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Economics 202 Principles Of Macroeconomics Lecture 4: Review of Equilibrium Market Equilibrium Examples.

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1 Economics 202 Principles Of Macroeconomics Lecture 4: Review of Equilibrium Market Equilibrium Examples

2 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Review last class Quantity demanded Demand schedule Demand curve "Law" of demand Quantity supplied Supply schedule Supply curve "Law" of supply

3 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Put Supply and Demand together Price (P) Quantity (Q) S D

4 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures What if the price is too high? Price (P) Q S D P QDQD QSQS Surplus

5 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures What if the price is too low? Price (P) Q S D P QSQS QDQD Shortage

6 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Market equilibrium Price (P) Q S D P* Q* Q S =Q D

7 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Summary: Price Adjustments At prices above the equilibrium, a surplus forces the price down. At prices below the equilibrium, a shortage forces the price up. At the equilibrium price, buying plans and selling plans agree and the price doesn’t change.

8 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Market Equilibrium Because the price rises if it is below equilibrium, falls if it is above equilibrium, and remains constant if it is at the equilibrium, the price is pulled toward the equilibrium and remains there until some event changes the equilibrium.

9 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Market equilibrium Price (P) Q S D P* Q* Q S =Q D

10 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Definition: Market equilibrium A Price and quantity at which there is no shortage or surplus Q S = Q D

11 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Shifts in Supply and Demand can now be related to P and Q

12 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity A Change in Demand –An increase in demand shifts the demand curve rightward and creates a shortage at the original price. The price rises and the quantity supplied increases.

13 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity A Change in Supply –An increase in supply shifts the supply curve rightward and creates a surplus at the original price. The price falls and the quantity demanded increases.

14 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures A Change in Both Demand and Supply A change in both demand and supply changes the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity, but we need to know the relative magnitudes of the changes to predict some of the consequences.

15 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity Figure shows the effects of a change in both demand and supply in the same direction. An increase in both demand and supply increases the equilibrium quantity but has an uncertain effect on the equilibrium price.

16 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Predicting Changes in Price and Quantity Figure shows the effects of a change in both demand and supply when they change in opposite directions. An increase in supply and a decrease in demand lowers the equilibrium price but has an uncertain effect on the equilibrium quantity.

17 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures Examples Algebra Rent control -- a price ceiling The minimum wage -- a price floor

18 Note: These lecture notes are incomplete without having attended lectures The End

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