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Blah, Blah Blog? No Way!. What is it? A blog is an on-line journal. Blog is short for web log. Web + log = blog.

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Presentation on theme: "Blah, Blah Blog? No Way!. What is it? A blog is an on-line journal. Blog is short for web log. Web + log = blog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blah, Blah Blog? No Way!

2 What is it? A blog is an on-line journal. Blog is short for web log. Web + log = blog

3 Why Blog? Engaging Motivational Immediate Authentic Make Connections Fun And...

4 More reasons to blog... Identify student’s background knowledge Guide students to reasonable answers Practice using mathematical language Informally assess students Document students’ growth Think aloud and get responses to thoughts

5 Examples of Blogs Technology Coach Karten’s Characters Mustang Pride Trucker Buddy The Write Weblog Mrs. Sempke’s Blog

6 How do I use it? Set guidelines Consider using an “Acceptable Uses” policy/contract“Acceptable Uses” Model Monitor, Monitor, Monitor!

7 Where can I get a blog?

8 Additional Resources Atomic Learning Teaching Today Educating Alice

9 Let’s make a blog!

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