that evaluation describe an employee’s performance in written narrative form Instructions are often provided as to the topics to be covered Typical essay appraisal question might be “Describe, in your own words, this employee’s performance, including quantity and quality of work, job knowledge, and ability to get along with other employees.” “What are the employee’s strengths and weaknesses?” Drawback Their length and content can vary considerably, depending on rater Essay appraisals are difficult to compare Writing skill of appraiser can also affect appraisal It is possible to use a critical incident method to support essay methods however 11-28

29 Checklist Rater answers with a yes-or-no a series of questions about the behavior of the employee Checklist can also assign varying weights to each question Normally, human resource department keeps the scoring key for the checklist method Evaluator is generally not aware of weights associated with each question Drawbacks Raters can see positive or negative connotation of each question, which introduces bias It is time-consuming to assemble questions for each job category Separate listing of questions must be developed for each job category Checklist questions can have different meanings for different raters 11-29

30 Sample Checklist Questions

31 Forced-Choice Rating Requires rater to rank a set of statements describing how an employee carries out the duties and responsibilities of the job Statements are normally weighted Rater generally does not know the weights After rater ranks all the forced-choice statements, human resource department applies weights and computes a score Attempts to eliminate evaluator bias by forcing rater to rank statements that are seemingly indistinguishable or unrelated Drawbacks Been reported to irritate raters, who feel they are not being trusted Results of forced-choice appraisal can be difficult to communicate to employees 11-31

32 Sample Set of Forced-Choice Statements

33 Ranking Methods Performance of an employee is ranked relative to the performance of others Three of the more commonly used ranking methods are Alternation Paired comparison Forced distribution 11-33

34 Alternation Ranking Lists names of employees to be rated on the left side of a sheet of paper Rater chooses most valuable employee on the list, crosses that name off the left-hand list, and puts it at the top of the column on the right-hand side of the paper Appraiser then selects and crosses off name of least valuable employee from left-hand column and moves it to bottom of right-hand column Rater repeats this process for all names on the left-hand side of the paper Resulting list of names in right-hand column gives a ranking of employees from most to least valuable 11-34

35 Paired Comparison Ranking
Best illustrated with an example Suppose a rater is to evaluate six employees; their names are listed on the left side of a sheet of paper Evaluator then compares first employee with second employee on a chosen performance criterion, such as quantity of work If he or she believes the first employee has produced more work than second employee, a check mark is placed by the first employee’s name Rater then compares the first employee to the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth employee on the same performance criterion, placing a check mark by the name of employee who produced most work in each paired comparison 11-35

36 Paired Comparison Ranking
Process is repeated until each employee has been compared to every other employee on all of the chosen performance criteria Employee with most check marks is considered to be best performer Employee with fewest check marks is lowest performer Drawback It becomes unwieldy when comparing more than five or six employees 11-36

37 Force Distribution Requires rater to compare performance of employees and place a certain percentage of employees at various performance levels Assumes performance level in a group of employees will be distributed according to a bell-shaped, or “normal,” curve Drawback In small groups of employees, a bell-shaped distribution of performance may not be applicable Even where distribution may approximate a normal curve, it is probably not a perfect curve This means some employees probably will not be rated accurately Ranking methods differ dramatically from other methods in that one employee’s performance evaluation is a function of performance of other employees in the job Civil Service Reform Act does not permit use of ranking methods for federal employees 11-37

38 Forced-Distribution Curve

39 Work Standards Involves setting a standard or an expected level of output and then comparing each employee’s level to the standard Most frequently used for production employees and is a form of goal setting for these employees Work standards should reflect average output of a typical employee Attempt to define a fair day’s output Advantage Performance review is based on highly objective factors To be effective, affected employees must view standards as being fair Drawback Lack of comparability of standards for different job categories 11-39

40 Frequently Used Methods for Setting Work Standards

41 Potential Errors In Performance Appraisals
Leniency Occurs when a manager’s ratings are grouped at the positive end instead of being spread throughout the performance scale Central tendency Tendency of a manager to rate most employees’ performance near the middle of the performance scale Recency Tendency of a manager to evaluate employees on work performed most recently, usually one or two months prior to evaluation These errors make it difficult to compare ratings from different raters 11-41

42 Potential Errors In Performance Appraisals
Halo effect Occurs when a rater allows a single prominent characteristic of an employee to influence his or her judgment on each separate item in the performance appraisal Results in employee receiving approximately same rating on every item Personal preferences, prejudices, and biases can also cause errors in performance appraisals Managers with biases or prejudices tend to look for employee behaviors that conform to their biases Appearance, social status, dress, race, and sex have influenced many performance appraisals Managers have also allowed first impressions to influence later judgments of an employee People tend to retain these impressions even when faced with contradictory evidence 11-42

