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REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA CIVIL SERVANTS AGENCY Civil Servant Appraisal in the Republic of Macedonia Ms. Biljana NIKOLOVSKA-ŽAGAR, State Advisor for legal.

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1 REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA CIVIL SERVANTS AGENCY Civil Servant Appraisal in the Republic of Macedonia Ms. Biljana NIKOLOVSKA-ŽAGAR, State Advisor for legal affairs 22 – 23 November 2010 – Danilovgrad, Crna Gora

2 Introduction The appraisal is a continuous process, aimed at presenting the real picture on the competence, quality, efficiency and effectiveness in performing official duties, that is, fulfilling working objectives set forth. The appraisal aims to strengthen the responsibility of the civil servants and improve the quality of their work 2

3 Legal framework Law on civil servants Rulebook on the manner and procedure of civil servants appraisal, the contents of appraisal reports and forms “Official Gazette of РМ” No.19/06) Guidelines, issued by the Civil Servants Agency 3

4 The appraisal process The performance appraisal is carried out for all civil servants, except for the Secretary General The appraisal is carried out by the immediate superior of the civil servant The civil servant is appraised with one the following grades: outstanding, satisfactory, partially satisfactory and unsatisfactory Performance appraisal is a basis for the civil servants exercise of certain rights - speedier promotion in the horizontal and vertical career levels - reassignment to a lower position - termination of employment by force of law 4

5 CSA`s role in the appraisal process (1) In addition to the relevant acts, providing expert opinions, recommendations and consultations to the state bodies that have encountered difficulties in carrying out the procedure and proposing solutions for overcoming them 5

6 CSA`s role in the appraisal process (2) Providing constant reminding to the bodies failing to complete the obligation and need of appraisal procedure to do so within the legally set time frame with strong support by the Government 6

7 CSA`s role in the appraisal process (3) Carrying out training courses for civil servants and Preparing Analysis on the Civil Servants Appraisal for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 7

8 Recomandations (1) Intensifying regular and continuous cooperation between the civil service bodies and the Civil servants Agency; Completing the staffing of the departments/units of human resources management ; 8

9 Recomandation (2) Organizing as many workshops /consultative meetings as possible as to practically demonstrate the procedure of civil servant appraisal, discuss the difficulties in its carrying out and identifying solutions for their overcoming; 9

10 Recomandation (3) Raising awareness of the significance of the civil servants appraisal at all levels, especially with the Secretaries and officials in the capacity of appraisers Keeping the appraisers not to leave on another assignment, job, upon their mandate termination and dismissal notice, without completing the obligation of civil servants appraisal 10

11 Conclusion Having in mind fiscal implications on the Budget of the Republic of Macedonia (payment of salary supplement and rewards), to insist on TRUE appraisal of civil servants 11

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