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COST Action IS0905 Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe COST İstanbul Meeting May 24-25, 2011 This research is funded by the.

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1 COST Action IS0905 Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe COST İstanbul Meeting May 24-25, 2011 This research is funded by the Turkish Scientific and Research Council since August 2010 as part of COST Action IS0905

2 Introduction The world trade started to be influenced by different dynamics: the increasing influence of Emerging Markets in the world trade: Big 10 Emerging Markets China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Poland, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa

3 The importance of Turkey in the new era of internationalization Turkey as a developing country, accomplished a major increase in its OFDI to developed countries, especially after 2005.

4 The importance of Turkey in the new era of internationalization Turkey’s OFDI reaching to $1.6 billion in 2009, held the 45 th place in OFDI rankings. listed 3rd country in the region(the West Asian countries) New greenfield projects: Turkey was 25 th country with 153 projects in 2009 (YASED, 2010).

5 Focus in The Literature The micro level studies from International Management perspective in the literature mainly focus on 1. Underlying Motives of OFDI 2. The impact of FDI Motives on DOI 3. The role of Firm capabilities and resources as drives of OFDI 4. The role of Competitive strategies in OFDI activities of the companies

6 The Rationale and Motives Behind Outward FDI Deng (2003), uses Dunning’s OLI framework and identifies 5 Firm-specific internal motives : resource seeking, market seeking, diversification seeking, technology seeking and strategic asset seeking motives

7 “institution based view”: home country related factors host country environment related factors “resource-based view” resource seeking and asset seeking motives Schüler-Zhou and Schüller (2009) tangible ( technology,machine) intangible resources ( management know-how, R&D capabilities, internationally known brands, brand development ability etc.)

8 The findings of recent studies on EMNCs : “strategic asset seeking” motives and/or “technology based resource seeking’’ motives acquiring advance technology enhancing managerial and marketing skills accessing know-how having the reputation for being established in a prestigious market increasing brand familiarity acquiring well-known international brands innovation, design, branding and acquisition of technology SOMEMARKETING STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS ARE HIDDEN MOTIVES

9 Marketing related factor as a single element within other groupings trademark and brand image (Kaya and Erden, 2008) speed of responding to consumer demand as firm characteristics (Kaya and Erden, 2008) branding as firm characteristics (Eren-Erdogmus et al., 2010) company’s marketing sophistication within improved organizational performance (Khavul et al., 2010) reputation and product design within perceptual performance measures (Kaya and Erden, 2007) taking market orientation as an independent variable while measuring subsidiary performance (Kwon, 2010).

10 Rationale of the research 1. Marketing related factors as EMNCs’ OFDI motives were investigated as part of different sub-groupings. 2. Most common measures used for internationalization range from combination of basic ratios such as; Foreign Sales to Total Sales Foreign Assets to Total Assets Share of foreign subsidiaries to total subsidiaries, - mostly objective /metric factors with some methodological difficulties - consideration of subjective factors can bring some benefits for the interpretation.

11 Rationale of The Research 3. Competitive strategies, managerial and organizational capabilities and sources of the companies are mainly investigated as the drives of OFDI, mostly taken as antecedents rather than consequencies. Internationalization through FDI influences the performance of the companies in general, marketing performance in particular in terms of these dimensions

12 Rationale of The Research 4. In the International Marketing Literature, the majority of studies focus on export as a market entry mode and analyse; Export marketing strategies The interaction between marketing strategies and export performance as an an indicator of internationalization Very limited studies on FDI as either an entry mode or indicator of internationalization

13 Objectives of The Study The basic objectives of the study are; 1) to determine the role of underlying marketing related motives of Turkish Multinationals investing in EU, 2) to analyze the impact of these motives on both the types of FDI and DOI in the light of company and industry characteristics 3) to examine the affect of FDI types and DOI on perceived company performance in general, marketing performance in particular

14 1)conducted via 10 in-depth interviews to identify Turkey specific marketing related factors, if any 2) to be conducted with Turkish companies having OFDI into EU countries, analyzing the results with the help of SPSS 3) to interpret the analytical results, to be obtained in Phase 2, if needed. Qualitative study (Oct ‘10-Jan ‘11) Qualitative study (Oct ‘10-Jan ‘11) Quantitative study (March ‘11 – Nov ’11) Quantitative study (March ‘11 – Nov ’11) Further in-depth interviews (April ‘12?) Further in-depth interviews (April ‘12?) Research Methodology

15 Common Points with the Lit. Similar to other country MNCs finding new markets, gaining experience in new markets, having company growth, introducing new products, getting a larger market share, having international brands, entering new business areas, having cash flow, turning extra cash into investments, diluting the risk, decreasing freight costs, accessing low cost resources.

16 1. In Relation to “Buying Time” in the Internationalization Process 2. In Relation to New Product Development 3. In Relation to the Effects of Manufacturing Country of Origin 4. In Relation to the Effect of Communication 5. In Relation to Targeting the Turkish Population in Europe as a Niche Market Qualitative Findings – Some Specific Factors

17 Through acquisitions, they had access to tangible and intangible assets - buying an entire knowledge system under a unified control, [Lau et al., 2010, Deng, 2007)] The tip of the iceberg: Turkish MNCs investing in Eastern EU for cost cutting concerns Hidden chunk: “manufacturing country of origin” The rise of communication’s effect and niche targets in EU Conclusions

18 COST Action IS0905 Emergence of Southern Multinationals and their Impact on Europe COST İstanbul Meeting May 24-25, 2011 This research is funded by the Turkish Scientific and Research Council since August 2010 as part of COST Action IS0905

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