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Ch. 17 The Renaissance and Reformation. Renaissance The European revival of art and learning that introduced new ideas and values.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 17 The Renaissance and Reformation. Renaissance The European revival of art and learning that introduced new ideas and values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 17 The Renaissance and Reformation

2 Renaissance The European revival of art and learning that introduced new ideas and values.

3 Jesuits The Catholic religious order created in 1540; it founded schools and sent out teachers and missionaries.

4 Utopia An ideal place; it is depicted in Thomas More’s book of the same name.

5 Reformation A religious reform movement begun by Martin Luther when he wrote the 95 Theses against selling pardons.

6 Protestant A member of a non-Catholic Christian church; a German prince who sided with Martin Luther against the pope.

7 Peace of Augsburg The Religious treaty in which German princes agreed that each ruler would decide his state’s religion.

8 Catholic Reformation A movement to reform the Catholic Church from within.

9 Council of Trent A meeting of Catholic leaders that banned the selling of indulgences and helped unify the Church.

10 Humanism An intellectual movement in which people studied classical texts and focused on human achievement.

11 Secular The concern with worldly, rather than spiritual, matters; it became the tone of Renaissance society.

12 Patron A church leader; merchant, or wealthy family that provided financial support to artists.

13 Perspective A painting technique used by Renaissance painters that shows three dimensions on a flat surface.

14 Shakespeare The most famous playwright and poet of the Elizabethan Age; he wrote tragedies and comedies in English.

15 Gutenberg He developed a printing press around 1440; the Bible was the first full-sized book he printed on it.

16 Indulgence A church pardon that released a sinner from performing the penalty imposed for sins.

17 Lutheran A member of the religious group that grew from Martin Luther’s attempts to reform the Catholic Church.

18 Annul To set aside, or void, a marriage; in the Catholic Church, the pope could take such action.

19 Anglican The Church of England set up by Parliament as England’s only legal church, at the wish of Elizabeth I.

20 Predestination The Calvinist doctrine that God has known since the beginning of time who will receive salvation.

21 Anabaptists A religious group that baptized only those old enough to decide to be Christians

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