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Unit 3 Lesson 16: bring, take, let, leave, lend, loan

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Lesson 16: bring, take, let, leave, lend, loan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Lesson 16: bring, take, let, leave, lend, loan
Page 153

2 Look at the chart on page 153
VERB MEANING EXAMPLE To bring To carry or lead TOWARD Pam brought me a postcard. To take To carry or lead AWAY She will take me to the museum. To let To allow, permit The museum doesn’t let you take photographs. To leave To go away from, allow to remain You must leave your camera.

3 Using lend and loan To lend – to give something temporarily. (transitive verb – meaning it takes a direct object) Museums often lend each other paintings. Loan – something that is lent (noun). These works are a loan from a French museum.

4 Try it out Numbers 1-5 in your notes, please.

5 Fantastic. Now do 6-18 in your notes.
Remember, it is your responsibility to complete these before our next Grammar period.

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