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We can provide without lignite Kalmar Zvezdan Šolta island, July 2nd, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "We can provide without lignite Kalmar Zvezdan Šolta island, July 2nd, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 We can provide without lignite Kalmar Zvezdan Šolta island, July 2nd, 2014

2 Background an historicaly note From 2006 CEKOR started questionning national strategy In 2007 first time approached local community in VREOCi in relation to resettlements Within our national and international work in 2008-2010 Number of events/conferences and number of activities related to questionning srategically dedication of country towards coal In 2011 we again approched local community in Vreoci in relation to EBRD fianced lignite financing project this time local commuity recognised need to have support from wider NGO community

3 This is what we want to change

4 strategy GOAL: to change energy mix of Serbia towards de carbonised up to 2050 Challenging EIAs of TPPs and lingite fields, (lack of alternative solution, lack of cummulative asessment, lack of water management and flood protection, lack of climate change asessment ETC) Challenging strategy for energy (de carbonisation agenda-leacked mail) Surrounding mine fields with red dots of resettlement Challenging liquidity of company by attempts to internalise external costs and hidden subsidies Damaging geometry of fields and slowing down dinamics of lignite production Challenging proposed environmnetal measures in lignite mining and burning side Public awarenes campaign about energy and carbon intensity of Serbia Public awarenes about economically impacts of lignite mining and burning Public awarenes raising about state aid issues- macro economically issues (no money for health, education) Corruption and democratisation issues related to lignite mining and burning EU 2050 agenda NEED for EE instead of new production capacities More Jobs in EE and RES than in Lignite industry

5 Some of premises of our campaign- enormous price of GAS in Serbia, planned investments in lignite in Serbia, plus need of investment for achieving LCPD standards

6 vreoci

7 Campaign towards IFIs Protest for resettlement of Vreoci in 2011 EU Parliament questions Kolubara mining project, EC questions project kfW for more than year didnt signed project due our actions Demands to EBRD to refuse financing of Kolubara mining project Campaign aganist EBRD involvement in KolubaraB TPP (sucess achieved in September 2011) Campaign against RWE involvement in Nikola Tesla B3 project (sucess in May 2013), Participation in RWE AGM Campaign against EDF, EDF AGM in 2014 Meetings with German, French governmnets CEKOR challenges IPA programming directed for „environmental improvement of Serbian energy sector

8 Mining in vreoci

9 Campaign towards EBRD and EPS Complaints towards EBRD complaint mechanism (Barosevac, Vreoci, CEKOR cummulative impacts of projects) Court cases against EIAs (kostolac, kolubara) CC against material damages in Junkovac village, support to local communities CEKOR strongly present in consultation about national and regional energy strategy including campaign against some of PECI projects

10 Campaign towards EBRD and EPS -2 CEKOR became one of most visible NGO discussing national energy issues in media At least 5 direct meetings with bord of directors and president of EBRD In May 2014 CEKOR demands from EBRD to relief loans to EPS given for lignite mines (due irreversible damages on machinery in floods) Participation in EBRD energy strategy consultation- most probably out of TPP coal investments Using argument of violation of state aid regulations as important part of campaign

11 Impact of lignite mining

12 Campaign against EU support for lignite IPA funds for electro filters Attaking on programming document for period 2014-2020 IPA funds monitoring in SEKO mechanism affected serbian electricity company Attacking on de sulphurisation project

13 Campaign- analises and publications „ what is real cost of electricity“ at least 18.2cEUR What are real environmental damages from TPPs“ Legal guide for activitsts Analisis of state aid problem in Serbia (study pending close to finish) Started cooperation with RES companies Publication on legal proces of expropriation with partnering lawyers Participation in EIA for KostolacB3, South stream EIA

14 Campaign Kostolac Started with ash depository Ćirikovac in 2005 In 2008 chinese and serbian side signed MoU including reconstruction and Still chinese partner and serbia need to sign few more documents untill projects becomes legally possible Chinese companies and banks support construction of KostolacB3 project Visit of secret service of Serbia because of our visit to Kostolac

15 prospects Court cases against EIAs Detailed and comprewhenisve analysis of external costs of electricity in Serbia Detailed analisis of energy poverty in Serbia, its causes, forms and methodology to sustainably reduce it Revision of national energy strategy Promotion of biomas and other RES projects in Serbia (kfW, energy cooperatives) Promoting of transition of TPPs from lignite Stoping donations towards Kolubara reconstruction Push for resettlement of villages arround Kolubara, protection of economically human rights (pssible process in front of EU covenant for human rights) Chapter 15 negotiation paralel process Alternative energy concept SEE SEP

16 What we need Strengthenning own legal capacity (transfer of knowledge from partners) Strenthenning own expert capacity for following different environmnetal and technologically challenges Training in state aid new EU regulations (for every next step it will be important) Increasing chapter 15 knowledge Expertise in energy price should be developed Undertsanding of externalities should be increased Capability and visibility of advocacy work shlould be increased Partnering with interested industries shluld be increased (wind, biomas, geo thermal and EE industry)

17 Thank you for your attention Kalmar Zvezdan CEKOR +381655523191 Korzo 15/13, Subotica, Serbia

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