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Fermilab New Tuner J. Reid M. Slabaugh August 6, 2014 J. Reid 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermilab New Tuner J. Reid M. Slabaugh August 6, 2014 J. Reid 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermilab New Tuner J. Reid M. Slabaugh August 6, 2014 J. Reid 1

2 Fermilab New Tuner Plans Built one new tuner with all new toroids from National using both low and high mu cores. Done Measure electrical properties of bare tuner. Done Install new tuner on a refurbished cavity and high power test. Done –Installed as a back tuner on cavity 1006. –Installed in Booster station 12 on. Write requisition for additional high mu toroids – in progress –Going to order 250 high mu toroids per our specification. –Order will be written such that National will first deliver 60 toroids for Fermi to test under LL & HL conditions. This will be enough to build 3 completely new tuners (need 10 toroids per tuner). After successful testing we will release the order for the remaining 190 toroids. Write requisition for 150 additional low mu toroids. August 6, 2014J. Reid 2

3 Fermilab New Tuner ~ 2 weeks to assembleAD Technicians Procedure (traveler) is mostly complete Need to work on fixtures and fabrication August 6, 2014J. Reid 3

4 Fermilab New Tuner August 6, 2014J. Reid 4

5 Fermilab 30 MHz August 6, 2014J. Reid 5 Bias Current in Amps Tuner Impedance in Ohms New Tuner Original Tuner

6 Fermilab 35MHz August 6, 2014J. Reid 6 New Tuner Original Tuner

7 Fermilab 40MHz August 6, 2014J. Reid 7 New Tuner Original Tuner

8 Fermilab 50MHz August 6, 2014J. Reid 8

9 Fermilab 53 MHz August 6, 2014J. Reid 9 Original Tuner

10 Fermilab August 6, 2014J. Reid 10 Tuner Stem Temperatures Booster RF Cavity operating at nominal gradient - indicating tuner stem temperature rise from a cold start. Green trace is the new tuner with new ferrite. Noise on trace is not real.

11 Fermilab Conclusion First new tuner with all new ferrites from National (both low mu & high mu) has been high power tested on a standard Booster RF cavity. –Overall performance of new tuner is consistent compared to the original ferrite tuners. –Graphs of impedance vs bias current (~200 amps to 2200 amps) over the present Booster’s frequency range (37MHz to 52.8MHz) show very similar characteristics. –Purchase requisition is written for 250 high mu toroids. Purchase requisition is written for 150 additional low mu toroids. August 6, 2014J. Reid 11

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