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Soko Stark Brands in the Digital World. 2 Agenda Soko Stark – Krem Banana case Internet in Serbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Soko Stark Brands in the Digital World. 2 Agenda Soko Stark – Krem Banana case Internet in Serbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soko Stark Brands in the Digital World

2 2 Agenda Soko Stark – Krem Banana case Internet in Serbia

3 3 Soko Stark Soko Stark is a one of the largest confectionary industries in the region, and a home market leader for the past 85 years The factory of brands which had, by merging tradition, carefully defined recipes and contemporary scientific achievements, achieved the dream of every company in the world – to create the “love marks” products you simply love – regardless of all Tradition and quality are Soko Stark’s main assets Since 2005, Soko Stark is a part of a larger family – Droga Kolinska Group

4 4 Situation / Krem Banana But… „love marks“ sometimes are not brands: No name Elderly Target Group Old fashioned packaging / not able to be changed Need for modern and interactive communication No differentiation from many similar products … and the Soko Stark marketing team is facing, once again, a difficult task

5 5 Communication – Contest for a name Absolute must: involving younger segments Kick off event – Musical for the 50th anniversary of Krem Banana / announcement of the contest PR and advertorials Traditional media as a support (TV, outdoor, Print) Main Medium: Internet

6 6 Kick-off event

7 7 Traditional Media

8 8 Internet advertising Call to vote on:

9 9 Development of the situation Polarization of the consumers: People enjoying the contest Fighters to keep the name of the product Bananica (actually Krem Banana) – viral A strong discussion about the idea of changing a name started....

10 10 Results 50.000 proposals for a new name (80% via internet) Reinforcement of the brand among younger segments Differentiation from alike products and reinforcement of the brand Significant increase of sales

11 Internet in Serbia 2007 Strategic Marketing Research

12 12 Percentage of internet users by Country Note: Data to be used only for rough analysis due to differences in data collection methodology across countries

13 13 Countries with the highest no. of internet users Note: Data to be used only for rough analysis due to differences in data collection methodology across countries

14 14 Source: Internet Users in Europe Note: Data to be used only for rough analysis due to differences in data collection methodology across countries

15 And where is Serbia?

16 16 Owners of PC at home SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population

17 17 Avg. salary per household RegionType Owners of PC at home SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population

18 18 Owners of PC at home Region Type SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population

19 19 Owners of PC and Internet at home, Serbia 1999 – 2007. SMMRI research, Serbia, may 1999 – 2007., rep. sample, population Base: population

20 20 Do you have a PC at home? SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population

21 21 Do you have internet at home? SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: total population

22 22 Multiple answers; Base: population owning an internet connection What kind of Internet connection do you have? SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population

23 23 Gender Type RegionTotal household income Do you use your PC on regular basis? SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population 15+

24 24 Pol Tip naselja RegionUkupan prihod domaćinstva Do you use internet on regular basis? SMMRI research, Serbia, may 2007. rep. sample, population Base: population 15+

25 ICT Statistics in the Region

26 26 PGM, 2007. rep. sample, population Do you have a PC at home? Base: Total population

27 27 Do you have internet connection at home? PGM, 2007. rep. sample, population Base: total population

28 28 Do you have a phone line at home? PGM, 2007. rep. sample, population Base: total population

29 29 Do you have satellite or cable TV at home? PGM, 2007. rep. sample, population Base: total population

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