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Published byBeverly Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
This project is funded by the European Union Projekat finansira Evropska Unija Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Projekat realizuje Human Dynamics Consortium LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE FIELD OF INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION CONTROL, PREVENTION OF CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS AND ESTABLISHING THE EMAS SYSTEM EUROPEAID/131555/C/SER/RS SRB EUROPEAID/131555/C/SER/RS
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Belgrade, 17 th December 2012 Beograd, 17 th December 2012
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium AGENDA 1st Steering Committee Meeting Chair: Mr. Hranislav Stojkovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Energy Development and Environmental Protection 10.00 -10.05Opening and welcomeHranislav StojkovicAssistant Minister 10.00 -10.10Adoption of the agendaHranislav StojkovicAssistant Minister 10.10 - 10.20Adoption of SCM proceduresHranislav StojkovicAssistant Minister 10.20 – 10.30 MERZ IPPC Department introduction and expectations to the Project Nada Lukacevic Head of Department for Integrated permits 10.30 – 10.40 MERZ Seveso Department introduction and expectations to the Project Blagica Budimir Head of Department for Chemical Accidents 10.40 – 10.50 MERZ EMAS Department introduction and expectations to the Project Rade Ostojic Head of Department for Standards and Cleaner production 10.50 – 11.20Presentation of the Inception ReportHans LauritzenTeam Leader 11.20 – 11.50Discussionall 11.50 – 12.00Adoption of the reportall
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Presentation of Inception Report Introduction Inception Activities Update on Background Assumptions and Risks Overall Work Plan(General) Work Plan for the next period (Detail)
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Introduction Contract No. 2012/295-223 Contractor:The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia Vladimira Popovica Street 40, 5th floor (GTC Avenue building, block 19a), 11070 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Beneficiary:Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Omladinskih brigada 1, 11070 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Consultant:Hulla & Co. Human Dynamics KG Lothringerstrasse 16, A-1030 Vienna, Austria Project Team:Project Office Omladinskih brigada 1, 1st floor, Office No. 130, 11070 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium SYNOPSIS Starting Date : 02 September 2012 Closure: 01 September 2014 Value: € Main Beneficiary: Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Energy, Development and Environment Protection; Other Beneficiaries: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Ministry of Interior Ministry of Labour and Social Policy AP Vojvodina Municipalities within the Project area Accreditation Board of Serbia Chamber of Commerce of Serbia Početak projekta: 02. septembar 2012 Završetak: 01. septembar 2014 Vrednost: € Glavni Korisnici projekta: Republika Srbija, Ministarstvo ……. ; Ostali Korisnici: Ministarstvo O PROJEKU
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Ruza Radovic Project ManagerHans Lauritzen Team LeaderRiccardo Quaggiato IPPC Expert George Mouzakis Seveso ExpertMilka Tesevic Project Logistic Manager Project Team:
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Project Objective: Assist the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection in the process of implementation of the environmental legislation on IPPC, Seveso II Directive and the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Project Purpose: Build and enhance capacity for enforcement of regulations aligned with the EU Environmental Directives, specifically for Industrial Prevention and Control (IPPC), prevention of chemical accidents and the EMAS
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Inception activities - 1 Mobilization of experts (3 September 2012) Setting up project office and recruitment of support staff Meeting with key stake holders and review of documentation
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Inception activities - 2 Setting up Project Steering Committee and first meeting Inception meetings with LSG’s in Belgrade and Novi Sad with attendance of 24 LGS Project Environment Analysis Action Planning Preparation of Tor for Non-key experts Preparation of draft Inception Report Based on comments a final version will be submitted for official approval
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Working Groups To strengthen network of stakeholders involved in IPPC/IED, Seveso and EMAS implementation it is proposed to establish: WG1 WG1 - Procedures development WG2 WG2 - Technical Group for IPPC/IED implementation WG3 WG3 - Permanent IPPC/IED network WG4 WG4 - Seveso Contact Group
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Update on Background Current Government priorities full implementation of the environmental legislation EU progress report: Integrated approach to permitting must be institutionalized and the administrative capacity strengthened Risk management groups administrative capacity remains to be improved Government decision: Merge energy and environmental protection issues into Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Decisional levels has been changed. New systematization of sectors and departments is expected
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium IPPC/ IED: Current situation: 161 operators under IPPC, 96 applications submitted Light modifications made in light of on-going project: Training activities have been anticipated to fit better Dynamic Program and better support operators and permit writers in the initial phase of permitting; Details on criteria and methodology adopted to implement operative activities have been set up; Goals, composition, frequency of meetings and activities of workgroups have been set, foreseeing 2 technical groups (for procedures and technical documents) and a Permanent network for IPPC/IED, involving MERZ, Province of Vojvodina and LSGs.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Accommodating for the new extended legislative framework introduced by IED and in the context of industrial policy and the need for integrated permitting taking into account other sectoral permitting and supervisory obligations, e.g. under Waste Directive, EIA etc. Strengthening the institutional structure for integrated permitting of installations, including the enforcement regime; Establishment of technical standards for BAT and determining ELV; Further development of legislative changes related to monitoring compliance with permitting conditions, periodic review of permits and inspections.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Seveso: 105 notification studies (59 lower tier and 46 upper tier) have been submitted 37 safety reports have been submitted. 