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Influence of Detailed Photographs of Product on Customer’s Purchase Decision Sanjay Kumar Ranganayakulu Nikhil Bendre Shaunak Natu.

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Presentation on theme: "Influence of Detailed Photographs of Product on Customer’s Purchase Decision Sanjay Kumar Ranganayakulu Nikhil Bendre Shaunak Natu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Influence of Detailed Photographs of Product on Customer’s Purchase Decision Sanjay Kumar Ranganayakulu Nikhil Bendre Shaunak Natu

2 Introduction Hypothesis Design of Experiment AOI’s User Testing Results Conclusion Future Scope OVERVIEW

3 INTRODUCTION Increase in online shopping. Need for better on-line product marketing Less research on influence of detailed photographs in customers purchase decision People generally tend to read the reviews Apartment selection as a product domain was selected since one of our team members worked on developing the website as an intern.

4 HYPOTHESIS Hypothesis 1: If a set of detailed photographs of an apartment are presented then people would tend to read less reviews. Hypothesis 2: People would respond positively after viewing a webpage with detailed set of photographs of the product versus the webpage with only one photograph of the product.

5 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT 2 by 2 within-subjects repeated measure design Constant review quality Independent variables (IV) 1.Level of Detail High level of detail Low level of detail 2.Apartment Quality Good Bad

6 Dependent variables (DV) 1.Objective Fixation duration Fixation counts 2.Subjective Preference ranking DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT



9 USER TESTING 21 Participants, 18 Graduate and 3 undergraduate students TOBII ET-1750 Eye tracker Randomized the webpage layouts to minimize the order effects Preference Ranking of the webpage layouts

10 RESULTS Quality of apartment: Good Levels of details: High and Low AOIs: Pictures and Reviews Interaction Plot of Mean Fixation Duration

11 HEAT MAP AND CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Good Levels of details: High and Low High Low

12 RESULTS Quality of apartment: Bad Levels of details: High and Low AOIs: Pictures and Reviews Interaction Plot of Mean Fixation Duration

13 HEAT MAP AND CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Bad Levels of details: High and Low High Low

14 RESULTS AOI: Pictures Quality of apartment: Good and Bad Level of details: High and Low Interaction Plot of Mean Fixation Duration

15 RESULTS AOI: Reviews Quality of apartment: Good and Bad Level of details: High and Low Interaction Plot of Mean Fixation Duration

16 CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Good Level of Detail: High

17 CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Good Level of Detail: Low

18 CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Bad Level of Detail: High

19 CLUSTER PLOT Quality of apartment: Bad Level of Detail: Low

20 RESULTS Overall preference ranking distribution

21 CONCLUSION Participants tend to spend more time to make a decision if there are less number of pictures than detailed pictures, since they have to rely more on the reviews. Preference ranking data indicates that detailed pictures of an apartment could influence people to prefer an apartment even though the quality of reviews is same.

22 FUTURE SCOPE Change the quality of reviews Good Bad Extend it for different products Use a larger sample size More representative sample demographics.



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