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Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults FP6-IST-STREP Project E. Rondeau CRAN-UMR 7039 : CNRS-UHP-INPL Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults FP6-IST-STREP Project E. Rondeau CRAN-UMR 7039 : CNRS-UHP-INPL Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults FP6-IST-STREP Project E. Rondeau CRAN-UMR 7039 : CNRS-UHP-INPL Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

2 PLAN : 1. NeCST project 2. WP5 : Communication 3. NeCST Platforms 4. Conclusion Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

3 -NeCST : Networked Control Systems Tolerant to Faults -STREP Project -IST - Embedded Systems -Contract n° IST – 2004 – 004303 -Start date of project : 1 August 2004 -Duration : 3 years -Budget : 2M€ (Total) 1.2 M€ (Eligible costs) 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

4  Project Coordinator : E. Rondeau  Contractors : -University Henri-Poincaré, Nancy 1 (UHP, France) (Leader : D. Sauter) -Helsinki University of Technology (HUT, Finland) (Leader : SL Jämsä-Jounela) -University of Duisburg-Essen (UNIDE, Germany) (Leader : S. Ding) -University of Hull (UHULL, UK) (Leader : R. Patton) -NESTE JACOBS Oy (NESTE, Finland) (Leader : M. Sourander) -PREDICT (PREDICT, France) (Leader : J.B. Léger) -SAE – Automation (SAE, Slovakia) (Leader : V. Palacka) 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

5 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults - The aim of the project is to explore research opportunities in the direction of distributed control systems in order to enhance the performance of diagnostics and fault tolerant control systems. - Conventional Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) / Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) and Autonomy theories, with their ideal assumptions such as synchronised control, non delayed sensing and actuation, must be adapted to the new paradigm of NeCS. 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

6 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults Application Application Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation  FDI/FTC Conceptual Model : 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

7 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults Remote Application Remote Application Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation  FDI/FTC Conceptual Model For Distributed Systems : Remote measures and Remote compensations generate : - Missing values - Delays, Jitters - Clock non synchronization DelayFailure 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

8 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults Remote Application Remote Application Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation  FDI/FTC Conceptual Model OVER NETWORK : Remote measures and Remote compensations generate : - Missing values - Delays, Jitters - Clock non synchronization Network generates : - Management traffic (ARP, STP, SNMP,…) - Route optimization (RIP,…) - Protocols with self adaptation mechanisms (TCP) - Correlation between delay & missing messages (TCP) - Encapsulation & fragmentation of messages,… + Network 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

9 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults Network Network Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation  FDI/FTC Conceptual Model OF NETWORK : Network Measure - Network instrumentation Network Model - Queuing model, Network calculus Compensation on the network : - Accommodation : Priority, Queuing policy, load balancing - Reconfiguration : protocols, network architecture - Degradation : Message Inter arrival, traffic smoothing,… 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

10 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults  NeCST Conceptual Model : Network Network Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation Remote Application Remote Application Model QoS 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

11 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults  NeCST Conceptual Model and EMBEDDED SYSTEMS : Network Network Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation Remote Application Remote Application Model Embedded Components Network Devices Goal: To coordinate the Local and Global FDI/FTC models in taking into account the network QoS 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

12 WP2 : User Requirements (HUT) WP8 : Application to an industrial petroleum oil refinery (NESTE) WP3 : FDI/FTC in a distributed framework (UNIDE) WP4 : Autonomous operating conditions (UHULL) WP5 : Communication design and management (UHP) WP9 : Project assessment (UHP) WP10 : Exploitation strategies and dissemination (PREDICT) WP7 : Communication design tool (SAE) WP6 : Distributed software design (PREDICT) 1. NeCST project: Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

13 2. WP5 Description : Objectives  Design of robust communication architectures –high quality of service in terms of temporal performances and availability, with respect to the needs of the distributed application  Define procedures and algorithms –detect and accommodate network failures Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

14  Computed –Upper bound transmission delay (obtained from Network calculus)  Configuration parameters –Network architecture –Message parameters management (priority, queuing policy, protocols… 2. WP5 Description : Network information (FDI) Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults  Measured - State of the connections at an equipment (broken link at a router, …) - Transmission time (from an equipment to another) - Queue length in a buffer 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

15 1. Test the connectivity Information to measure: Connectivity Delay Queues size Jitter Clock non synchronisation … Technologies: Active / Passive measurements (analyser) Management Protocol like SNMP Clock synchronisation (IEEE1588) 2. Obtain local information 3. Distribution of the knowledge MIB/ SNMP Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 2. WP5 Description : Network FDI : Instrumentation 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

16 Network calculus algorithm Specific network parameters Network configuration Links capacity Message priority Network Traffic D  Principle : –Detect abnormal deviations of some network characteristics from their nominal values –The network state D is determined by the mean of the network calculus theory burst level data rate output capacity packets’ length 2. WP5 Description : Network FDI : Network state computation Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

17 DELAYS Frame’s number Measured delays value Upper bond computed value + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Abnormal delay measured value DELAYS Frame’s number Upper bond estimated Value variation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Traffic modification effect is adapted on line 2. WP5 Description : Network FDI : Residual generation Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults QoS required by applications 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

18  Fault Classification significantly –Negligible : QoS is not significantly degraded –Tolerable : The fault effect can be compensated. Modification of message priority in the device. –Significant : Node Failures 2. WP5 Description : Network FDI Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

19  Objective –Compensate effects of the faults on the system performances 2. WP5 Description : Fault Tolerant Network Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

20  Network reconfiguration procedure Distribute industrial devices on different Ethernet switches in order to reduce the load of the switches 2. WP5 Description : Fault Tolerant Network Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

21  Compensate local network fault to avoid traffic congestion  Adapt the communication traffic in order to ensure a good QoS Network Network Model EvaluationFault Detection Accommodation Reconfiguration Degradation Remote Application Remote Application Model Measurement of delays Flow modelling Estimation of maximum delay Entering traffic Output trafic Accommodation in a switch network device 2. WP5 Description : Embedded FDI/FTC Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

22 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults NeCST SIMULATION PLATFORM 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

23 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults NeCST SIMULATION PLATFORM 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

24 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults WP4 : Autonomy WP3 : FDI / FTC WP5 : NetworkWP8 : PROSimulator WP7 : OPCDB Gateway WP6 : CASIP NeCST SIMULATION PLATFORM 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

25 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

26 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

27 3. FDI/FTC over Network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

28 3. FDI/FTC over network Platforms Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults NeCST EXPERIMENTAL PLATFORM 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

29 4. Conclusion Embedded Systems Networked Control Systems Tolerant to faults  First period was validated by EC  Second Period : Integration and Evaluation of all WPs in the platforms  NeCST Web Site :  1st Workshop on NCS & FTC (6-7 Octobre 2005, Ajaccio) 17 Juin 2005, Réunion STRQdS, PARIS, NeCST

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