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CS 263 Course Project1 Survey: Type Systems for Race Detection and Atomicity Feng Zhou, 12/3/2003.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 263 Course Project1 Survey: Type Systems for Race Detection and Atomicity Feng Zhou, 12/3/2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 263 Course Project1 Survey: Type Systems for Race Detection and Atomicity Feng Zhou, zf@cs 12/3/2003

2 CS 263 Course Project2 The Problem and Approaches Interleaved execution in multi-threaded applications may lead to wrong results Reasons: –Race condition: concurrent accesses to a shared variable with at least one write –Use of “stale” data Static tools –Warlock (93) – program analysis, ANSI C –Rccjava(00), atomicity types(03) – type systems –ESC/java(02) – more powerful automatic theorem proving –RacerX(03) – inter-procedural analysis Dynamic tools –Eraser – tracking locksets and intersections

3 CS 263 Course Project3 Rccjava: Type-Based Race Detector Cormac Flanagan, 2000 Supports lock-based synchronization discipline Basic annotations: “guarded_by” and “requires” class Account { private int balance = 0 /*# guarded_by this */; private void update(int x) /*# requires this */ { balance = x; } public void deposit(int n) { synchronized(this) { update(balance + n); }

4 CS 263 Course Project4 Type Checking by Tracking Locksets class Account { private int balance = 0 /*# guarded_by this */; private void update(int x) /*# requires this */ { balance = x; } public void deposit(int n) { synchronized(this) { update(balance + n); } lockset={this} this  lockset ? lockset={} lockset = {this} this  lockset ?

5 CS 263 Course Project5 More complex annotations and constructs Problems with this simple scheme, –There are complex locking schemes used in real apps –Requires too many annotations –Produces a lot of spurious race reports Features to solve these problems: Classes parameterized by locks –Allows fields to be protected by external locks. E.g elements of a list protected by a lock on the list –Implemented using “ghost” parameters to classes Thread-local objects –Enforced by the type system Mechanisms for escaping the type system –Unsound

6 CS 263 Course Project6 Assignment to a shared field Class Instantiation with ghost parameters Sample Typing Rules

7 CS 263 Course Project7 Beyond Race Detection: A Type and Effect System for Atomicity Flanagan03, based on rccjava Atomicity: a separate property of expressions/methods const < mover < atomic < cmpd < error Const: does not depend on or change any state Mover: operations that can commute with any concurrent operations from other threads –example: an access to field f guarded by lock l with l held Atomic: behaves exactly the same when running concurrently with other threads or in serial Cmpd: none of the previous ones Error: violates the locking discipline

8 CS 263 Course Project8 A Type and Effect System for Atomicity (2) Iterative closures and compositions –mover*  mover –atomic atomic  cmpd –mover* atomic mover*  atomic Typing rules,

9 CS 263 Course Project9 Example of atomicity checking atomic int readBalance() { int t; synchronized (this) { t = balance; } return t; } atomic int withdraw(int amt) { int b = readBalance(); synchronized (this) { balance = b – ant; } AA A A cmpd

10 CS 263 Course Project10 Reported Application Run on several standard JDK1.4 classes: StringBuffer, String,PrintWriter,Vector… Sized from 296 LOC to 2399 LOC Found one bug in StringBuffer

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