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Expository Writing Continues…  Comparison/ Contrast Essay  Consider two objects, people, animals, situations, concepts  Discuss differences (Contrast)

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Presentation on theme: "Expository Writing Continues…  Comparison/ Contrast Essay  Consider two objects, people, animals, situations, concepts  Discuss differences (Contrast)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Expository Writing Continues…  Comparison/ Contrast Essay  Consider two objects, people, animals, situations, concepts  Discuss differences (Contrast)  Discuss similarities (Compare)  Why? It will benefit you throughout life.

2 How will comparing & contrasting benefit me?  Comparing & contrasting can help you decide which college to attend: Partee University versus Studyville College  Comparing & contrasting can help you decide where to live Minneapolis, MN versus New York City

3  Comparing & contrasting can help you decide which marriage proposal to accept: Melvin Stablemore versus Leon “Lucky” Lamore

4 How do I write a comparison- contrast essay?  Step one – Start your pre-write with a graphic organizer. The Venn diagram works well for Comparison-Contrast.  Step two – Brain storm all the differences and similarities.  Step three – Fill in the Venn with as much detail as possible.

5 Partee University versus Studyville College ~Great professors ~Several majors ~Excellent reputation ~High graduation rate ~Great parties ~Highest rate of freshman flunk outs ~Reputation for awesome spring break Both have classes Both serve meals Both have dorms Partee University StudyvilleCollege

6 Step four– Outline your plan. Introductory paragraph  Decide on a hook. (Engage the reader) ~Not all colleges are the same; to truly experience the full impact of a college, it is well worth the effort of visiting in person.  Include some background information. (What are you comparing & contrasting?) ~Just consider Partee University and Studyville College-- two diverse campus experiences.  Decide on a thesis statement.(Main idea. Establishes basis for remainder of essay) ~ By visiting in person, a potential student will experience the atmosphere and and culture of the campus.

7 Body paragraphs  1 st body– Differences– Experiences unique to Studyville College. (Atmosphere and culture)  2 nd body– Differences– Experiences unique to Partee University (Atmosphere and culture)  3 rd body– Similarities—Experiences common to both colleges. (Atmosphere and culture)

8 Concluding paragraph  Summarize my main points. ~Atmosphere and culture of Studyville College. ~Atmosphere and culture of Partee University. ~Discuss common findings at both colleges.  Reemphasize my main idea, which I stated in my thesis statement. ~ A campus visit is a potential student’s best chance of getting a feel for that college’s environment.  Closure ~ Partee or Studyville? The choice is a personal and life-changing decision. A campus visit is essential for deciding one’s collegiate best fit..

9 Your topic…  Compare & Contrast the experience of being white to being black in 1930s rural Alabama. Choose one black character and one white character from the book.

10 Expository Writing Prompt.  Steve Harmon is in prison when we first meet him. We learn of his life outside of prison through flashbacks.  Compare & Contrast life in prison to life outside of prison.

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