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Alienation of Work: Seeds for a Communist Revolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Alienation of Work: Seeds for a Communist Revolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alienation of Work: Seeds for a Communist Revolution

2 Concepts & Contributions Society is divided into two major classes 1.Proletariat: The working class (creators of the means of production) 2.Bourgeoisie: The owners of capital (owners of the means of production)

3 Class Consciousness One’s relative position to means of production A common identification among members of a class Marx stressed workers needed to be conscious of their class Workers of the World Unite!

4 False Consciousness The inability to see where your best interests lay Workers needed to rid themselves of false consciousness Who controls property forms basis for class formation and struggle

5 Alienation Separation of a person’s affections from an object. Example: You feel no connection with something you are producing

6 Alienation in Marx’s Theory Alienated From: Objects Produced Process of Production Themselves Fellow Workers How? Do not own what they produce. Work satisfies needs of capitalists. Monotonous work limits growth and potential. Isolation from/Direct competition with fellow workers

7 Communism Stressed abolishment of private property Means of production shared by public Stressed human potential

8 Elimination Needed to eliminate alienation, division of labor, and private property

9 Revolution! A worldwide revolution would occur in which the workers would overthrow the capitalists and create a classless society.


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