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EBRD Agribusiness and Western Balkans Serbia, November 2007.

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1 EBRD Agribusiness and Western Balkans Serbia, November 2007

2 What is the EBRD? International financial institution established in 1991 with headquarters in London Promotes transition to market economies in 29 countries from central Europe to central Asia Owned by 61 countries and two inter-governmental institutions Capital base of €20 billion Cumulative commitments €34.9 billion Unaudited June 2007

3 Active in all countries of operations Cumulative commitments €34.9 billion Unaudited June 2007 Central Asia 7% Southeast Europe 22% Russia 26% Eastern Europe & Caucasus13% Central Europe & Baltics 32%

4 Serbia: Bank’s activities Country of operation since 2001 Local presence with fully fledged Resident Office and a resident Director Total commitments of € 1,164M Total of 72 approved projects

5 Serbia: Project portfolio - € 987.8M Undrawn commitments € million 433 555 115 339 As of 31 August 2007 Portfolio

6 Serbia: Commitments by sector – € 1,164M Financial Institutions 24% General Industry 8% Agribusiness 9% Property & Tourism 5% Telecoms 2% MEI 11% Power & Energy 15% Transport 25% As of 31 August 2007

7 Serbia: List of Bank’s major projects Private Sector –Hemofarm, pharmaceuticals –Financial institutions (Komercijalna banka, Raiffeisenbank a.d., Societe Generale Yugoslav Bank, Procredit Bank, Volksbank a.d., Metals Banka, Cacanska Banka, UniCredit Bank, Opportunity Banka) –Ball Packaging –GTC Belgrade –Sevojno Rolling Mill –Soko Stark –Nectar –JKR Resource –Victoria Group (Sojaprotein) –SBB – Serbian Cable Operator –Frikom A.D. Public Sector -Serbia Railways: Rolingstock -Sava river crossing -Road recovery and Novi Sad to Belgrade Motorway project -EPS -Municipal Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme (Belgrade, Subotica, Nis, Novi Sad, Kragujevac) -Future Air Traffic Management Modernisation & Upgrading System

8 Update on Agribusiness 333 projects signed with value of €4.7 bln Growing annual commitments 28 bankers from 19 counties 8 bankers based / or to be based in ROs The EBRD annual investments in the Agribusiness sector (Million EUR)

9 Agricultural inputs & production Primary & secondary processing Packaging & distribution Retail & Food Service Downstream Upstream EBRD & Agribusiness: Food Chain

10 Agribusiness Portfolio by sub-sector

11 Extensive experience in cooperating with the leading Agribusiness and FMCG corporates of the entire food chain. We are working with local and international clients with many follow on projects. Agribusiness Clients

12 Agribusiness in WB – Cumulative Volume WB vs. other regions RegionVolume (EUR mil)Percentage Western Balkans485.916% Central Europe (without Croatia) 453.515% South Eastern Europe, Central Asia & Caucuses 1,353.845% Russia724.624% Total3,017.8100%

13 Agribusiness in WB – Past Success The Agribusiness team has always worked with the leaders in each sub-sector, understanding the markets and the client needs Successful transactions include : Agrokor, Croatia EUR 110 million equity Victoria Group, Serbia EUR 45 million debt Vitaminka, Macedonia EUR 4 million debt Soko Stark – Droga Kolinksa EUR 10 million debt Relatively few failures – Fresh & Co, Serbia

14 EBRD 3 Key Fundamentals Sound Banking Transition Impact Additionality

15 At the same time EBRD helps... To establish and comply with high enviornmental standards (EU/WB) To promote and achieve energy efficiency savings (EE audit for free and financing EE sustainable projects) Governments with improvement of regulatory framework to enhance market economy (e.g. Warehouse Receipt Law, free trade regime etc.)

16 How to Grow Successfully? High Business Standards Establish high business standards at an early stage to make the business attractive for potential investors Flexible financing platform Develop a flexible financing platform (debt & equity) to fulfil company’s corporate strategy Right financing for your business Choose the appropriate financial instruments and sources to fund your current and future business needs

17 Financing Growth: Opportunistic Approach Lack of Strategic Objectives Short-term growth opportunities Inefficient operations Poor corporate governance Complex corporate structure Quick sale / Restructuring

18 Financing Growth: Strategic Approach Clear Strategic Objectives Long-term growth opportunities Operational efficiency Sound corporate governance Transparent corporate structure Flexible platform for further growth

19 Financial Instruments-EBRD unique institution as a provider of both debt and equity financing Debt BilateralDCM Equity StrategicFinancialIPO Hybrid Products Portage Equity LBO/MBOMezzanine

20 Contact EBRD, Agribusiness Gilles Mettetal, Director, Agribusiness Team Tel.: +44 20 7338 7122 E-mail: Miljan Zdrale, Banker, Agribusiness Team Tel.: +44 20 7338 7871 E-mail:

21 Questions and Answers Discussion

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