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Mobile/wireless Broadband Spectrum Refarming/liberalization

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1 Mobile/wireless Broadband Spectrum Refarming/liberalization
Mobile/wireless Broadband Spectrum Refarming/liberalization Georgian National Communications Commission 1

2 Find and harmonize additional spectrum to cope with future demand
EU trends - to cope with increased mobile data traffic Main Trends Allocate additional (800MHz, , GHz) spectrum bands for mobile/wireless broadband Liberalize 900/1800/2100 MHz spectrum bands – make licenses technology and service neutral Find and harmonize additional spectrum to cope with future demand Candidate bands: 700MHz , 1.5, 2, , GHz Georgian National Communications Commission 1

3 Bands Harmonized for Mobile/Wireless Services at EU Level
Bands Harmonized for Mobile/Wireless Services at EU Level Frequency Band CEPT & EC Decision references Amount of Spectrum 900 MHz Dir 2009/114/EC Dec2009/766/EC 2x35MHz 1800 MHz 2x75MHz 2100MHz ECC/DEC/(06)01 155MHz 800 MHz ECC/DEC/(09)03 Dec 2010/267/EU 2x30 MHz 2600MHz ECC/DEC/(05)05 Dec2008/477/EC 190 MHz ECC/DEC/(07)02 Dec 2008/411/EC 400MHz Total 1025 MHz Source: FINAL RSPG Opinion on Review of Spectrum Use 6 February 2012 Georgian National Communications Commission 1

4 Mobile Market (Georgia)
Mobile Market (Georgia) Georgian National Communications Commission 1

5 EU Harmonized Mobile Bands and Georgian Allocations
EU Harmonized Mobile Bands and Georgian Allocations Georgian National Communications Commission 1

6 Georgian National Communications Commission
Spectrum holding by operators in 850/900 /1800 MHz and 2.1 GHz bands Georgian National Communications Commission

7 Current spectrum allocations in 900 and 850 MHz Bands
791MHz 796MHz 801MHz 806MHz 811MHz 816MHz 821MHz 790MHz 832MHz 837MHz 842MHz 847MHz 852MHz 857MHz 862MHz 880MHz 5MHz 18 MHz Duplex Gap 11 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Guard band 1MHz 3,69MHz Uplink EU 800 MHz band Downlink 850 MHz 850 MHz band 5MHz Duplex Gap 10 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 880MHz 885MHz 890MHz 895MHz 900MHz 905MHz 910MHz 915MHz 925MHz 930MHz 935MHz 940MHz 945MHz 950MHz 955MHz 960MHz GEOCELL MAGTICOM 10 MHZ 1,8 MHz 3,2 MHz 3,69MHz 3,03 MHz 2,46 MHz Free Uplink Downlink EU 900 MHz band MAGTICOM -GSM 2X13.2MHz CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz GEOCELL - GSM 2X11.8MHz MOBITEL - GSM 2X5.49MHz SILK-NET CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz 1

8 Current spectrum allocations in 1800 MHz Band
company Up-link down-link MHz total MHz GEOCELL 2 X 15 MHz 29.9 X 2 MHz MHz 2X 14.9 MHz MAGTICOM 2X 15 MHz MOBITEL 2X 0.8 MHz 10 X 2 MHz 20 MHz 2X 5 MHz 2X 4.2 MHz MAGTICOM - GSM- 2X29.9MHz GEOCELL - GSM -2X29.9 MHz MOBITEL - GSM- 2X10 MHz 1730MHz 1740MHz 1710MHz 1720MHz 1750MHz 1760MHz 1770MHz 1780MHz 1790MHz 1800MHz 1810MHz 1820MHz 1850MHz 1860MHz 1830MHz 1840MHz 1870MHz 1880MHz 10MHz MAGTICOM 29.9 MHZ MOBITEL(5 X 2 MHz 4.2 X2 MHz)9.2 MHz GEOCELL FREE 3.9 Duplex Gap 20 MHz 1

