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Muscle Info… General Info: -Muscles always pull and never push bones…

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1 Muscle Info… General Info: -Muscles always pull and never push bones…
***Meaning during a joints movement phase muscles causing the movement can only pull the bones toward each other…they cannot push the bones toward each other. Example: -Elbow flexion *Muscle responsible is the biceps brachii (prime mover). *Pulls insertion towards origin radial tuberosity toward the coracoid process Triceps Brachii (antagonist): -This muscle does not “push” the joint open during muscle contraction… in this example it does allow the action to occur…

2 Muscle Movements… Muscle Movements:
Prime mover – Muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement Antagonist – Muscle that opposes or reverses the action of a prime mover Synergist – Muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement ***Synergists do a similar movement to the prime mover, but to a lesser degree ***Synergists also help reduce undesirable movements… (muscles that stabilize the wrist during elbow flexion) Fixator Muscles – Stabilizes one part of the body during the movement of another ***Specifically stabilizes the origin bone during movement. ***Examples would be the erector spinea group of muscles that keep you upright during movement

3 Naming Muscles… 1) Direction of the Muscle Fibers:
- Named in reference to an imaginary line (usually the midline of the body) *** Example: 1) Rectus means “Straight” - Rectus Femoris = muscle fibers of the thigh run parallel to that imaginary line 2) Obliques means neither parallel nor perpendicular to the long axis of a body or limb - External Obliques = muscle fibers run at an “angle” to the midline

4 Naming Muscles… 2. Relative Size of the Muscle Maximus = largest
Minimus = smallest Longus = longest *** Example: 1) Gluteus Maximus: - Largest of the gluteal muscles (medius / minimus) 2) Gluteus Minimus: - Largest of the gluteal muscles 3) Extensor Pollicus Longus: - Longest of the extensor muscles of the posterior lower arm.

5 Naming Muscles… 3. Location of the Muscle
Named for the bone with the muscles are associated . *** Example: Temporalis = Overlies the temporal bone of the skull Femoris = Overlies the femur Anterior Tibialis= Overlies the anterior portion of the tibia Sternocliedomastoid= Overlies the sternum, clavicle and mastoid processes 4. Number of Origins Name based on the number of attachment sites (heads) that it has with bones *** Example: Biceps = two origins Triceps = three origins Quadriceps = four origins

6 Naming Muscles… 5. Location of the Muscle’s Origin and Insertion
Named for their attachment sites to bones. *** Example: Sternocleidomastoid  Origin on sternum (Sterno—) and Clavicle (—cleido—)  Insertion on mastoid process of temporal bone (—mastoid) 6. Shape of the Muscle Named for the distinctive shape that some muscles have. *** Example: Deltoid: Deltoid means “triangular” Rhomboideus Minor: Rhomboid shaped muscle “A four-sided shape where all sides have equal length, also opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal. (found deep to tapezium, which would be another good exmaple)

7 Naming Muscles… 7. Action of the Muscle
Named for actions such as flexion, extension, adduction and abduction… *** Example: Adductor Longus= adducts the femur Extensor Digitorum Longus = Extends the fingers (found on posterior forearm area) Extensor Digitorum Longus: = Extends the fingers (found on posterior forearm area)

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