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Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group 2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting Janis L. Young Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group 2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting Janis L. Young Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Library of Congress Update to the Authority Control Interest Group 2015 ALA Midwinter Meeting Janis L. Young Policy and Standards Division Library of Congress

2 Personnel Changes  Library administration  David Mao, Law Librarian of Congress, was appointed Deputy Librarian of Congress (Jan. 12, 2015)  Roberta Shaffer, Associate Librarian of Congress for Library Services retired (Aug. 22, 2014)  Mark Sweeney, director for Preservation, is serving as acting associate librarian 2

3 Personnel Changes  NDMSO  Kevin Ford, digital project coordinator, resigned (Oct. 24, 2014)  New ABA division chiefs  Vera Clyburn (US Arts, Humanities, and Sciences Division; Sept. 7, 2014)  Zbigniew Kantorosinski (Germanic and Slavic Division; Sept. 7, 2014)  New ABA section heads  Hector Morey (Africa Section; Aug. 10, 2014)  Jessalyn Zoom (History and Military Science Section; Aug. 25, 2014) 3

4 Cataloger’s Desktop  “Search first,” not “browse first”  Feedback may be sent to Bruce Johnson ( 4

5 BIBFRAME Pilot  Planning began in late 2014  Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate  Moving Image, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division 5

6 Linked Data Service  Two new datasets added  Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM)  American Folklore Society’s Ethnographic Thesaurus 6

7 DCRM(G)  Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics)  Updated by the Association of College and Research Libraries, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section  Covers all types of still images  PDF freely available at or through a Cataloger’s Desktop subscription 7

8 Authority Work Statistics  New NARs 77,652  New LCSH 3,350  New LCC 5,806* 2014 8 *Includes KIA-KIK, KF, and KJV developments

9 ALA/LC Romanization Tables  Three table revisions  Mande languages in N’ko script: CC:AAM will be voting  Uighur: constituent comments due by Feb. 5, 2015  Tibetan: constituent comments due by March 1, 2015  One new table  Cham: constituent comments due by Feb. 5, 2015 9

10 PCC RDA Authorities Phase 3 Task Group  Charged with planning and implementing changes to the NAF  To bring the remaining portion of the LC/NACO Authority File into alignment with RDA  To populate existing name records with additional enhancements whenever possible 10

11 PCC RDA Authorities Phase 3 Task Group  190,000 NARs updated  Updated music medium of performance (130/240 $m)  Generated 382 fields  Modified some subfields 100 $c  Added 667 notes to undifferentiated personal names  Generated 046 fields  Reformulated 678s not suitable for public display to a 670 field  Evaluated 370 fields Phase 3A Dec. 8, 2014- Jan. 6, 2015 11

12 PCC RDA Authorities Phase 3 Task Group  Detailed description of revisions: http://files.library.northwestern. edu/public/rdaphase3/docs/ Phase 3B Summer 2015 12

13 LChelp4RDA Email Account  retired  Established by PSD in 2010  Use for RDA- related questions 13

14 JSC Meeting  JSC discussed a total of 47 proposals and discussion papers and responses to them  PSD developed five change proposals  Brief summary of outcomes available at http://www.rda- mes.html Nov. 2014 14

15 LC PCC/PSs  No updates in Aug. 2014  Migration to new CMS  RDA Toolkit’s Oct. 2014 release  4 new policy statements  19 revised policy statements  Next update: Feb. 2015  To include PSs reconciling PCC requirements from the CONSER and BIBCO standard records 15

16 Malaysian Jurisdictions and Features  Updating name and subject headings to reflect changes to RDA  Malaysia no longer on list of exceptional countries  UCSD is assisting PSD  Working state-by-state  Johor, Kedah, Pahang, Perlis, Sabah, and Terengganu are completed  Continue to use existing headings until they are changed 16

17 Free Publications  New editions will be posted on in Feb. 2015  LCSH, 37 th edition  LCGFT, 2015 edition  LCMPT, 1 st edition  LC classification schedules, various editions Vocabularies 17

18 Free Publications  Instruction sheets revised since the 2014 Annual Conference  SHM: 16 instruction sheets  CSM: 3 instruction sheets Manuals 18

19 --Industries  Intended to be used under headings for preliterate peoples  Subdivision cancelled  From H 1103, Ethnic Groups  Where it was specifically established  Bibliographic records will be revised as time permits  Brings PSD closer to providing a subject category code (072 field) to headings for ethnic groups SHM H 1103 19

20 American Indian Law  KIA-KIK, Law of the Indigenous Peoples in North America  Draft schedule added to Classification Web in June 2014  KF8200-8578, Indians  Expansion began in June 20

21 American Indian Law  Schedules are not ready for use  Captions, notes, and references are being fine- tuned for consistency  Continue to use the free PDF of the KF schedule  Anticipated completion: spring 2015 21

22 Law of Hawaii  KJV schedule: Law of Hawaii (To 1900)  Added to Classification Web and available for use 22

23 Turkish Literary Authors  Since 1935, all Turkish literary authors have been classed in PL248.A-Z  Overcrowded  Filing rules changed in 1981 23

24 Turkish Literary Authors  Revisions  PL248.A-Z: Authors who began to publish through 2014  Numbers for literary authors whose names begin with O, Ö, U, and Ü were revised  PL249.A-Z: Authors who begin to publish in 2015 and beyond 24

25 LCGFT  PSD approved approximately 175 “general” genre/form terms in Jan. 2015  A partnership with the SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation’s General Terms Working Group  No plans to cancel any LCSH form subdivisions ($v) General Terms 25

26 LCGFT  PSD will approve approximately 560 terms in Feb. 2015  Public comment period closed Jan. 26, 2015  Partnership with the Music Library Association’s Bibliographic Control Committee, Form/Genre Task Force  PSD and MLA are still discussing approximately 150 proposed terms Music Terms 26

27 LCGFT  PSD will approve approximately 390 terms in March 2015  Public comments to through Feb. 18, 2015  More information and the Tentative List are available at nreliterature.html  Partnership with the SAC Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation, Working Group on LCGFT Literature Terms Literature Terms 27

28 LCGFT  Not yet accepting proposals for additional terminology for “general,” music, or literature terms  LC has not yet determined when it will implement the new terminologies 28

29 Demographic Group Terms  PSD is compiling LCSH classes of persons and ethnic group headings  Next steps  Determining which terms are likely to be needed as creator/contributor or audience characteristics  Assigning terms to hierarchies  Terms approved in spring 2015 29

30 Questions? 30

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