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Integrated Machine Tool Simulation & Verification Workshop S&V Commands April 9-10, 2002 Cypress, California.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Machine Tool Simulation & Verification Workshop S&V Commands April 9-10, 2002 Cypress, California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Machine Tool Simulation & Verification Workshop S&V Commands April 9-10, 2002 Cypress, California

2 Simulation and Verification Commands Purpose: Protocol to communicate instructions and feedback from MTD to Simulation and Verification Engine in means of S&V events S&V Engine Input Buffer S&V Events Output Buffer Simultaneous Events S&V Commands Customized Processor NC Channel-nNC Channel-3NC Channel-2NC Channel-1

3 Categories of S&V Commands  Motion Commands: move slides or machine devices to specified locations.  Mounting Commands: mount or un-mount changeable devices and cutting tools.  Feedback Commands: issue graphical, messages, audio or any other feedback to be passed to the user or to the CAM processor.  Control Commands: used for coordinating and managing commands.  Query Commands: to allow the MTD writer to get information from the machine tool model.  Miscellaneous Commands: are anything else that doesn’t fall into the above categories.

4 S&V Commands  Basic S&V Commands: The building blocks for the S&V high level commands. Each command normally creates one kind of S&V event that is directed to current NC channel and is executed in specified duration. Example: SIM_move_linear_axis 5.3 X 50.5  High Level S&V Commands: Uses the Basic S&V commands to create new commands that are often used by MTD writer to simplify his task in development of new drivers. Example: SIM_move_circular_zcs 0.0 0.0 1.0 X 10 Y 10 I 20 J 30 Note: Motion commands have similar syntax as G codes

5 Coordinate system for the origin of the NC program (ZCS=MCS) machine tool zero coordinate system MTCS absolute coordinate system of the whole assembly(ACS) Equivalent to controller preset zero offset(G54-G57) Controller programmable zero offset(G58-G59) could be handle in different ways. Coordinate Systems used in MTD ACS: The Absolute Coordinate System for entire assembly. MCS : The UG-CAM Machine Coordinate System. NC program is output in this system. MTCS: Machine Tool Coordinate System. An abstract coordinate system defined on every machine. ZCS: The workpiece Zero Coordinate System. Matches the MCS on the machine tool. XCS: The Axis Coordinate System. Degree of freedom is expressed i.r.t this system. TCS: The Tool Coordinate System. Origin in the tool tip. +X axis of TCS points in direction of tool axis (and tool length). Matches Genius definition. RCJ: The Reference Coordinate Junction. Reference junction used in the high level positioning S&V commands. Axis Coordinate System XCS

6 Basic S&V Commands Examples of Basic S&V Commands: SIM_activate_toolset specified tool as the current active tool SIM_ask_axis_positionreturn the axis current position in axis coordinate system SIM_ask_junction_xformget the junction transformation in current machine state with respect to the absolute coordinate system SIM_create_junctioncreate a new junction SIM_mount_toolmount specified tool SIM_move_linear_axismove one linear axis in axis coordinate system SIM_move_rotary_axismove one rotary axis in axis coordinate system SIM_set_channelset the current channel SIM_set_feedset the current feed rate SIM_stepcreate a sub-step event to perform intermediate update of the machine state SIM_updatecreate a step event to update the state of the machine with all prior events Complete list of Basic S&V Commands Example: Move the linear axes X, Y and Z to position point 10, 20, 30 respectively and move rotary axis B to 90 degrees. All axes should move simultaneously SIM_move_linear_axis 5.0 X 10 SIM_move_linear_axis 5.0 Y 20 SIM_move_linear_axis 5.0 Z 30 SIM_move_linear_axis 5.0 B 90 SIM_update

7 Basic S&V Commands Programming Tips  Each command normally creates one S&V event in current NC channel.  Basic syntax of a command consists of duration and command parameters.  The name of the NC axis specified in commands is the actual axis name (i.e. physical name) not logical name.  The units of the input and output data to commands is specified in MTD units (see SIM_set_mtd_units).  All commands defined prior to SIM_step and SIM_update are executed simultaneously.  Returned values from command through mom_sim_result1, mom_sim_result2, … mom_sim_resultn  Junctions could be identified by the junction name or by the ‘parent component name’@’junction name’

8 High Level S&V Commands Examples of High Level S&V Commands: SIM_ask_current_ref_junctionreturn the current reference junction SIM_ask_last_position_mtcsreturn the last reference junction position in MTCS SIM_macro_callcall a predefined macro SIM_move_circular_mtcsmove axes in circular mode where coordinates are in MTCS SIM_move_linear_zcsmove axes in linear mode where coordinates are in ZCS SIM_set_current_ref_junctionset the current reference junction SIM_set_duration_callback_fctset callback TCL function to compute duration of a delta motion SIM_set_rotary_axes_configset the current rotary axes configuration SIM_transform_mtcs_to_zcstransform point from MTCS to ZCS coordinate system SIM_update_current_zcs set current ZCS junction and update ZCS MTCS transformations Complete list of High Level S&V Commands Example: Issue command to mount tool identified by library reference name on the SPINDLE at junction SPINDLE_JCT. The mounting is done such that the tool mounting junction coincides with SPINDLE_JCT junction. SIM_mount_tool 15 LIBRARY_REF UGT0201005 SPINDLE SPINDLE_JCT