9 Georgian National Communications Commission
Spectrum allocations in 2.1 GHz Band 2100 MHz paired Company Up-link Down-link MHz total MHz MAGTICOM 2X 15 MHz 2X 30 MHz 60 MHz GEOCELL 2X15 MHz 30 MHz Unpaired 1940MHz 1960MHz 1900MHz 1920MHz 1980MHz 2000MHz 2020MHz 2040MHz 2060MHz 2080MHz 2100MHz 2140MHz 2160MHz 2120MHz 2180MHz 2200MHz satellite Mobile 30 MHz 10MHZ MAGTICOM 30MHZ 10 MHZ GEOCELL 15MHZ 9.4 MHZ 5MHZ 10 MHz 15MHz mobile 30 MHZ Technological 85 MHz Paired GTC 5 MHz MAGTICOM - UMTS 2X30MHz 10 MHz GEOCELL - UMTS- 2X15MHz 5MHz GTC- 2X5MHz Georgian National Communications Commission 1

Harmonize 800/900 MHz spectrum allocations with EU norms Liberalize 900/1800/2100 MHz spectrum bands Make technolofy neutral and modify the duration of existing GSM/UMTS licensees (15 years starting from modification date) Ensure access of license holders on continues spectrum blocks in 900/1800 MHz bands (without guardbands) Wait for market development and than allocate GHz band for mobile/wireless services Find ways to make 2.6 GHz spectrum available for mobile/wireless broadband Not to take into consideration unpaired 2.1 GHz, GHz, 850 and450 MHz spectrum holdings when assessing competitiveness of Mobile market players Georgian National Communications Commission

11 Planned spectrum re-farming option
Planned spectrum re-farming option Georgian National Communications Commission 1

12 Current spectrum allocations in 900 and 800 MHz Bands
791MHz 796MHz 801MHz 806MHz 811MHz 816MHz 821MHz 790MHz 832MHz 837MHz 842MHz 847MHz 852MHz 857MHz 862MHz 880MHz 5MHz 18 MHz Duplex Gap 11 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Guard band 1MHz 3,69MHz Uplink EU 800 MHz band Downlink 850 MHz 850 MHz band 5MHz Duplex Gap 10 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 880MHz 885MHz 890MHz 895MHz 900MHz 905MHz 910MHz 915MHz 925MHz 930MHz 935MHz 940MHz 945MHz 950MHz 955MHz 960MHz GEOCELL MAGTICOM 10 MHZ 1,8 MHz 3,2 MHz 3,69MHz 3,03 MHz 2,46 MHz Free Uplink Downlink EU 900 MHz band MAGTICOM -GSM 2X13.2MHz CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz GEOCELL - GSM 2X11.8MHz MOBITEL - GSM 2X5.49MHz SILK-NET CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz 1

13 Spectrum allocations in 900 and 800 MHz Bands after refarming
Duplex Gap 10 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 880MHz 885MHz 890MHz 895MHz 900MHz 905MHz 910MHz 915MHz 925MHz 930MHz 935MHz 940MHz 945MHz 950MHz 955MHz 960MHz GEOCELL MAGTICOM 10 MHZ 4.51 MHz 1,8 MHz 3,2 MHz 5.5 MHz 3.2 MHz EU 900 MHz band Spectrum allocations in 900 and 800 MHz Bands after refarming 800/900 MHz spectrum re-farming 791MHz 796MHz 801MHz 806MHz 811MHz 816MHz 821MHz 790MHz 832MHz 837MHz 842MHz 847MHz 852MHz 857MHz 862MHz 880MHz 5MHz 18 MHz Duplex Gap 11 MHz Block 1 Paired Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Guard band 1MHz 3,69MHz 3,69 MHz Downlink EU 800 MHz band Uplink EU 800 MHz band Part of harmonized spectrum within 800 MHz band (2 x 20 MHz) will be auctioned as soon as spectrum value (and reserve price) for 800 MHz band will be determined (2X10 MHz will be available after expiration of CDMA licenses within 850 MHz band). 5.49 MHz 5.49 MHz 5.49 MHz 5.49 MHz MAGTICOM -GSM 2X13.2MHz CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz GEOCELL - GSM 2X11.8MHz MOBITEL - GSM 2X5.49MHz SILK-NET CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz SILK-NET CDMA 850 2X3,69MHz 1

