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Christ’s preeminence, Col.1:15-20 Creation, 1:15-17 1. Image, firstborn, 15 2. He created all th., 16 3. Before all th., 17 4. All th. consist in Him,

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Presentation on theme: "Christ’s preeminence, Col.1:15-20 Creation, 1:15-17 1. Image, firstborn, 15 2. He created all th., 16 3. Before all th., 17 4. All th. consist in Him,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ’s preeminence, Col.1:15-20 Creation, 1:15-17 1. Image, firstborn, 15 2. He created all th., 16 3. Before all th., 17 4. All th. consist in Him, 17 Redemption, 1:18-20 1. Head of church, begin- ning, firstborn/dead, 18 2. All fullness dwells, 18f. 3. Reconciliation, peace, 20 Preeminence: to hold the highest rank in a group, be first, have first place... with the implication of high rank and prominence

2 Outline Summary of Ep.2:1-10 1. Condition of the alien sinner, 1-3 2. What God did for him, 4-9 3. Purpose of God’s salvation, 10 Time Summary of Ep.2:1-10 1. Our past, 1-3 2. Our present, 4-6 3. Our future, 7-10

3 Death (Ep.2) 1.Physical, Ja.2:26 2.Spiritual, Is.59:1-2; Ep.2; 1 T.5:6 3.Eternal, Rv.20 4.To sin, Ro.6:1-2 5.To law, Ro.7:4 The dead can act (Ro.6:1-2; Jn.5:25; Ep.1:13)

4 Walking – dead or alive (Ep.2:1, 10) DEATH Sinners walk in sin Sinners dead to God (Is.59:1-2) LIFE Saints walk in light Saints dead to sin (Ro.6:1-2) SinnerConditionSaint To sinAliveTo God DeadTo sin

5 The Sinner’s Standard (Ep.2:2) 1.Course of this world. Ga.1:4; Col.3:7  Present system of things – concerned w. temporal, not eternal  World’s mold determined conduct 2.Prince of power of air  Spiritual realm, 6:12  Moral atmosphere. “The world of... Religion / sports / music / politics  “Spirit”: attitude, disposition Ro.8:15; 1 Co.:12; 2 Co.4:4; 1 Jn.5:19

6 The Sinner’s Nature (Ep.2:3) 1.Not something they are born with [Sinners do good deeds too]  Lk.6:33; Ac.10; 28:2; Ro.2:14  Ep.2:1-3, actual sins ( sins; walked; conducted, lusts, doing will of flesh )  Ep.5:6, wrath on disobedient 2. “A mode of feeling and acting which by long habit has become nature” – Th. 660  2 Pt.1:4, divine nature…

7 “With Christ”(Ep.2:5-6) 1.Made alive with Christ Past act: received spiritual life, Col.2:13 2. Raised up together with Christ Ro.6:1-4; Col.2:12-13 3.Sit together with Christ (co-enthroned) Col.3:1-4; Rv.1:6 “Heavenly places” = spiritual realm (where God reigns, 3:10; Col.3:3)

8 Verse 8: by grace, through faith His favor. Our faith. –Ep.1:13; Acts 19:…4-5 – “Grace is the gift of God and our part is simply to accept it” “Faith is the bridge that leads us to His gift” “believe... heard this... were baptized Ep.2:8, “faith”; 5:26, “washing of water” Ep.2 repeats Ac.19:4-5; see Gal.3:26-27

9 “Works” (Ep.2:8-10) Iniquity, Mt.7:23 Mighty, Mt.11:20 Hypocrisy, Mt.23:3,5 Law, Ro.3:27 Darkness, Ro.13:12 Boastful, Ep.2:9 Incomplete, Rv.3:2 Good, Ep.2:10 Faith, Jn.6:28-29; Ga.5:6 Repentance, Mt.12: 41; Jon.3:10 Judgment, Mt.16:27 Justifying, Ja.2 Jesus, Jn.9:4

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