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Chapter 7: Power Dividers and Directional Couplers

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1 Chapter 7: Power Dividers and Directional Couplers
ELCT564 Spring 2012 Chapter 7: Power Dividers and Directional Couplers 4/16/2017 ELCT564

2 Power Dividers, Couplers and Hybrids
Single components which perform power generation/amplification are interconnected to combine outputs to achieve more power Requirements: components with low loss and high isolation between ports: component with 3 or 4 ports Most commonly known: power dividers, couplers and directional couplers 4/16/2017 ELCT564

3 T Junctions Can not be lossless, reciprocal and matched at all ports.
Lossless and matched at all ports. T-junction Counterclockwise circulation Clockwise circulation It is impossible to construct a 3-port network that is lossless, reciprocal and matched at all ports If only two ports are matched, then it can be lossless and reciprocal 4/16/2017 ELCT564

4 Directional Couplers Can be lossless, reciprocal and matched at all ports. The Symmetrical (90o) Coupler Ideal coupler: input power is split between direct and coupled ports, no power is reflected back or delivered to isolated power. The Antisymmetrical (180o) Coupler 4/16/2017 ELCT564

5 Hybrids 90o or 180o couplers which split the power equally between direct and coupled ports are called Hybrids Quadrature Hybrid (90o phase shift) Quadrature Hybrid (180o phase shift) 4/16/2017 ELCT564

6 T-Junction Power Divider
E plane waveguide T, H plane waveguide T and Microstrip T-junction Transmission line model of a lossless T-junction At low frequencies, parasitic junction capacitance is negligible. At high frequency, performance is affected. T Junction can only have two of the following: lossless, matched, reciprocal 4/16/2017 ELCT564

7 T-Junction Power Divider Example
A lossless T-junction power divider has a source impedance of 50 Ω. Find the output characteristic impedances so that the input power is divided in a 2:1 ratio. Compute the reflection coefficients seen looking into the output ports. 4/16/2017 ELCT564

8 Resistive Divider To match all the ports 4/16/2017 ELCT564

9 The Wilkinson Divider Matched at all ports, with isolation between output ports and lossless When divider is driven at port 1 and matched output ports, no power is dissipated in the resistor Only reflected power from ports 2 and 3 is dissipated in the resistor S23=S32=0, ports 2 and 3 are isolated Can also be designed for unequal power splits: k2=P3/P2 Design an equal-split Wilkinson power divider for a 50 Ω system impedance at Frequency f0,and plot the returnloss(S11),insertion loss(:S21=S31),and isolation (S23=S32)v ersus Frequency from 0.5f0 to 1.5f0. 4/16/2017 ELCT564

10 Coupled Line Couplers When 2 lines are close together, power can be coupled from one to the other (EM filed interaction) C12 is capacitance between the 2 strip conductors in the absence of ground conductor, C11 & C22 are capacitance between strip and ground in the absence of the other strip Use more section to increase bandwidth 4/16/2017 ELCT564

11 The Quadrature (90o) Hybrid
Excellent isolation and directivity, equal split with 90o difference between outputs Bandwidth is 10-20%: more bandwidth with multiple sections 180o Hybrid Equal power division (unequal also possible) Outputs have 180o difference Different ways for fabrication, most popular is the “rat race” coupler Input port 1, even split in ports 2 & 3, port 4 will be isolated Input port 4, even split in ports 2 & 3, port 1 will be isolated Combiner 4/16/2017 ELCT564

12 The Lange Coupler Coupling in coupled line coupler is to loose to achieve of 3 to dB In order to increase coupling between edge-coupled lines : use several lines parallel to each other so that the fringing fields at both edges of a line contribute to the coupling. Four coupled lines are used with interconnection to get tight coupling Can achieve 3 dB coupling with an octave or more bandwidth 90o phase difference between outputs (ports 2 and 3) Drawback: very narrow lines close together, difficult to fabricate bonding wires Interdigitated geometry 4/16/2017 ELCT564

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