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Evidence based policy making Seminar FP7 Work Programme 2011-2012 2 December 2010, Paris, Université Paris Dauphine Maria Geronymaki DG INFSO.H.2 ICT for.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence based policy making Seminar FP7 Work Programme 2011-2012 2 December 2010, Paris, Université Paris Dauphine Maria Geronymaki DG INFSO.H.2 ICT for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence based policy making Seminar FP7 Work Programme 2011-2012 2 December 2010, Paris, Université Paris Dauphine Maria Geronymaki DG INFSO.H.2 ICT for Government & Public Services ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling

2 Societal challenges  Lack of effective tools for  Transparent policy design  Governance  Increasingly complex environment  With active involvement of citizens

3 Main drivers  Societal  Behavioural/societal aspects taken into account in policy design  Technological  Expansion of social networking and Web 2.0  governments must meet citizens’ needs and keep up with latest technology  Economic factors  lack of transparency of corporate governance  increased risks and economic/financial crisis

4 Policy modelling for addressing societal challenges (1)  Key decision-makers rely upon models of the global economy and its markets to make policy decisions. The models aim to give the most accurate representation of the world.  in a globalised economy that introduces systemic dependencies across national economies and across different sectors of economy. The complexity of the global economy is growing and phenomena, such as high-speed trading, and complicated derivative securities and other new financial products are changing the pre-conditions and are increasing the systemic risks.  The present aggregated agent models need to be further developed to give a more complete picture of the economy.

5  They also need to better reflect heterogeneity both in social conditions and in behaviour among agents.  More developed complex agent models or models with heterogeneous agents capable to answer decision makers questions demand large development efforts and huge computational power.  There is a need for international cooperation and a distribution of work if a model that is fit-for- purpose is to be developed within a reasonable time-frame. Policy modelling for addressing societal challenges (2)

6  Transparent models, possible to validate by outside actors and fully understood by the users and the policy-makers.  It should also be possible to adapt the models to different needs and add features that makes it possible to study specific policy actions  The need of the decision-makers should be guiding this work. The models should be able to facilitate choosing between different policy responses and weigh them in relation to one another. Policy modelling for addressing societal challenges (3)

7 FP7 WP2011-12 ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling Societal simulations to forecast potential impacts of policies  Including non-classical economic and societal modelling;  building on previous research in the domain of reflexivity;  identifying and monitoring societal trends resulting from economic environment;  taking into account the needs of the younger generation;  building on Web2.0/Web3.0, social networking, dynamics methodology and exploiting the vast reserves of public sector collective data.  advancing research in simulation and visualisation techniques, process modelling, gaming-based simulation, mixed reality technologies and crowd-sourcing techniques.

8 Ongoing research in ICT for governance & policy modelling  FP7 WP2009-10, 1 January 2010  Start of the 8 selected proposals (STREPs - CSA), total funding 15M€  FP7 WP2011-12, September 2010  Call 7 launch during ICT2010 (IP- STREP-CSA), total funding 25M€

9 Stepping stone FP7 WP2011-12  We build on the previous call  Continuity to reinforce research in the domain  Focus  Bigger and wider impact (scaled-up application)  International cooperation  Stakeholders

10 Funding schemes available in FP7 WP2011-12, Objective 5.6 a) ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling IP: EUR 7 million STREPs: EUR 17 million b) roadmapping and networking, international cooperation Coordination and Support Actions EUR 1 million

11 b) Roadmapping and Networking International co-operation  Build on the considerable interest at international level (industrialised and emerging economies)  Build a network of leading experts in government, industries and academia  Collect and share the different experiences of implementing them in the developed countries

12 Available funding instruments  STREPs  Integrated Projects (IPs)  Driven by industry and including all stakeholders  Significant potential for wider impact and visibility - help reaching critical mass  Expected to stand out as the key project in this area  Typical duration: 36-60 months  Optimum consortium: 10-20 participants  Total EU contribution: €7m  Coordination & Support Actions

13 Example fields of application  urban planning policy  social and economic policies  life long learning  mobility  tax policy  demographics/immigration  recovery from the crisis  … others? Research to explore policy models and policy impacts on society

14 Key stakeholders  Industry incl. SMEs  Academic partners  International organisations  International technology leaders  Policy Institutes  Public administrations  Civil society / Citizens

15 Next steps – provisional dates  Call 7 currently open, closing date 18 Jan 2011  Infoday held 25 Nov 2010, Brussels  Encouraged to organise networking events with all relevant stakeholders  Evaluation to take place in March 2011

16 Thank you More information

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