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Hydrosphere Map work. 1st things 1st Nab on the 15th!!!

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1 Hydrosphere Map work

2 1st things 1st Nab on the 15th!!!

3 How to answer map questions READ THE QUESTION Does it want physical/human characteristics Just the river or the valley as well What course is it in, what direction does it flow Remember grid references/map evidence (names) at intermediate 2 or 3 is enough for higher you need lots if in doubt more is better!!!!

4 For physical features Does it flow fast or slow (how steep is it) what features can you see Meanders, ox-bow lakes, waterfalls etc Is it wide/narrow are there any parts that are wider/narrower than others Does it change direction (only mention if its quite a drastic difference)

5 Human features Is there evidence of straightening/widening (look for lines that could be drawn with a ruler) Are there any weirs/canals Is there any sign of industry (works or large buildings that could be factories Is there any evidence of flood defence (roads built up for example) Has the valley floor been used for farming/settlement etc

6 The valley Is it ‘V’ shaped or ‘U’ shaped/does it have a wide valley floor or is it fairly narrow What direction do the valley sides slope to Is the valley steep or gentle Higher use your scale and contours to say exactly how steep it climbs in a given distance (intermediate this isn’t a bad idea for you either)

7 Intermediate (ii) For full marks reference must be made to the river and its valley. (max one mark for grid reference). The river flows very slowly (1) in a south east to easterly direction (1). The river is meandering (1) and divides in several places (1) eg at 808892 (1). There is evidence of ox-bow lake formation (1) in square 8387 (1). The river flows in a flat flood plain (1) over 1km wide in places (1). The valley sides are gentle and low (1). 4 marks

8 (a) For full marks both river features and valley must be mentioned. Wide river (1), flowing through U-shape valley (1) in a North/North Easterly direction (1), flat floor and steep sides at first (1), meanders slightly (1), tributary joins at 624 662 (1), river meanders more as it flows North (1), island in river at 606 691 (1). Artificially straightened in 6166. Valley sides become lower and more gentle to the North (1). Or any relevant point. 4 marks

9 Higher 2007 (paper1) Question 2 (a) Descriptions may include the following points: meanders, ox-bow lakes, tributaries, cut offs, small pools broad flat floodplain, alluvium, gently sloping valley sides height of land and easterly flow of river could also be credited braiding islands or eyots (806533) river terraces. Up to 1 mark for specific map evidence ie grid references or names. (Maximum 1 mark for repeated references to same feature (eg Meander/ tributaries/confluences/direction of flow etc) 5 marks (b) For the selected feature the explanation should include 4 well developed points, all of which could be included in a well annotated diagram. For example for a meander: development of pools and riffles (differences in speed and depth) erosion on the outside (concave bank) of bends due to faster flow helicoidal flow removes material deposition on the inside (convex bank) of bends due to slower flow and formation of point bars migration of meanders downstream. Answers without diagrams should be marked out of 3. (max 2 for erosion processes eg hydraulic/abrasion etc) 4 marks

10 Higher 2007 paper 2 (a)description should include reference to general patterns/numbers of rivers, and should refer to the directions of flow explanation should refer to the fact that drainage basins are determined by the location of the main continental watersheds and that major rivers rise in the main mountain ranges that have greater precipitation, eg the Rockies and Appalachians in North America. Patterns within North America could distinguish between: west flowing rivers are fed from the western side of the continental divide. Rivers like the Columbia-Snake and the Colorado flow west in to the Pacific Ocean north-flowing rivers drain to the Arctic Ocean or to Hudson Bay and are fed from the Canadian Shield the St Lawrence system is fed from the Great Lakes areas and flows east to the Atlantic Ocean most of south-eastern USA is dominated by the Mississippi and its tributaries which are fed from the Rockies in the west and the Appalachians in the east and flow to the Gulf of Mexico. Assess out of 5 marks with a maximum of 3 marks for either description or explanation. 5 marks

11 (b) Explanation of the need for water management in the Narmada River Basin and in Gujarat State might include: reference map Q3E indicates that the Narmada River has many tributaries and the river basin has a very high drainage density leading to unpredictability of river flow which is dependant on when and how quickly snow melts in surrounding mountain areas rapidly increasing population in India gives increasing demand for water for domestic, power, industrial needs increasing demands from farmers for irrigation water to try and feed increasing population rainfall graph for Ahmedabad indicates seasonal nature of rainfall – extremely dry from October to May but huge monthly figures for July/August – leading to flooding and also run-off of water that could be stored and used in dry months temperature graph for Ahmedabad indicates hot temperatures throughout the year leading to very high evaporation rates. Monthly maximum temperatures peak at over 40°C. Assess out of 5 marks.

12 (c) Political problems might include: river basins often cross state or international boundaries, causing difficulties in co-operation between states/countries sharing allocation of water rights often causes political strife water flow and water quality dependant on actions of upstream neighbours increased pollution and salinity downstream can lead to poor water quality and extra costs, eg desalination for downstream areas of river. Assess out of 3 marks. Answers must use authentic examples from a chosen project. 3 marks

13 d) Answers will depend upon the basin chosen. However, they might include: Assess out of 12. Answers should be authentic for the chosen river basin. Candidates must refer to all 6 sections for full marks. Award to 2 marks for named examples. Reduce maximum by 1 for each part missed. 12 marks


15 How to answer a map question 1. Read the question!!!! Human / physical, just river or valley as well Describe or explain Intermediate give 2 or 3 grid references in the course of an answer Higher candidates they should be prolific (lots and lots)

16 Physical What is the rivers course What direction does it flow Are there any features meanders, waterfalls, ox bow lakes Is it tidal Does it change course Is it wider/narrower in certain areas Compare areas along its length if possible

17 Human Has it been widened/straightened (look for lines that could have been drawn with a ruler) Are there any ports/weirs/canals Works, factories Are there any settlements

18 Valley Is it V shaped or u shaped Does the river have a floodplain is it wide/narrow What direction does the valley sides slope in Are the valley sides steep or gentle HIGHER STUDENTS quote a figure using your key eg 500mrise in less than 10m

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