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Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRKMustafa Kemal ATATÜRK. A Genious…A Genious…

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Presentation on theme: "Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRKMustafa Kemal ATATÜRK. A Genious…A Genious…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRKMustafa Kemal ATATÜRK

2 A Genious…A Genious…

3 A Deliberator…A Deliberator…

4 A Founder…A Founder…

5 A Man of Enlightment...

6 A Great Communicator...

7 A Great Convincer...A Great Convincer...

8 A great, careful open minded listener, without any prejudice….

9 The Father of us, Turks…..

10 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki in 1881.

11 He graduated from the Military School and joined the army as an officer.

12 He became the chief commander of the army during the War of Independence. (1919-1922)

13 He founded the modern Turkish Republic in 1923.

14 The Turkish Grand National Assembly elected him as the first president.

15 During this period the following reforms were constituted

16 1. Political Reforms

17  Recognition of equal rights for women and men 2. Social Reforms  Reform of Headgear and Dress

18 3. Legal Reforms  Abolishment of the Canon Law  Transfer in to a secular law structure

19 4. Educational and cultural reforms  Adoption of the new Turkish alphabet

20 5. Economic Reforms

21 Atatürk died in 1938.His mausoleum is in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey.

22 A whole nation bursts out into tears.

23 What was said about him

24 The death of Atatürk, who had saved Turkey during the War and revived the Turkish Nation after the War, is a great loss, not only for his country, but also for Europe as well. Winston CHURCHILL, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

25 My sorrow is that, it is no longer possible to fulfil my strong wish about meeting with this man. Franklin D. ROOSEVELT (U.S. President, 10 November 1963)

26 TIME: “Mustafa Kemal Pasha is the man who succeeded to create a whole new nation out of the ashes of a destroyed, outdated empire...” TIME: “Mustafa Kemal Pasha is the man who succeeded to create a whole new nation out of the ashes of a destroyed, outdated empire...” March 24, 1923

27 UNITED KINGDOM England salutes the great man, that England has known first as a brave and noble enemy, then as a faithful friend. Sunday Times

28 GREECE In the life of a nation it is very seldom that changes to such a radical degree were carried out in such a short period of time... Without a doubt, those who have done these extraordinary activities have earned the attributes of a great man in the complete sense of the word. And because of this, Turkey can be proud of itself. (October 31, 1933) Eleutherios Venizelos, Prime Minister of Greece

29 JAPAN We feel a great admiration for Atatürk in his efforts towards ensuring the modernization of Turkish society by separating religion and politics from each other and by carrying out the Turkish Language Reforms. Hayato Ikeda Prime Minister of Japan




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