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„Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology UN-ECE INLAND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "„Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology UN-ECE INLAND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology UN-ECE INLAND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics Geneva, 2006-09-15 CORRIDORS AND AXES TOWARDS SOUTH-EAST DI. Dr. Helmut Adelsberger Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation und Technology, Vienna, Austria, Chairman of Pan-European Corridor IV

2 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology CONTENTS -TEN und Pan-European Corridors -Pan-European Corridors IV, VII and X -Pan-European Corridor IV, TEN-T Priority Projects nos. 7 and 22 -„Southeast Axis“ Austrian proposal and recommendation of HLG II -Proposal for administration of major transnational axes

3 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology TEN AND PAN-EUROPEAN CORRIDORS (1) LEGAL BASE OF TEN: -Decision 1692/96/EC (1996) Annex III: 14 priority projects (Essen 1994) - Decision 884/2004/EC (Revision 2004) Annex III: 30 priority projects (van Miert 2004) LEGAL BASE OF PAN-EUROPEAN CORRIDORS: - 2 nd Pan-European conference of ministers of transport 1994 (Crete): Corridors I – IX; (Corridor IV = „Bypass of former Yugoslavia“) - 3 rd Pan-European conference of ministers of transport 1997 (Helsinki): Corridor X TINA („Transport Infrastructure Needs Assessment“; 1996 - 1999): - for preparation of EU enlargement 2004 – 2007: Network condensation in addition to Pan-European Corridors („backbone network“) => TEN of new member states

4 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology TEN AND PAN-EUROPEAN CORRIDORS (2) HIGH LEVEL GROUP I („van Miert“): -Definition of priorities in implementation of TEN (within EU): Basis for Annex III: 30 priority axes (axes and projects, „Motorways of the Sea“, „Galileo“) incl. TEN-T priority axes no.7 und no.22 (Corridor IV); - „Horizontal Issues“. HIGH LEVEL GROUP II („de Palacio“): -Part of EU-neighbourship policy („Wider Europe“); -Definition of „main transport axes“ beyond EU-external borders: -northern axis (Baltic Sea => Russia); -central axis (Central Europe => Ukraine); -southeastern axis (Central Europe => Balkans, Caucasus, Near East); -southwestern axis: (Western Europe => Maghreb) -extension of „Motorways of the Sea“; -„Horizontal Issues“.

5 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology PAN-EUROPEAN CORRIDORS IV, VII AND X Corr. IV:Dresden/Nürnberg – Prag – Wien/Bratislava – Budapest – Arad – Constanta – Sofia – Istanbul/Thessaloniki; Corr. VII:Danube (inland waterway); Corr. X:Salzburg – Ljubljana/Graz – Zagreb/Budapest – Belgrad – Nis – Sofia/Skopje – Thessaloniki/Florina. Corridors IV, VII und X complementing each other: - spatially, - modally, - functionally. Therefore: Co-operation! - MoU, - Common position of Chairs, - common meetings

6 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology PANEUROPEAN CORRIDOR IV Definition 1994 (Crete): War in former Yugoslavia: -Bypass of former Yugoslavia, -no „natural“ Corridor (at its whole length), -but: important sections, e.g.: - (Berlin –) Dresden – Prague – Vienna/Bratislava – Budapest, - Vienna – Bratislava, - Budapest – Arad – Bucharest – Constanta, - Sofia – Istanbul (– Near East) (= Continuation of Corridor X) -very incoherent charcteristics concerning Capacity and quality -Missing Link: Calafat – Vidin (RO – BG) Longest Corridor in direction northwest – southeast -rail: 4340 km, road: 3640 km Corridor IV crossing through 9 countries: -„old“ EU-member states:Germany, Austria, Greece -„new“ EU-member states:Chech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary -future EU-member states:Romania, Bulgaria (2007), Turkey (?)

7 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology PRIORITY TEN-AXES NO. 7 AND NO. 22 No. 7 No. 22 Road Rail

8 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology TEN-T PRIORITY AXIS NO. 22 – CORRIDOR IV ATHEN TEN AXIS NO. 22 PRIORITY SECTION

9 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology SITUATION OF CORRIDOR IV IN ROMANIA -Motorway Oradea – Brasov – Bukarest, -"Shortcut" Turnu Severin - Calafat

10 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology INVESTMENT NEEDS FOR CORRIDOR IV (2005)

11 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Corridor IV Corridor VII (Danube) Corridor X MoS – Motorway of the sea – multimodal node MoS HLG II: AUSTRIAN PROPOSAL FOR SOUTHEAST AXIS (1) NÜRNBERG

12 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology HLG II: AUSTRIAN PROPOSAL FOR SOUTHEAST AXIS (2) Corridors VI, VII and X (plus V, VIII and IX): -Spatial integration => economic, social and political integration („One quarter“ of Europe needs more than one corridor!) „Western Balkans“ is a region -relatively small (hundreds, not thousands of km), -surrounded by EU member states (present or near future), -with a transport network relevant for intra-EU transport. Corridors IV, VII and X converge into „Southeast Axis“: -Corridors IV + VII to be continued from Constanta by „MoS“ to Black Sea and Caucasian countries; -Corridor IV to be continued from Istanbul to rest of Turkey, Near East and Caucasian countries, with connection to TRACECA; -Corridor IV and X to be continued from Thessaloniki by „MoS“ to Near East, Northern Africa, Suez Canal. „Convergence to be understood both -in geographical-spatial and -in operational-administrative sense.

13 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology MAJOR TRANS-NATIONAL AXES (HLG I + II) TEN-T priority projects Road Railway Inland Waterway Motorway of the sea TEN-T network TEN-T Road TEN-T Railway TEN-T Inland waterway Major multimodal axes: Trans-national axis Trans-national axis in the longer term Inland waterway axis Inland waterway axis in the longer term Motorway of the sea

14 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology * Chair Regional Subgroup EC – European Commission HLG – High Level Group N Axis – Northern Axis C Axis – Central Axis SE Axis – South-East Axis SW Axis – South-West Axis MoS– Motorways of the Sea TS – Technical Secretariat Chair ECHLG SC N Axis TS * SC C Axis SC SE Axis SC SW Axis SC MoS TS * MAJOR TRANS-NATIONAL AXES: ADMINISTRATION (AS PROPOSED BY MOST OF CORRIDORS)

15 „Shaping the Future“ Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION! Helmut Adelsberger Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, Austria

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