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COMMUNISM Historical Context, Theory, and Practice.

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1 COMMUNISM Historical Context, Theory, and Practice

2 Economic Systems in Historical Context 178018151848 IR begins in Britain utopian socialism capitalism communism Communist Manifesto

3 Capitalism Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776) free market / laissez faire “invisible hand” 3 duties of gov’t: 1.military 2.Justice 3.public works

4 What was the problem with capitalism?

5 Utopian Socialism French guys: Blanc, Fourier, Proudhon, Saint- Simon Goal: no social classes How to achieve: mixed economy – gov’t owns some industry & participates in econ. planning

6 Communism / Marxian Socialism Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848) Marx, Das Kapital Goal: no social classes How to achieve: revolution  command economy

7 Marxist Theory history = class struggle IR created 2 dominant classes: –bourgeoisie –proletariat greedy capitalists profit from surplus value of labor critique of utopians: bourgeoisie will never voluntarily help the proletariat

8 Marxist Theory Therefore …. WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! Results of revolution: –p–proletariat take power –a–abolition of private property –e–eventually gov’t. withers away

9 Communism in Practice Russian Revolution (1917) Lenin adapts Marxism to Russian conditions: revolutionary party leads revolution  problem: never gave up control

10 Communism in Practice 1 political party central econ. planning + state owns means of production stresses classless society anti-religion propaganda censorship basic freedoms denied secret police severe punishment for lawbreakers ***state has supreme power***

11 Communism in China 1.Why did Communism appeal to people in China? 2.How did Mao adapt Marxist theory to conditions in China?

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