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Welcome to Year 4’s rejoice assembly. St. Bridget.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4’s rejoice assembly. St. Bridget."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4’s rejoice assembly


3 St. Bridget

4 An introduction to St. Bridget

5 A poem about St. Bridget

6 Saint Bridget was a problem child Although a lass demure and mild, And one who strove to please her dad, Saint Bridget drove the family mad. For here’s the fault in Bridget lay: She would give everything away! She’d give her shawl, Divide her purse with one or all.

7 And what was worse, When she ran out of things to give, She’d borrow from a relative. Her father’s gold, Her granddad's dinner, She’d hand to cold and hungry sinner; Give wine, give meat, No matter whose; Take from her feet the very shoes

8 And when her shoes had gone to others, Fetch forth her sister’s and her mother’s. She could not quit She had to share; Gave bit by bit The silverware, The barnyard geese, The parlour rug, Her little niece’s christening mug,

9 Even the bed to those in want, And then the mattress of her aunt. Well one must love her. Nonetheless, In thinking of her givingness, There’s no denial she must have been, A sort of trial to her kin.

10 The moral too, seems rather quaint. Who had the patience of a saint, From evidence presented here? SAINT BRIDGET? OR HER NEAR AND DEAR?

11 St. Bridget Cross

12 St. Bridget’s Cloak

13 Bridget asking for land

14 Praying for the King’s heart to soften

15 Bridget begins to reveal her cloak

16 Bridget is truly blessed by God!

17 Hail Mary Hail Mary full of grace....

18 Thank you for listening to Year 4’s rejoice assembly

19 Irish Blessing May your life in this world be a happy one May your sun be warm and may your skies be blue, May each storm that comes your way, Clear the air for a brighter day. May the saints and saviour watch over you.

20 As you spend time with your friends and your family, And you see the warmth and love they have for you, When you see the wars and hate, the others radiate, May the saints and saviour, watch over you.

21 May your life in this world be a happy one May your sun be warm and may your skies be blue, May each storm that comes your way, Clear the air for a brighter day. May the saints and saviour watch over you.

22 As you spend time in this old world of ours, As you see the beauty of the morning dew, As you smell the summer flowers, while you pass away the hours, May the saints and saviour, watch over you

23 May your life in this world be a happy one May your sun be warm and may your skies be blue, May each storm that comes your way, Clear the air for a brighter day. May the saints and saviour watch over you.

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