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A (Venitian) Bridge between TLM and Capright approaches.

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1 A (Venitian) Bridge between TLM and Capright approaches

2 What are the impacts of transnationalism on the democracy (in theory and in practice)? 2 schools (Held) : Transformationalism : the nature and basic principles of citizenship are changing Gradualism : only the forms of citizenship are changing

3 Our common (CA and TLM) scepticism about a gradual “globalisation” of social citizenship is based upon two diagnoses of differenciation : 1/ the differenciation of “social polities” : beyond a national framework; Human Rights paradigm instead of classical Labour Law paradigm; 2/ the differenciation of social commitments : beyond the work-centered understanding of social protection : - the “Multiple Self” supposed at the core of citizenship; - a multi-scale understanding of inequalities.

4 First transformation New governance : multilevel and reflexive governance. But 2 questions remain open, focused by theCapability Approach : Human rights as a normative yardstick. Importance of Sen’s position : Human rights are not only legal rights Human rights are not only instrumental Deliberative component : capability for voice; capability for negociation

5 Second transformation : the Multiple Self Plurality is a broader framework than transition. 1.The quality of life(course) as an normative concern. The issue of the quality of work is included in this frame. 2.The different scales of inequality. Capabilities as an heuristic tool in order to discover « new inequalities » (ex : meritocracy in Sennett’s sense; gender differences in the use of « transitional rights »like the right to parental leave).

6 A « transformationalist » view on new social citizenship Post-national, decentered public spheres Deliberative and substantive human rights Multiple self New semantics of the integrity of personality and quality of life Equality of capabilities as well as resources

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