14 Current spectrum allocations in 1800 MHz Band
MAGTICOM - GSM- 2X29.9MHz GEOCELL - GSM -2X29.9MHz MOBITEL - GSM- 2X10 MHz 1730MHz 1740MHz 1710MHz 1720MHz 1750MHz 1760MHz 1770MHz 1780MHz 1790MHz 1800MHz 1810MHz 1820MHz 1850MHz 1860MHz 1830MHz 1840MHz 1870MHz 1880MHz 10MHz MAGTICOM 29.9 MHZ GEOCELL FREE 3.9 Duplex Gap 20 MHz MOBITEL MOBITEL 1800 MHz spectrum allocations after re-farming MAGTICOM - GSM- 2X30MHz GEOCELL - GSM -2X30MHz MOBITEL - GSM- 2X10 MHz 1730MHz 1740MHz 1710MHz 1720MHz 1750MHz 1760MHz 1770MHz 1780MHz 1790MHz 1800MHz 1810MHz 1820MHz 1850MHz 1860MHz 1830MHz 1840MHz 1870MHz 1880MHz 10MHz MAGTICOM 30 MHZ GEOCELL Duplex Gap 20 MHz 2X10 MHz 2X5 MHz 2X5 MHz 1

15 Spectrum allocations in 2.1 GHz Band
2100 MHz paired Company Up-link Down-link MHz total MHz MAGTICOM 2X 15 MHz 2X 30 MHz 60 MHz GEOCELL 2X15 MHz 30 MHz Unpaired 1940MHz 1960MHz 1900MHz 1920MHz 1980MHz 2000MHz 2020MHz 2040MHz 2060MHz 2080MHz 2100MHz 2140MHz 2160MHz 2120MHz 2180MHz 2200MHz satellite Mobile 30 MHz 10MHZ MAGTICOM 30MHZ 10 MHZ GEOCELL 15MHZ 9.4 MHZ 5MHZ 10 MHz 15MHz mobile 30 MHZ Technological 85 MHz Paired GTC 5 MHz MAGTICOM - UMTS 2X30MHz 10 MHz GEOCELL - UMTS- 2X15MHz 5MHz GTC- 2X5MHz 2x15 MHz of paired 2100 MHz band will be available in 2017 after expiration of GTC licensee 1

16 Spectrum available after re-farming
59.8 59.8 Part of harmonized spectrum within 800 MHz band (2 x 20 MHz) will be auctioned as soon as spectrum value (and reserve price) for 800 MHz band will be determined (2X10 MHz will be available after expiration of CDMA licenses within 850 MHz band). 2x15 MHz of paired 2100 MHz band will be available in 2017 after expiration of GTC licensee Georgian National Communications Commission

17 Spectrum allocation and spectrum available after re-farming
Spectrum available in unpaired 2100 MHz band are not considered

18 GSM/UMTS spectrum liberalization/ modification of existing licenses (15 year duration) (During license modification process GSM/UMTS license holders will be able to give up some part of spectrum and they will be reimbursed for the returned spectrum (if any)) Operator Band MHz licensee expiration date Amount paid (GEL) for 10 year license (license renewal fee or auction) MAGTICOM 900 26,4 1800 29,8 30,0 2100 Total 146,2 GEOCELL 3,6 20,0 113,4 MOBITEL 10,98 10,0 31,0

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