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Google Business Applications (search, ads and analytics)

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Presentation on theme: "Google Business Applications (search, ads and analytics)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Business Applications (search, ads and analytics)

2 Google Search vs. Yahoo Directory Google uses a crawler-based search engine search is automated by computer algorithm Yahoo also includes a vast search directory It is managed by humans Divided into categories and sub-categories Can help improve rankings on Google search How do you sign up? What’s the catch?

3 Google (crawler-based) Search Google sends out little crawler/spider/robots that index much of the information on the web They return this info to Google’s massive servers You type in your search terms Google’s algorithm checks your search and provides the results which are ranked

4 Improving Google Search Results Go to View > Source on your browser You can view the source code (HTML, java, etc.) on the current page Look for where the keywords occur Where are they placed and repeated? (location and frequency method) Linking to and from sites with similar keywords and keyword phrases can help improve your search results

5 Crawler/Spider blockers Beware that there are several things that can prevent Google spiders from indexing your site –too many keywords/keyword phrases (spamming) –Frames –Rich media content –Dynamic content, especially dynamically-generated (temporary) URLs

6 Google Go to the Keyword Tool page oolExternal?defaultView=2 oolExternal?defaultView=2 here you check keyword search patterns to help choose the best keywords and keyword phrases come up with a set of keyword phrases that are popular and best describe your site aka. (meta)tags, tags, labels

7 Google provide these to your webmaster to embed in your site pages Or do it yourself in Dreamweaver repeat these in the titles and descriptions of your pages (location and frequency method)

8 Google look at the –advertising programs ( and –business solutions ( ) links at the bottom of the Google page what are the main ad and business programs?

9 Google create an AdWords account up/ForkAuth up/ForkAuth compare the keywords tools available here to those we looked at earlier what kinds of ads can you create?

10 Google look at Google’s CMS and web site creation tools compare them to Blogger, Wordpress and Microsoft Office Live’s site creator here is an introductory movie: iew.html iew.html

11 Google Analytics programs or services analyze your web traffic the statistics they provide are also known as metrics the most important of these may also be called KPIs

12 Google some of the more important metrics include: –visits/visitors –views (page views or impressions) –preferably these are unique –landing (entrance) and exit pages –conversions

13 Google create a Google Analytics account up/ForkAuth up/ForkAuth

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