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The CP-violation experiments NA48 at CERN Manfred Jeitler Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences RECFA meeting Innsbruck,

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Presentation on theme: "The CP-violation experiments NA48 at CERN Manfred Jeitler Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences RECFA meeting Innsbruck,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The CP-violation experiments NA48 at CERN Manfred Jeitler Institute of High Energy Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences RECFA meeting Innsbruck, 26 March 2004

2 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 overview n the original NA48 experiment –direct CP-violation: Re  ’/  n measurements in a high-intensity K S beam –K S   0  0  0 –K S   0 e + e - and K S   0  +  - n measurements of direct CP-violation with charged kaon beams –K      +  - n future ?   

3 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 The original aim of NA48: measuring Re  ’/  KSKS   KSKS   KLKL   KLKL    ’/   0: direct CP-violation exists ”frequent“ ”rare“ /

4 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 The neutral kaon beams of NA48

5 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 The detector of the NA48 experiment at CERN spectrometer (consisting of 4 drift chambers and a magnet) and hadron calorimeter for measuring     -decays electromagnetic liquid-krypton calorimeter for measuring     -decays magnet DCH hadron calorimeter

6 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 The liquid-krypton calorimeter measures decays of kaons into neutral particles: K       filled with 9 m 3 of liquid krypton part of trigger electronics built by HEPHY, Vienna

7 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 NA48  Re  ’/  = (14.7 ± 2.2)  10 -4 NA48 (all data)  Re  ’/  : the experimental result (15.3 ± 2.6)  10 -4  Re  ’/  = (16.6 ± 1.6)  10 -4 new world average (13.7 ± 3.1)  10 -4

8 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 Re  ’/  : the shape of the theory considering the present accuracy of calculations, there is no use to further improve measurements

9 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004


11 pay one – take three:  charged kaons  charged kaons    

12 CP-violation in K 0 S decays: K S   0  0  0  K S   0 e + e - and K S   0  +  - 

13 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 The high-intensity K S -beam

14 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0  0  0 n CP-violating decay –no CP-conserving components such as in K S   +  -  0 counterpart to the “classical” CP-violating decay K L   0  0 –CP |  0  0  0 > = - |  0  0  0 > while –CP | K S > ~ CP | K 1 > = + | K 1 > n described by parameter

15 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0  0  0 : the result n result consistent with zero with 5% probability n limit on branching fraction: BR(K S   0  0  0 ) < 1.4  10 -6 at 90% confidence level (one order of magnitude better than previous limit)

16 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0  0  0 and CPT Bell-Steinberger relation

17 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0 e + e - and K S   0  +  -

18 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 7 events found with a background of 0.15 +0.10 -0.04 K S   0 e + e -

19 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0  +  -

20 CP-violation in charged K decays: K      +  - K      0  0 

21 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 n measure decays of K + and K – n direct CP-violation in K   (3  )  :  M( u,v )  1 + g  u + h  u 2 + k  v 2 A g  (g +  g – )/(g + + g – ) n measurement of the ratio R ( u )   d v  M + ( u,v )  2   d v  M – ( u,v )  2  constant simultaneous K + and K – beams n same acceptance, alternating magnetic field high-precision measurement of K   (3  ) 

22 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 asymmetry parameter A g in K   (3  )  theoretical predictions and expected experimental accuracy

23 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 KAon BEam Spectrometer (“Micromegas” detector)

24 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 KABES: KAon BEam Spectrometer (a MICROMEGAS detector)

25 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 charged Ke4 decays K +/-      e  n experimental observation of quark-antiquark condensate –s-wave scattering length a 0 0 in  -scattering at low energy n earlier experiments statistically and systematically limited –Rosselet et al., 1977 –Brookhaven, 2001 neutral Ke4-decay ( K 0 L      e  ) was studied by the Vienna group (Laurenz Widhalm, Heinz Dibon)

26 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 SM prediction: BR(K + →  + ) = 7.1 ± 1.0 × 10 -11 future plans: K + →  + n so far, three events seen at BNL (E787 and E949) n decay established but not enough statistics to check Standard Model n plans to collect ~100 events at FNAL (CKM experiment): financial difficulties n idea to use CKM’s expertise and parts of the NA48 detector at CERN

27 Conclusion: NA48 has yielded an unexpectedly large amount of valuable results..... and may still continue to do so!

28 backup

29 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 n special interest: test of CPT invariance n if CPT is conserved –and there are no transitions to I = 3, or to nonsymmetric I = 1 states: –A 1 : I=1 amplitude –real part fixed by CPT –imaginary part sensitive to direct CP-violation n Bell-Steinberger relation –connects CPT violating phase  with  parameters via unitarity: K S   0  0  0

30 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S   0  0  0 : the approach time evolution of K L,S   0  0  0 I  0 (t) ~ e -  L t + K L decay “dilution” D is momentum dependent n look for interference term |  000 | 2 e -  S t + K S decay 2 D(p) (Re (  000 ) cos  mt – Im (  000 ) sin  mt) e -(  S +  L )t / 2 K L – K S interference term

31 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 NA48/1: preliminary result for  000

32 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004

33 CP-violation: indirect / direct ? CP-violation first seen in K L   decays (1964) n K L and K S are mixtures of CP-eigenstates K 1 and K 2 –K L = K 2 +  K 1 –K S = K 1 +  K 2 n mixing responsible for most of the observed CP-violation –parameter  –known since long ago –see Michele Veltri’s talk for new measurement by NA48 n but longstanding question: is there “direct” CP-violation? –K 2   ?? –parameter  ’ n small effect  need high-precision measurement !

34 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 the NA48 approach to measuring Re  ’/  n almost collinear neutral kaon beams (K L and K S ) n same decay volume n  take all 4 modes at same time and place ! n “weighting” of K L decay events with K S lifetime –eliminate acceptance effects in first order –reduce systematic effects at expense of statistics n distinguish K L and K S by “tagging” protons to “K S target” n “second experiment” in 2001 –new drift chambers –different spill structure and instantaneous beam intensity –different beam energy

35 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 rare decays at NA48 n “K L ”-beam: –K L   +  - e + e - indirect CP-violation –K L   +/- e -/+  0  form factors,  – phase shifts, chiral perturbation theory –K L   0  CP-conserving contribution in K L  e + e -  0 –K L  e + e -  form factors –K L  e + e -  background for K L  e + e -  0 –K L  e + e - e + e - CP-eigenvalue of K L n “K S ”-beam:  0   0  0 mass  0   non-leptonic weak interaction  0   0   0    p  -  transversal  -polarization

36 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 K S / K L   0  0  0 interference dependence of interference on   (phase of   )

37 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004

38 Dalitz decays:  0  e + e - K S   0 e + e -

39 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004


41 Kl3 decays and V us n test of CKM unitarity –|V ud | 2 + |V us | 2 + |V ub | 2 = 0.9957  0.002 : deviation from unity –|V us | contributes nearly 30% of uncertainty |V us | calculated from  (Ke3) and  (K  3) –K    0 e   and K    0   –precise measurement will improve CKM unitarity test

42 Manfred Jeitler, Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna: The NA48 experiment Innsbruck, 26 March 2004 charged kaon decays: the NA48 approach n cancellation of systematic effects is essential n adapt NA48’s proven concept: simultaneous, collinear beams n use same detector without major modifications n beam particles are charged  measure their momentum !

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