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Semantic Social Network Analysis Guillaume ERETEO.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Social Network Analysis Guillaume ERETEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Social Network Analysis Guillaume ERETEO

2 Social Network Analysis? A science to understand the structure, the interactions and the strategic positions in social networks. Sociograms [Moreno, 1933] What for? –To control information flow –To improve/stimulate communication –To improve network resilience –To trust [Wasserman & Faust 1994] [Scott 2000] [Mika 2007]

3 Community detection Influences the way information is shared [Coleman 1988] Influences the way actors behave [Burt 2000] Global structure Distribution of actors and activities

4 Centrality: strategic positions Degree centrality: Local attention beetweenness centrality: reveal broker "A place for good ideas" [Burt 1992] [Burt 2004] Closeness centrality: Capacity to communicate [Freeman 1979]

5 Critical mass

6 Balance Theory [Heider 1958]

7 Computer networks as social networks [Wellman 2001]

8  web 2.0 amplifies Network effect !

9 Semantic social networks Millions of FOAF profiles online

10 Social tagging SCOT

11 SNA on the semantic web Rich graph representations reduced to simple untyped graphs in order to apply SNA [Paolillo and Wright 2006] Foaf:knows Foaf:interest

12 The Semantic SNA Stack

13 SemSNA an ontology of SNA

14 Parametrized n-Degree construct construct{ semsna:hasInDegree ?y semsna:hasInDegree _:bO semsna:isDefinedForProperty _:bO semsna:isDefinedForProperty param[type] semsna:hasValue _:bO semsna:hasValue ?indegree param[length] _:b0 semsna:hasDistance param[length] } select ?y count(?x) as ?indegree{ $path ?x $path ?y star(param[type]) filter(match($path, star(param[type]))) pathLength($path) <= param[length] fitler(pathLength($path) <= param[length]) }group by ?y

15 Most popular manager in a work subnetworks select ?y ?indegree{ ?y rdf:type domain:Manager semsna:hasInDegree ?y semsna:hasInDegree ?z semsna:isDefinedForProperty rel:worksWith ?z semsna:isDefinedForProperty rel:worksWith semsna:hasValue ?z semsna:hasValue ?indegree semsna:hasDistance ?z semsna:hasDistance 2 } order by desc(?indegree)

16 PREFIX foaf: select ?from ?to ?between $path pathLength($path) as ?length where{ ?from $path ?to param[type] graph $path{?between param[type] ?j} param[type] filter(match($path, star(param[type]), 'sa')) param[type] optional { ?from param[type]::?p ?to } filter(!bound(?p)) filter(?from != ?between) filter(?between != ?to) } group by $path order by ?length Parametrized Shortest paths for betweenness g b (from, to)

17 PREFIX foaf: PREFIX semsna: add{ ?x semsna:isMemberOf ?uri } select ?x ?y genURI( ) as ?uri from G where { ?x $path ?y param[type] filter(match($path, star(param[type]), 'sa')) } group by any Parametrized Component C b (G)

18 Current Community detection algorithms Hierarchical algorithms –Agglomerative (based on vertex proximity): [Donetti and Munoz 2004] [Zhou Lipowsky, R. 2004] –Divisive (mostly based on centrality): [Girvan and Newman 2002] [Radicchi et al 2004] Based on heuristic (modularity, randon walk, etc.) [Newman 2004], [Pons and Latapy 2005], [Wu and Huberman 2004]

19 Toward Semantic Community Detection likes ingredient typemainDish Food subclassOf type

20 SemSNA an ontology of SNA [Conein 2004] [Wenger 1998]

21 #Guigui #bk81 #tag27 #bk34 #tag92 #Fabien Semantic web Web sémantique hasTag hasBookmark ShareInterest MentorOf label #Michel MentorOfCollaborate

22 name Guillaume Erétéo organization mail mentorOf organization manage contribute answers

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