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POLISH INFORMATION AND FOREIGN INVESTMENT AGENCY Foreign investments in Poland Foreign Investment Department Warsaw, April

2 PAIiIZ Structure of PAIiIZ Foreign Investment Department BSS team
Manufacturing team BSS team Polish Foreign Investments team State aid Section Economic Promotion Department Economic Information Department Regional Development Department Bureau for Eastern Poland Economic Promotion Programme total employment at PAIiIZ: people joint-stock company, 100% owned by the Treasury 4/5 of the budget from the state subsidy, 1/5 - own resources regional offices – Investors’ Servicing Centres in regions 2

3 Long-term investment process!
Agency’s offer – full spectrum of business location advisory Considering of investment Marketing campaigns, investment seminars, work-shops, study tours Cooperation with Polish Embassies Project Managers assistance Location advisory Site visits Long list of countries Assistance in obtaining financial support from the state government Cooperation with SEZs, data base of agencies (real estate,HR, legal), business partners and suppliers Short list INVESTMENT DECISION Post-investment services Ombudsman for foreign investors Long-term investment process!

4 FDI stock in Poland as of the end of 2011
Geographical sources of FDI Major FDI investors in Poland (FDI stock as of the end of 2011, in bn EUR) Source: National Bank of Poland, 2012 4

5 FDI by manufacturing activity (in EUR bn)
FDI stock in Poland as of the end of 2011 FDI by sectors (in %) FDI by manufacturing activity (in EUR bn) Source: National Bank of Poland, 2012 5

6 FDI inflows to CEE countries (mn USD)
Source: UNCTAD World Investment Report 2012 6

7 Services and Manufacturing Hubs in Poland (1)

8 Services and Manufacturing Hubs in Poland (2)
AEROSPACE BSS Wrocław R&D Source: PAIiIZ compilation, 2014

9 Investment value (m EUR)
Completed projects by country of origin in 2014 Country No of projects Investment value (m EUR) Employment US 14 365 1,808 Germany 11 948 4,121 Sweden 3 37 425 UK 1,5 210 Italy 2 67 65 Japan 260

10 Completed projects by sector in 2014
Number Value (EUR m) Employment BSS+ ICT 17 12,7 3 300 automotive 9 1 223 3 256 R&D 6 7,34 523 food processing 2 250 11 wood- processing 70 95 packaging 12,5 80

11 The largest investors in terms of the number of created job places
Projects completed by November 2014 assisted by PAIiIZ 7,604 NEW WORK PLACES 45 COMPLETED PROJECTS 4 2 1 3 9 6 7 The largest investors in terms of the number of created job places 1782m EUR OF INVESTMENT Investments by country of origin The largest investors in terms of invested capital

12 Completed projects by region in 2014
łódzkie investment: 61,6 m EUR employment: 1 230 main sectors: BSS, logistic wielkopolskie investment: 829 m EUR employment: 2 830 main sectors: automotive, BSS małopolskie investment: 39,2 m EUR employment: 815 main sectors: BSS, food processing dolnośląskie investment: 27,8 m EUR employment: 669 main sectors: R&D, automotive pomorskie investment: 292 m EUR employment: 630 main sectors: food processing 4

13 Share of reinvestment in completed projects
Number Value (m EUR) Employment Completed projects 45 1,782 7,604 including reinvestment 28 1,512 6,406 Share of reinvestments 62% 85% 84%

14 Trends in FDI flow BSS manufacturing zatrudnienie job places Produkcja
Sectors BSS manufacturing Parameters Produkcja CAPEX zatrudnienie reinvestment - organic growth - expansion projects - new type of operations zakup Real estate needs Reinvestments job places rented office space brownfield greenfield newcomers Source: PAIiIZ 14

15 International recognition
14th place as the most attractive FDI destination 2nd most attractive country for FDI in the next 3 years 3rd place worldwide as the best quality location for manufacturing projects 2nd location in Eastern Europe and Russia offering the greatest revenue opportunities over next three years Poland classified as a mature outsourcing location 3rd best location in the world after India and China, for outsourcing businesses in financial, accounting, advisory 6th among top 10 destination countries in Europe in 2012

16 Poland in Doing Business 2015
2015 RANK DOING BUSINESS 2014 RANK DOING BUSINESS 2013 RANK DOING BUSINESS 2012 RANK 32 45 55 74 Quotations from the 2014 report: „Poland is now classified as a high-income economy, a remarkable achievement over 2 decades.” „Poland has made the greatest progress toward the frontier in regulatory practice in enforcing contracts in the past 5 years.” „Every region has a leading champion in the scope of improvements made since  — whether Poland for OECD high-income economies, China for East Asia and the Pacific or Colombia for Latin America and the Caribbean.” Source: World Bank, Doing Business 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

17 Poland - positive investment factors
Source: Ankieta koniunkturalna EŚW 2014, AHK Polska, June 2014

18 Poland – negative investment factors
Source: Ankieta koniunkturalna EŚW 2014, AHK Polska, June 2014

19 Would you take the same decision once again?
Would you choose your country again? = Investors’ loyalty against investing country Poland 1st place (ex equo with Estonia) with most positive results (96%) Source: Ankieta koniunkturalna EŚW 2014, AHK Polska, June 2014