43 Overcoming Errors In Performance Appraisals
One approach to overcoming errors is to make refinements in the design of appraisal methods One could say that forced-distribution method of performance appraisal attempts to overcome errors of leniency and central tendency Behaviorally anchored rating scales are designed to reduce halo, leniency, and central tendency errors as they provide managers with specific examples of performance against which to evaluate It does not appear likely that refining appraisal instruments will totally overcome errors in performance appraisals Since refined instruments frequently do not overcome all the obstacles 11-43

44 Overcoming Errors In Performance Appraisals
Another approach to overcoming errors is to improve the skills of raters Suggestions on specific training to be given to evaluators, although vague, normally emphasize that evaluators should be trained to observe behavior more accurately and judge it more fairly More research is needed before a definitive set of topics for rater training can be established At a minimum, raters should receive training in Performance appraisal method(s) used by company Importance of rater’s role in total appraisal process Use of performance appraisal information Communication skills necessary to provide feedback to employee 11-44

45 Providing Feedback Through the Appraisal Interview
Unless feedback interview is properly conducted, it can and does result in an unpleasant experience for both manager and employee To prepare for it, the manager should answer the following questions: What results should the interview achieve? What good contributions is the employee making? Is the employee working up to his or her potential? Is the employee clear about the manager’s performance expectations? What training does the employee need to improve? What strengths does the employee have that can be built on or improved? 11-45

46 Providing Feedback Through the Appraisal Interview
In addition, the manager should remember several basic guidelines in conducting the interview: Manager must know the employee’s job description Evaluation must be based on employee’s performance and not on his or her personality Manager must be positive and build on the employee’s strengths Manager must be candid and specific Manager must listen to the employee as well as presenting her or his own views Manager must elicit employee feedback on how to improve performance 11-46

47 Factors Influencing Success or Failure of Appraisal Interviews
More the employees are allowed to participate in the appraisal process, the more Satisfied they will be with the appraisal interview Satisfied they will be with the manager Likely they will be to accept and meet performance improvement objectives More a manager uses positive motivational techniques, the more satisfied the employee is likely to be with appraisal interview and with manager Manager and employee mutually setting specific performance improvement objectives results in better performance than when managers use a general discussion or criticism 11-47

48 Factors Influencing Success or Failure of Appraisal Interviews
Discussing and solving problems hampering employee’s current job performance improve employee’s performance More the thought and preparation that both manager and employee devote before the appraisal interview, greater the benefits of the interview More the employee perceives that performance appraisal results are tied to organizational rewards, the more beneficial the interview will be 11-48

49 Developing Performance Improvement Plans
Step of including a performance improvement plan in a completed performance appraisal is often ignored Managers must recognize that an employee’s development is a continuous cycle of Setting performance goals Providing training necessary to achieve goals Assessing performance related to accomplishing goals Setting new, higher goals 11-49

50 Developing Performance Improvement Plans
Performance improvement plan consists of the following components: Where are we now? Answered in the performance appraisal process Where do we want to be? Requires evaluator and person being evaluated to mutually agree on areas that can and should be improved How does the employee get from where he or she is now to where he or she wants to be? Critical to performance improvement plan Manager and employee must agree upon specific steps to be taken May include training employee to improve his or her performance May include how evaluator will help employee achieve performance goals 11-50

51 Performance Appraisal and the Law
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act permits use of a bona fide performance appraisal system Generally not considered to be bona fide when their application results in adverse effects on minorities, women, or older employees Number of court cases have ruled that performance appraisal systems used by organizations were discriminatory and not job related Brito et al. v. Zia Company Mistretta v. Sandia Corporation Chamberlain v. Bissel, Inc. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins 11-51

52 Performance Appraisal and the Law
Some suggestions that have been offered for making performance appraisal systems more legally acceptable include Deriving the content of the appraisal system from job analyses Emphasizing work behaviors rather than personal traits Ensuring that the results of appraisals are communicated to employees Ensuring that employees are allowed to give feedback during the appraisal interview Training managers in how to conduct proper evaluations Ensuring that appraisals are written, documented, and retained Ensuring that personnel decisions are consistent with the performance appraisals 11-52

53 Summary of Learning Objectives
Define performance Define performance appraisal Explain management by objectives Describe multi-rater assessment Describe the graphic rating scale Explain critical-incident appraisal Describe essay appraisal Describe the checklist method of performance appraisal Explain the forced-choice method of performance appraisal Describe the work standards approach to performance appraisal Define leniency, central tendency, recency, and the halo effect 11-53

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