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Presentation on theme: "STRIATED SKELETAL MUSCULAR TISSUE. FUNCTIONS Movement Heat Stabilization."— Presentation transcript:


2 FUNCTIONS Movement Heat Stabilization

3 TYPES Striated Skeletal Voluntary Striated Cardiac Involuntary Visceral Smooth Involuntary

4 PROPERTIES Contractibility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity

5 FASCIA Tendon of Origination Epimysium Perimysium Endomysium Tendon of Insertion

6 MYOFIBER STRUCTURE Sarcolemma Sarcoplasm Sarcoplasmic Reticulum –Transverse Tubule –Triad –T Tubule –Terminal Cisterna Multinuclear Mitochondria Myofibrils

7 MYOFIBER MYOFILAMENTS Contractile Proteins Actin Myosin Regulatory Proteins Troponin Tropomyosin Structural Proteins Titin Nebulin Myomesin Dystrophin

8 SARCOMERIC AREAS Z Disc I Band A Band H Zone M Line I Band Z Disc

9 METABOLISM OF MYOFIBER Anaerobic Respiration –Glycolysis 2 ATP’s / Glucose 2 Trioses / Glucose 2 NADH2 / Glucose

10 AEROBIC RESPIRATION Transition Reaction –2 Pyruvic Acid / Glucose –2 NADH2 / Glucose Citric Acid Cycle –2 ATP’s –2 FADH2 / Glucose –6 NADH2 / Glucose Electron Chain Transport

11 BLOOD SUPPLY Myofiber –Capillary Arterial Venous

12 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Somatic Motor Neuron –Dendrites –Cell Body –Axonic Hillock –Teleodendria –Synaptic End Bulb –Synaptic Vacuole –Exocytosis –ACH –Synapsis –Diffusion

13 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Myofiber –Sarcolemma –Ach Receptor –Transverse Tubule –Na+ Gates Open –Na+ Influx –Transverse Tubule –Triad

14 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Myofiber –Triad –Terminal Cisternae –Ca+2 Gates Open –Ca+2 Sarcoplasmic Diffusion –Activated Troponin –Activated Tropomyosin –Troponin Tropomyosin Complex –Exposed Actin

15 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Myofiber –Ca+2 Sarcoplasmic Diffusion –Myosin Cross Bridges –ATP Myosinases –Dephosphorylation of ATP –Diphosphate Bonds Broken –Energy Released –ADP and Free High Energy

16 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Myofiber –Actin-Myosin Lock Up –Myomesin Pulls on Myosin –Myosin Pulls Actin –Myosin and Actin in H Zone –H Zone Disappears –Sarcomere Shortens –Z Disc –All Sarcomeres Shorten

17 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Myofiber –Dystrophin –Sarcolemma –Endomesium –Perimesium –Epimesium –Tendon of Insertion

18 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Remove Threshold Stimulus –Na+1 Gates Close –K+1 Gates Open –Repolarization –Refractory –AChE –Actin-Myosin unlock –Troponin-Tropomyosin Complex unlock

19 NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTION Remove Threshold Stimulus –H Zone Reappears –Sarcomeres Return –Ca+2 Transported to Organelle of Storage –Calsequestrin –Ca+2 Gates Closed –Expenditure of Energy

20 MOTOR UNIT One Somatic Motor Neuron 150 Myofilbers Epimesium Tendon of Insertion

21 TWITCH CONTRACTION Response to One Stimulus Latent Period Contraction Period Summation Period Refractory Period Relaxation Period

22 APPLICATION OF STIMULI Treppe Complete Tetanic Incomplete Tetanic Wave Summation –Smooth Summation –Rough Summation

23 MUSCULAR TONUS Partial Contraction Involuntary Contraction

24 TYPES OF MOVEMENTS Isotonic –Examples: Isometric –Examples:

25 TYPES OF MUSCLES Red Muscles –# Myoglobin –Slow –Examples: White Muscles –# Myoglobin –Fast –Examples:

26 TYPES OF MUSCLES Red and White Mixture –# of Myoglobin –Examples:

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