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National context - Serbia. Ministry od Education COUNCILS National Education Council Council for vocational education and training and adult education.

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Presentation on theme: "National context - Serbia. Ministry od Education COUNCILS National Education Council Council for vocational education and training and adult education."— Presentation transcript:

1 National context - Serbia

2 Ministry od Education COUNCILS National Education Council Council for vocational education and training and adult education INSTITUTES Institute for the improvement of education Centre for development of curricula and texbooks Centre for professional development in education Centre for Vocational and adult education Institute for Educational Quality and Evaluation Centre for standards Centre for exams Centre for evaluation and research Regional school administration offices

3 Institute for Educational Quality and Evaluation defining educational standards monitoring students’learning achievements evaluating the performance of teachers and educational staff organising participation in international assessment stydies

4 Institute for improvement of education Centre for professional development in education carries out activities related to the improvement and development of in-service, continuous training and professional development of educational staff examination for licenced teachers, educators and managers provision of professional support to teachers /educators

5 Competency standards for teacher profession and professional development (addopted by National Educational Council, April, 2011). The main purpose of this document is to help teachers to do self-evaluation and plan their future professional development

6 The competencies refer to: subject area of teaching, subject and subject didactics teaching and learning support for students' personal development communication and cooperation

7 Five domains Knowledge Planning Realization Evaluation In service training/professional development

8 Status of the NTQFs in Serbia This document is in the form of bylaw thus it is obligatory, it is going to be used for external evaluation of teachers work Professional guidance document for teachers and schools –reccomendations for professional development – self-evaluation It is based on Law on Foundation of the system of education

9 It is closely connected with Standards of Quality of Education Institutions (they were developed simultaneously) It is related with new bylaw on Professional Development of Teachers (soon to be adopted) It is also related with new bylaw on Professional Licenses (soon to be adopted)

10 Benefits of regional cooperation We share similar context, issues and challenges and can use similar solutions and ideas Examples of good practices / learn about potential setbacks and obstacles in order to avoid them Comparative research (?)

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