3 safety reports have been evaluated. Focus will be given to: Absence of technical procedures – guidelines for the compiling (operator’s side) and evaluating (authority’s side) of a Safety Report. Training courses are needed to representatives of institutions and industries to compile and evaluate the Safety Reports; Guidelines for the drawing up external emergency plans are needed to be adopted; Inspections to the to all upper and lower tier hazardous establishments; Information to the neighbour to the hazardous establishments people regarding the existing hazards and what to do in case of emergency; Adoption of critical emergency protection zones. By this way all the stakeholders will know how the consequences of an accident scenario will be estimated, presented and evaluated; Adoption of risk acceptance criteria. It should be essential if an activity is acceptable or not, in a specified place. It should be very useful for all the stakeholders. The operator will know in advance if the risk of a scheduled project is acceptable or not. The authorities will establish a Land Use Planning Policy, and they should know the accepted or not risk for any kind of proposed project or activity; Adoption of a Land Use Planning policy regarding the major hazard establishments
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium EMAS: Until now no organisations in Serbia have applied for EMAS and it is unknown whether any organisation intends to do so. The Project will attempt to identify potential candidates for EMAS registration, support them to prepare for it and assist in developing the environmental verification structures. Verification of the Environmental Statement under EMAS takes place by a third party, The verifier. Verifiers are either individuals or organisations who are accredited by Accreditation Board of Serbia (ATS).
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Assumptions and Risks
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 1: Assist the Serbian administration in completing the transposition of the EU Acquis in the areas of PPC/ IED, Seveso and EMAS. Activities: Undertake a legal gap analysis and prepare a ToC in the field of IPPC and make recommendation for improvement of the equivalent law on IPPC and secondary legislation Undertake a legal gap analysis and prepare a ToC for Seveso II Directive 96/82/EC as extended and amended by Directive 2003/105/EC, with recommendation for improvement Assist with drafting Serbian legislation to implement the EMAS Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009, ensuring a legal framework ready for full implementation of the EC Regulation
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 2: enhance capacities at the national level on IPPC permitting, evaluation of Safety Reports and Emergency Plans, and EMAS certification Activities: Carry out a SWOT analysis, in the three thematic areas, with a view to augmenting the existing arrangements Completion of three (3) procedures manuals, one for each of the three (3) thematic areas: IPPC/IED, Seveso and EMAS (c. f. description under scope of work component2) Undertake training needs assessment and prepare training plans for all relevant stakeholders as well as training materials Organise and implement a series of workshops for IPPC, Seveso II and EMAS departments of the MESMP and stakeholders Organise and implement indicatively five (5) workshops for IPPC owners/operators and also include consulting companies Organise and implement indicatively 4 training courses for representatives of relevant institutional sectors included in the process of issuing approvals for Safety Reports and EP Organise and implement indicatively three (3) training courses for operators and also include consulting companies on the development of Safety Reports and Emergency Plans Organise and implement training for selected EMAS verifiers in line with the Law on Accreditation (Official Gazette, RS No. 44/05) Organise and implement study visits to competent bodies in the EU in order to strengthen the capacity of the MEMSP in the fields of IPPC, Seveso and EMAS Needs assessment for - and design of an IT solution for meeting the data management, document handling, public information and reporting requirements in the three areas
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 3: increase public awareness and to support proactive participation of public in decision making Activities: Prepare a target group of public audience interested or likely to be impacted on by IPPC/IED or Seveso facilities (Safety Reports and Emergency Plans). Prepare and print promotional materials in order to inform the public about their rights Prepare promotional activities to facilitate public debate in the field of prevention of chemical accidents and IPPC Organize workshops in order to promote EMAS and other voluntary instruments (Eco label, ISO 14001, Cleaner production, etc.) to pertinent organizations Re-design website of Serbian Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning/competent authority
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 4: assist Serbian Seveso operators in developing their Safety Reports and Emergency Plans through 3 pilot projects. Activities: Review/develop methodology and criteria (i.e. risk analysis) to select target sectors and select most appropriate ones Review/Develop methodology and criteria (i.e. risk analysis) for selection of target enterprises and select those that are most appropriate Provide assistance to the selected enterprises for the preparation of Safety Reports and Emergency Plans and upgrade checklists for Safety Reports, as necessary
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 5: support the actual IPPC/ IED permitting process both through direct involvement of the project experts in this process and the development of tools for permit writers. Activities: Provide technical assistance for implementation of BAT; draft a guidance document on the use of BREF documents Translate 10 appropriate BREF documents into Serbian language Assist in determining conditions in the draft integrated permit for selected activities, with determination of emission limit values (ELVs) Assist in establishing plans for monitoring of emissions in selected installations Assist in drafting three (3) permits based on submitted applications Prepare a generic "permit template" in accordance with Serbian legislation
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Component 6: support further implementation of EMAS certification and registration in Serbia. Activities: Provide an EMAS market analysis and develop methodologies for at least three (3) companies from three (3) different industrial sectors Translate new EMAS Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 into Serbian language Provide assistance to three (3) chosen enterprises to support the EMAS process Provide assistance to the EMAS Department in setting up a Serbian Competent Body as an environmental verifier.