9 Programming High Level Motion Commands  The motion commands move the current reference junction (ref_jct) origin to target position. Current reference junction is set by SIM_set_current_ref_junction.  Target position is defined i.r.t the current work junction(wrk_jct) which is MTCS or current ZCS. Current work junction is either the unique MTCS junction or the junction set by SIM_set_current_zcs_junction  The axes that could move to achieve the target position are set by SIM_set_linear_axes_config and SIM_set_rotary_axes_config. No support to collinear axes at this point. ref_jct (10,20,30) Target Position wrk_jct SIM_set_current_zcs_junction wrk_jct SIM_set_current_ref_junction ref_jct SIM_set_rotary_axes_config [list A B] SIM_set_linear_axes_config [list X Y Z] … SIM_move_linear_zcs X 10 Y 20 Z 30 A 0.7

10 Macro Definition  Command Syntax: SIM_macro_def SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd... SIM_macro_end SIM_macro_call  The S&V commands are defined incremental i.r.t starting position set when the macro is called.  Distinguish between variables realized at time the macro is defined or at time macro is called.  Macro is defined ones and can be called as many times as needed.

11 Macro Example SIM_macro_def cycle_200 SIM_set_feed $mom_feed_rate “INCH_PER_MIN” SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd ”SIM_move_linear_zcs Z \[ get_z $mom_cycle_rapid_to \]" SIM_set_feed $mom_cycle_feed_rate “INCH_PER_MIN” SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd ”SIM_move_linear_zcs Z \[ get_z $mom_cycle_feed_to \]" SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd "SIM_delay \$dwell_at_top" SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd ”SIM_move_linear_zcs Z \[ get_z $mom_cycle_retract_to \]" SIM_macro_append_sv_cmd "SIM_delay \$dwell_at_top" SIM_macro_end cycle_200 proc get_z { delta_zl } { global sim_last_X sim_last_Y sim_last_Z set z [expr $sim_last_Z + $delta_z] return $z } #drill cycle 200 at position 100,100,100 SIM_move_linear_zcs X 100 Y 100 Z 1000 SIM_macro_call cycle_200 d1 d2 d3 d1=mom_cycle_rapid_to d2=mom_cycle_feed_to d3=mom_cycle_retract_to

12 High Level S&V Commands Programming Tips  Motion commands have syntax similar to G01, G02 and G03.  Coordinates related commands are set or queried i.r.t MTCS or ZCS coordinate system. The command are suffixed with _mtcs or _zcs accordingly.  By default, motion commands are followed by SIM_update command unless set differently.  The units of the input and output data to commands is specified in MTD units (see SIM_set_mtd_units).  Don’t track last positions (e.g. of tools). Query the system when needed.  Extract geometry and kinematics data from machine tool model in order to define your post kinematics data. See SIM_set_post_kinematics.

13 More Tips  Make sure that the S&V command follow the post command (i.e. MOM_do_template and MOM_output_literal ) that writes the NC block to file.  To allow simulation of one operation at a time, don’t assume that the MTD driver starts from the root object of the program view.  Remember the same driver is used for G code generation. So, check if simulation is active before invoking any simulation commands.

14 Customizing Simulation Dialog  The simulation dialog can be customized from the machine tool driver. If not defined, the system provides a default dialog.  Dialog customization is available in the three MTD modes.  A predefined set of system items is already available. Some of the system items attributes can be also altered during simulation.  The user (i.e. MTD writer) can add user items that can be set during simulation. Note that setting an item is synchronized with the other events and may not happen at the time the command is called but when the set item event is processed.  System items and user items can be mixed and positioned in any order in the dialog.  At the bottom of the simulation dialog the system adds few control items like Reset, Configure and stepping buttons.

15 Customizing Simulation Dialog (cont.) System ItemsUser Items

16 Debugging Tools  Control debugging from machine tool driver. Output is directed to UG listing device. SIM_dbg_start “Start of MILL3AX driver” SIM_dbg_set_output status: ON/OFF Keys: SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_ERROR, SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_NC_CMD, SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_CEVENT, SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_INPUT_SV_EVENT, SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_OUTPUT_SV_EVENT, SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_PROCESSED_SV_EVENT….. SIM_DBG_OUTPUT_ALL SIM_dbg_write_message “Start path processing” SIM_dbg_end  Send message to simulation info window SIM_feedback_message “MTD: Starting computation>>”  Write debug message to output file sim_debug.log MOM_SIM_DEBUG_MSG ”Input arguments are $args”

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