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MESH webGIS Habitat maps online at
UK Stakeholders’ Workshop Natalie Coltman
Why have a webGIS? Effective management of the marine environment requires information on the spatial distribution and the quality of seabed habitats Seabed habitat data are not centrally accessible MESH aims to collate these data & create unified seabed habitat maps
Which data? Data & Metadata are collated by MESH
‘Metadata’ = data about data (what where when how) ‘Data’ = actual seabed mapping data MESH aims to… Mobilise existing seabed mapping data through a searchable online Metadata Catalogue Collate seabed mapping data to create unified seabed habitat maps to be displayed on MESH webGIS
A website presenting interactive maps of seabed habitats for NW Europe
MESH webGIS A website presenting interactive maps of seabed habitats for NW Europe Zoom to areas of interest Control layers Query data attributes Generate reports Print maps
Home page
Query page
Habitat presence on 1 degree grid
Polygon centroids
Detailed habitat polygons
MESH webGIS data layers
Habitats EUNIS habitats Original habitats Physical GEBCO bathymetry Seabed sediments Boundaries MESH study area Country sea areas Regional seas Study areas Validation samples NBN marine data OSPAR habitats MESH video samples Seabed images Acoustic images MESH seabed photos Signatures catalogue
MESH metadata catalogue
MESH data flows Data provider Seabed mapping data & metadata MESH Data Agreement MESH Partner MESH Website MESH metadata catalogue JNCC MESH webGIS MESH Stakeholder
MESH Metadata catalogue
Aims to mobilise existing seabed mapping data to the mapping community Lists over 1000 seabed mapping studies in NW Europe MESH metadata standard for habitat maps (ISO19115 compliant) Template for data entry Available online via a ‘simple’ or ‘advanced’ search Updating metadata records this week…
MESH Metadata catalogue
Existing habitat mapping studies
Study areas with metadata
MESH metadata catalogue
Original Habitat layer
Seabed ‘habitat’ maps Polygon maps Collated by MESH in Data Exchange Format Range of classification schemes, eg: Biotope mapping to UK & Ireland classification scheme Mapping of seabed features (facies) Mapping of substrate types
Biotope Mapping SNH: Mapping the distribution of benthic biotopes in Moray Firth This type of mapping is often used in UK for studies of SACs
Facies mapping CEFAS: Broadscale interpretation of seabed facies between Hastings & Varne in Eastern Channel Common type of mapping in aggregate industry
Translation to EUNIS Original habitat type polygon
e.g. Zostera marina beds EUNIS habitat type polygon e.g. A5.53 Translation
Validation samples
MESH Seabed photos
Supporting data – Acoustic
Multibeam, single beam & side scan useful to habitat mappers Outlines of areas of acoustic data on MESH webGIS to show where data exist MESH webGIS functionality also allows acoustic imagery to be displayed
Multibeam imagery Area west of Hebrides, showing highly fractured bedrock which forms a network of gullies ~100 m ~40 m ~5 km
Supporting data Sediments & Bathymetry
Modelling Use physical data layers to predict habitat types
EUNIS classes Marine landscapes Irish data to be incorporated soon
Presenting data Progress to date Current issues
EUNIS colour scheme agreed Current issues How to display maps made at very different scales? Overlapping shapefiles Confidence assessments
Confidence assessment
GUI GB000471 Remote sensing 87% Ground-truthing 59% Interpretation 72% Cartography 50% Overall 67% View full confidence assessment
Interoperability – Signatures
Interoperability Link to NBN Gateway Web Mapping Services (WMS)
Species list for selected area Species diversity summary for selected area Web Mapping Services (WMS) Image of a map is returned from another mapping server Used to consume data from other websites
Delivering maps to end-users
The MESH project is committed to making its final interpreted seabed habitat maps publicly available at no cost Data will be available for distribution to end-users for their local use Data will be available to other web sites and desktop GIS users via direct data links (WMS)
webGIS Summary MESH is delivering maps of seabed habitats classified using the standard nomenclature of the EUNIS habitat classification scheme MESH has developed standard data exchange formats for the efficient sharing of data Maps are presented to end-users in electronic format via a bespoke webGIS Data will be shared to maximise interoperability
Where next? Short term Medium to long term
Gather feedback from Stakeholders, on the MESH webGIS New data upload mid-Nov Medium to long term Use established mechanisms for data collation, integration and dissemination Develop a strategy to maintain maps (beyond MESH)
Contact JNCC Monkstone House City Road Peterborough PE1 1JY UK
Natalie Coltman JNCC Monkstone House City Road Peterborough PE1 1JY UK
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