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Lesson 1: Southeastern Region Southeastern States b Virginia b West Virginia b North Carolina b South Carolina b Georgia b Florida b Alabama b Louisiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1: Southeastern Region Southeastern States b Virginia b West Virginia b North Carolina b South Carolina b Georgia b Florida b Alabama b Louisiana."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lesson 1: Southeastern Region

3 Southeastern States b Virginia b West Virginia b North Carolina b South Carolina b Georgia b Florida b Alabama b Louisiana b Mississippi b Tennessee b Kentucky b Arkansas

4 Places of Interest: The SE has it! b :// ://

5 Let’s Learn the state locations and little tricks for the SE Get out your SE laminated map and let’s learn these together!

6 Looks like a V Virginia

7 Is NORTH of… South Carolina North Carolina

8 Is South of… NORTH Carolina South Carolina

9 Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia MAG it…

10 Is a large peninsula ( land mass surrounded on three sides by water, back to you Dave) Florida

11 It’s so beautiful it will bring a tear to your eye West Virginia

12 Fried Chicken Kentucky

13 Looks Like a T to me Tennessee

14 AR KANSAS Arkansas

15 Looks like and L Louisiana

16 Coastal Plains Coastal Plains b Beaches are favorite places for swimming. b The wetlands are wet areas such as swamps or marshes. b The Florida Everglades are home to many rare plants and animals, such as egrets and ibis.

17 Landforms

18 Agricul ture of the South East

19 Mississippi River Mississippi River b The Mississippi River flows through the Southeast. b The source of the Mississippi is in Minnesota, and the mouth is in Louisiana. b The river is useful for water and transportation.

20 Appalachian Mountains b The Appalachian Mountains run from Maine to Alabama. b The longest marked hiking trail is in the Appalachians. b The trees provide wood for furniture.

21 Coastal Plain


23 Resources Resources b Florida grows about four out of five of our country’s oranges. b More rice is grown in Arkansas than any other state. b Georgia grows three times as many peanuts as any other state.

24 Resources Resources b Kentucky and West Virginia produce much of our country’s coal. b This fuel is burned to make electricity and to heat our homes and businesses.

25 Resources Resources b Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee are leading cotton producers. b Cotton is turned into cloth at mills in the Southeast.

26 Climate Climate

27 b The Southeast region is closer to the equator. b The weather is usually sunny, hot, and humid. b The Southeast has a long growing season.

28 Climate Climate b Warm weather and enough rain allow the farmers to grow many crops. b Agriculture is profitable in the Southeast. b Farmers grow many cash crops.

29 History History

30 b The Cherokee Indians lived in the Southeast. b One famous Cherokee was Sequoyah, who invented the Cherokee alphabet. b The Trail of Tears happened when the Cherokee were forced to leave their homes.

31 History History b Jamestown was the first permanent colony in America. b Williamsburg was the capital of Virginia. b Thomas Jefferson helped to write the Declaration of Independence.

32 History History b Some battles of the Civil War took place in the Southeast. b Harriet Tubman helped to free the slaves in the Southeast. She began the Underground Railroad. b Martin Luther King fought for Civil Rights.

33 The Southeast Region The Southeast Region b States b Landforms b Resources b Climate b History

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