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Click to edit Master title style 1 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 1 1 Derin N. Ural, Ph.D. Director Center of Excellence for Disaster Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master title style 1 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 1 1 Derin N. Ural, Ph.D. Director Center of Excellence for Disaster Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master title style 1 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 1 1 Derin N. Ural, Ph.D. Director Center of Excellence for Disaster Management Istanbul Technical University Istanbul, Turkey International Disaster Management Cooperation: International Disaster Management Cooperation: A Case for Turkey & USA

2 Click to edit Master title style 2 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 2 2 Outline I. Motivation II. Establishment of the Center of Excellence for Disaster Management III. Educational and Training Activities - Masters Degree Program Outline I. Motivation II. Establishment of the Center of Excellence for Disaster Management III. Educational and Training Activities - Masters Degree Program

3 Click to edit Master title style 3 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 3 U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency - Istanbul Technical University Project ACHIEVE “A Cooperative Hazard Impact-reduction Effort Via Education” September 2000 - December 2004 Effort Via Education” September 2000 - December 2004 Sponsored by USAID - OFDA Sponsored by USAID - OFDA

4 Click to edit Master title style 4 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 4 Activities of the Center (2001 – today) Publications – ITU Press International Conferences Research and Implementation Projects Educational Programs National Programs II. Establishment of the Center of Excellence for Disaster Management Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Technical University

5 Click to edit Master title style 5 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 5 Recent Publications 1.The Restructuring of the Turkish Fire Brigades under the Light of International Experiences, ITU Press, 2001. 2.A Model for Restructuring the Turkish Fire Bridade (in Turkish), ITU Press, 2002. 3.A National Emergency Management Model Study (in Turkish), ITU Press, 2002. 4.Proceedings, FEMA-ITU Higher Education Conference in Turkey, 2003. 5.Disaster Management Planning for Schools, ITU Press, 2004. 6.The Disaster Management Reconaissance Report for the Nov.15 and Nov. 20 Terrorist Attacks in Istanbul, ITU Press, 2005.

6 Click to edit Master title style 6 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 6 International Conferences 1.The Restructuring of the Turkish Fire Brigade (2001) 2.FEMA – ITU Higher Education Conference (2003) RTMI - ITU National Research Projects (2001-2003) Turkish National Emergency Management, Turkish National Emergency Management, Education and Exercise Implementation Program Education and Exercise Implementation Program Development of a National Emergency Management Model Development of a National Emergency Management Model The Restructuring of the Turkish Fire Brigades The Restructuring of the Turkish Fire Brigades The Development of a National Database (GIS/RSS) & The Development of a National Database (GIS/RSS) & Standard for a Disaster Management Decision Support System Standard for a Disaster Management Decision Support System

7 Click to edit Master title style 7 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 7 Principles of Training at ITU: Principles of Disaster Management Disaster Management III. Educational and Training Activities Non-Governmental Organizations

8 Click to edit Master title style 8 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 8 Certificate Courses ITU Conducted İstanbul Technical University Personnel, İstanbul Technical University Personnel, Kocaeli Governor and Deputy Governors, Kocaeli Governor and Deputy Governors, Kocaeli GovernorDisaster Employees, Kocaeli Governor Disaster Employees, Edirne GovernorDisaster Employees, Edirne Governor Disaster Employees, Istanbul Governor and Deputy Governors Istanbul Governor and Deputy Governors Istanbul Greater Municipality Disaster Istanbul Greater Municipality Disaster Management Center Employees Management Center Employees Kadıköy Municipality and NGO’s Kadıköy Municipality and NGO’s NGO’s in Istanbul, NGO’s in Istanbul, Private Sector in Istanbul, Private Sector in Istanbul, TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center ERDEMİR Corporation, ERDEMİR Corporation, Vehbi Koç Vakfı Private Elementary Vehbi Koç Vakfı Private Elementary & High School & High School Local Mayors (JICA Support) Local Mayors (JICA Support) Local Government – NGO’s – Private Sector – Schools (1000 + )