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. I4– Action planning A detailed visibility strategy will be finalized, considering all relevant stakeholders and possible media (WS, press, web) Scheduled activities: STEs activity: definition of detailed visibility strategy Definition of contents and structure of project website Expected Results Visibility strategy Project website pubblication
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 1.1, 1.2 – Legal Gap Anlaysis Existing documentation will be collected and checked, as well as legislation. Legal Gap Analysis and Table of Concordance for IPPC and IED Directives will be drafted, as well as for Seveso II and III Scheduled activities: STEs activity: collection and analysis of existing legislation Expected results First draft of Legal GA and ToC for IPPC/IED and Seveso
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 2.1– SWOT Analysis Inception meetings findings will be integrated with additional information coming from meetings with secondary stakeholders; a specific will be organized to discuss about strengths and weaknesses of the system. Scheduled activities: STEs activity: analysis of findings from inception meetings Definition of methodology and tools for dynamic SWOT analysis SWOT meeting with relevant stakeholders (4° week of 2013) Expected results: SWOT meeting report
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 2.2 - Completion of 3 procedures manuals, one for each of the 3 thematic areas: IPPC/IED, Seveso and EMAS Starting from the analysis of existing procedures, the manuals will: define the responsibilities of all involved authorities and stakeholders show detailed flow charts of the work processes in this area; Avoid bottlenecks with detailed timing Scheduled activities: Establishment of WG1 (scheduled 17 january) STEs mobilization: collection and analysis of existing procedures Expected results: WG1 meeting report
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 2.3 – Training Needs Assessment TNA will be developed analysing number and contents of past training activities and consulting officers of involved Institutions withtypical tools of Needs assessment. Scheduled activities: STEs mobilization: collection and analysis of past training activities Definition of methodology and tools for TNA Expected results: Mission reports
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 2.10 – IT needs assessment and solutions Analysis of existing IT systems and workflows will be conducted, as well as consultation of officers involved to achieve information on perceived needs. Scheduled activities: STEs: collection and analysis of IT systems and workflows of MERZ STEs: consultation of MERZ officers to identify IT needs Expected results: Mission reports
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 3.1 – prepare a target group of public audience interested on IPPC/IED and Seveso Identification of NGO, organizations, groups and areas likely to be impacted by the presence of installation will be done. According to the strategy, a selection of groups and areas to be involved into the project will be done. Scheduled activities: STEs: identification of potentially impacted groups or areas STEs: first selection of target group Expected results: Mission reports Draft of target groups for IPPC/IED and Seveso
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 4.1, 4.2– Seveso: methodology and criteria to select target sectors and enterprises for pilot projects Content and methodology of selection has been agreed with MERZ, analysis of potential sectors and enterprises will lead to list of pilot projects drafted Scheduled activities: STEs: identification of potential target sectors and installations STEs: selection of pilot projects Expected results: Report on methodology and criteria for selection of target enterprises 3 target sectors for pilot projects 3 installations for pilot projects
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 5.1, 5.6 – IPPC/IED: support for implementation of BAT and development of a generic Permit Template Methodology for implementation of BAT will be defined and a collection of best practices and tools used in this field will be provided. WG2 will be established and will validate methodology as well as cooperate in defining structure of the permit template Scheduled activities: STEs: identification of best practices and tools in the field of BAT implementation and assessment STEs: definitiono of a drafted structure of integrated permit WG2 first meeting (2° week of fwebruary) Expected results: Methodology for implementation and assessment of BAT Structure of permit template WG2 meeting report
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 5.2 – IPPC/IED: Translation of BREFs List of BREF documents to be translated will be finalized, as well as the order of translation. Translator will be appointed and begin the activity Scheduled activities: Definition of list of BREFs to be translated Translator deployment Expected results: 2 BREFs translated
This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Act. 6.2, 6.4– EMAS: Translation of EMAS regulation and assistance in setting up a Serbian Competent Body Translator will be appointed and EMAS Regulation and case studies will be identified and translated. Strategy and methodology to set up a Serbian Competent Body, according to EU and Serbian regulation will be defined. Scheduled activities: Definition of list of regulations, guidelines and case studies related to EMAS Identification of possible strategy and methodology to set up a Serbian Competent Body Expected results: EMAS regulation and EC guidelines translated List of case studies on EMAS Report on strategy and methodology to set up a Serbian Competent Body
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