20 The EU budget: present and future financial perspective
Effective incentives system Tax breaks CIT exemption in Special Economic Zone CIT relief for acquisition of new technology Real estate tax exemption Cash support Government grants Cash grants available through EU Funds Nadrzędnym celem wdrożenia Systemu jest stworzenie finansowego instrumentu wsparcia, który umożliwiałby przekonanie przedsiębiorców planujących inwestycje w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, a wahających się co do wyboru konkretnej lokalizacji, do umiejscowienia projektu w Polsce. The EU budget: present and future financial perspective Total: 975 bn EUR Poland: 69 bn EUR (7% of total) Total: 960 bn EUR Poland: 72.9 bn EUR (7.6% of total)

21 Regional state aid map – Maximum intensity in years 2014-2020
35% 50% 25% 35% 20% Warsaw Warsaw: - until – 15% - as of – 10% * map will be valid starting from

22 Special Economic Zones
Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is an especially dedicated area where investors receive special benefits Major purpose of SEZ is to support local growth There are 14 SEZ + subzones Cumulative area = ha SEZ will operate at least until 2026 Permits to conduct activities in SEZ are issued by the authorities of each SEZ Minimum investment: EUR Possibility of including the land selected by an investor into SEZ Benefits from obtaining a permit to conduct activities in SEZ: eligibility for income tax exemption plot of land prepared for an investment project, available at a competitive price free assistance in dealing with formalities relating to the investment project

23 CIT exemption in SEZ (mn PLN)
Results of SEZ PLN 83,8 bn of the investment expenditures (as of end of September 2012) 82 % of the investment expenditures were incurred by foreign companies of new jobs have been created in SEZ (as of end of September 2012) Every work place in the SEZ generates 0,75 of work place outside of the SEZ SEZ are located in 146 cities and 210 communes on total area of ha (as of end of 2012) CIT exemption in SEZ (mn PLN) Source: Ministry of Economy, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection

24 Exemption from real estate tax
Example: Grudziądz, Kujawsko - Pomorskie province Investment in the Pomorska SEZ by entrepreneur other than small or medium-sized a form of regional state aid available in communes which adopted resolutions concerning the possibility of exemption from real estate tax maximum tax limits set by the Ministry of Finance the exemption usually depends on the amount of new workplaces created Jobs created Full exemption Investment of at least EUR 100,000 50 3 years 70 5 years 90 7 years For every EUR 500,000 – additional 6 month of exemption no more than 1 year

25 Government grants – priority sectors
Program of support of investments of considerable importance for Polish economy Priority sectors Production automotive electronics aviation biotechnology „big investment” in other sectors Modern services ICT SSC BPO R&D activity (e.g. software development) Purpose of support development of innovativeness and competitiveness of Polish economy Result of support 53 programmes of total amount PLN 900 m (since 2004) 19,000 of new jobs 25

26 Government grants - parameters
Sector New work places and Investment costs Max. amount of support Employment grant Production* 250 PLN 40 m from PLN 3,200 (USD 1,000) to PLN 15,600 (USD 5,000)/ per job Modern services PLN 1.5 m** R&D 35 PLN 1.5 m Large investment in other sector 200 or 500 PLN 750 m PLN 500 m Investment grant Production* 50 PLN 160 m 1.5% to 12.5% of investment costs Large investment in other sector 200 or 500 PLN 750 m PLN 500 m R&D 35 PLN 10 m up to 10% *) Aid is not granted if unemployment rate in location (poviat) is below 75% of the national average, unless Eastern Poland **) excluding office space rental costs

27 European Funds for Poland: EUR 67 bn in 2007-2013
5 National OP (74 %) 16 Regional OP (25 %) European Territorial Cooperation Programme Source: European Commission

28 EUR 72.9 bn* European Funds for Poland: EUR 72.9 bn in 2014-2020
Partnership contract – between Poland and EC (draft adopted by the Council of Ministers on January 15th, 2013) Regional contract – between central government and self-government units * for cohesion policy + EUR 28,5 bn for agriculture policy

29 EU Cohesion Fund ( ) 72.9 bn EUR

30 Case study – AMAZON Amazon logistic centres in Poland: 2 near Wrocław (Kąty, Bielany Wrocławskie in Lower Silesia region) and 1 near Poznań (Tarnowo Podgórne in Wielkopolska region). Amazon will invest in total approx. EUR 40 million. Operations at the 3 new locations will begin by the end of 2014 / beginning of 2015. ultimately people will be employed permanently and additionally at the seasonal pick periods. three Amazon sites in Poland will be integrated into the network of 25 centers in Europe as part of an expansion strategy to serve customers in every European country. Location factors : Logistic & technical infrastructure Specialised and educated labour Competitive labour costs Poznań Investment: 40 mn EUR Jobs (total in 3 centres): (season) Wrocław I.2013 X.2013 II.2014 VIII 2014 Presentation of investment plans Investment decision Cornerstone laying ceremony Start of operations 30 30

31 Case study – Volkswagen
VW new greenfield project: investment outlays: 800 m EUR employment: 2300 product: semi truck location: Września, wielkopolskie province timeline: VW project step by step Over 22 greenfield offers provided, 11 visited sites 5 Special Economic Zones involved 5 trips lasting a few days to Poland to view the plots with up to 10 participants (PAIiIZ, investor and consultancy company) 5 PAIiIZ visits to the selected regions prior to the investor’s visits in order to prepare local authorities Several meetings at PAIiIZ HQ with local authorities and SEZ 3 negotiation rounds in Berlin; up to 50 participants; with the participation of Vice Minister of Economy 1 visit to the VW HQ 1 VW VIP visit to Poland, viewing the sites from the helicopter Września 31 31

32 Thank you for your attention
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