9 Click to edit Master title style 9 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 9 Challenges for Initiating Graduate Program Legal IssuesLegal Issues –Faculty members attended seminars delivered by government leaders regarding Disaster Management Laws Cultural IssuesCultural Issues –Courses had to have case studies from Turkey Language IssuesLanguage Issues –Courses were based on the FEMA Higher Ed Project Graduate Job PlacementGraduate Job Placement –New & unique program University Senate & Board of Higher Education ApprovalUniversity Senate & Board of Higher Education Approval –Central Board of Higher Education looks over all Universities in Turkey

10 Click to edit Master title style 10 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 10 Challenges for Initiating Graduate Program (2) Initiating program required: Success for Project ACHIEVE (2000)Success for Project ACHIEVE (2000) Support from Central Government (2001)Support from Central Government (2001) Disaster Management Awareness (2001-today)Disaster Management Awareness (2001-today) –Certificate Programs –Seminars Cooperation with experienced US Universities (2002)Cooperation with experienced US Universities (2002)

11 Click to edit Master title style 11 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 11 DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Master of Science Degree Program Istanbul Technical University initiated in cooperation with: initiated in cooperation with: Texas A&M University Oklahoma State University Texas A&M University Oklahoma State University 2002 - 2003

12 Click to edit Master title style 12 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 12 C o r e C o u r s e sC o r e C o u r s e s CourseFall SemesterSpring Semester AFY511E Principles of Disaster and Emergency Management AFY513Policies in Disaster Management AFY512Principles and Practices of Hazards MitigationAFY532 Disaster Response Operations and Management AFY531Principles of Risk ManagementAFY533 Research and Analysis Methods in Emergency Management E l e c t i v e C o u r s e s AFY551Social Dimensions of DisastersAFY553E Human Resources in Emergency Management AFY521E Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity AFY523 Public Administration and Emergency Management AFY522Fire Risks and ManagementAFY543 Environmental Hazards and Emergency Management AFY541EIndividual and Community Disaster EducationAFY552E Emergency Management Technology AFY542 Managerial Decision Making and Communication Skills in Emergency Management AFY563Earthquake Hazard Management AFY561EBuilding Disaster Resilient CommunitiesAFY582 Hydrometeorological Hazards and Preparedness AFY562Tourism and Emergency Management

13 Click to edit Master title style 13 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 13 Student Profile 13 Students13 Students Professions include:Professions include: –Medical Doctors –Journalists –Engineers –Architects –NGO representatives First Graduation Ceremony: February 2004 Graduating Class with US Consul General David Arnett

14 Click to edit Master title style 14 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 14 Effects of the ITU Graduate Program Turkish Disaster Management Directorate General Director Mr. Hasan Ipek

15 Click to edit Master title style 15 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 15 National Service Istanbul Greater Municipality Earthquake Master Plan- Disaster Management and Public Awareness Committee 2002 – 2003 Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry State Planning Organization, National Economics Conference, Disaster Management Committee, completed May 2004 Ministry of Settlements & Public Works, Earthquake Preparedness Think Tank, October 2004 Law for Disaster Management in Turkey – Jan. 2005

16 Click to edit Master title style 16 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 16 National Emergency Training Center (NETC) Emmitsburg, Maryland-USA Proposal to the Turkish Prime Ministry National Emergency Training Center (NETC) ITU, Istanbul - Turkey ?

17 Click to edit Master title style 17 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 17 Regional Disaster Management Training Center ( Europe, Balkans.. ) Training language can be in English & Turkish Web based programs Web based programs MSc programs MSc programs Proposal to the Turkish Prime Ministry

18 Click to edit Master title style 18 FEMA Higher Ed Conference -June 7, 2005 18 T h a n k y o u ! For further information : Center of Excellence for Disaster Management Istanbul Technical University Maslak 80626 Istanbul, Turkey e-mail: URL:

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