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Non Competitive Strategy PGP 2007-09 Session 1-2 contd. Amar KJR Nayak, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Non Competitive Strategy PGP 2007-09 Session 1-2 contd. Amar KJR Nayak, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non Competitive Strategy PGP 2007-09 Session 1-2 contd. Amar KJR Nayak, Ph.D.

2 Notion of Strategy Making “A Game with dough” Crafting Strategy “Henry Mintzberg” Creative process, deliberate & emergent, first hand experience, craftsperson feel, peripheral vision, Natural synthesis of the future, present & past Intensive involvement, iterative, accidental, method & PURPOSE

3 You are indeed a Promise You are a promise You are a possibility You are a promise With a capital P You are a great big bundle of potentiality You can learn to hear the hidden wisdom, and you can make the right choice And As you promise to be, you can be anything that you want to be

4 One of the many things I learned at the end of that Classics corridor down which I ventured at the age of 18, in search of something I could not then define, was this, written by the Greek author Plutarch: What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. J.K. Rowling, 2008 Harvard University Graduation Ceremony

5 Life is no brief candle for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. George Bernard Shaw

6 Prerequisite for Student Question without fear Sincerity & integrity Enjoy working hard

7 Our learning Approach 50% Recharge- What is it? v/s 100% 30% Review- Question the present 10% Reflect- On method & purpose 9% Refresh- Provide new insight 1% Inspire- Teacher-Student-Teacher

8 NCS Content The three modules are inter-linked. Understand the assumptions and their limitations in the existing theories and practice in Module 1 & 2 will help you to appreciate the variables that emerge in Module 3. The final objective is to synthesize a new model of economic activity that takes into account the rational economic variables and the apparently irrational human aspects.

9 Notion of Competition

10 Competition What is competition? Etymology To compete is competere (latin) To seek together To Strive together

11 Contradictions in meaning & value in Competition (basic structure) 1. Dominant model of competition Pay-off extrinsic to the activity itself are conferred on one party at the expense of others 2. Spontaneous No structure of extrinsic and exclusionary pay-offs is imposed on action the well-known and systematic pathologies of competitive conflict—violence, cheating, authoritarianism, sexism, drug-taking and so on— are a law-like consequence of the dominant structure of competition and not a problem of competition as such

12 Issues in Competition Size & Level Competition in Economics & Business Internal competition Alfred Sloan, GM, 1920s Law: Anti-Trust Laws No cartel, No abusive behavior, M&A

13 Study of Competition Psychology Natural urge of competition Sociology Group dynamics to show how competition emerges Anthropology Study the history and prehistory of competition

14 Competitiveness - IO New empirical Industrial Organization Model Structure – Conduct – Performance Strategy – Structure – System Chandler, Alfred Purpose – Process – People Bartlett & Ghoshal

15 Hyper competitiveness Karen Horney’s theories on neurosis Turn any activity into a competition Feel threatened if they find themselves losing

16 No Contest–The Case against Competition Alfie Kohn 4 myths of competition Competition is an unavoidable fact of life Competition motivates us to do our best (grade – capitalism) Contest provide the best, if not the only way to have good time Competition build character

17 Competition – different ways Competitively Cooperatively Independently

18 “The world of individualistic competition is experienced every day; the world of harmonious unanimity is fully realized only in sporadic flashes of togetherness, glimpses of what might be if only people would cooperate and their purposes reinforce, rather than undercut, one another” Robert Bellah

19 Some Administrative issues Group Assignment (exploration & analytical in nature) Group of 4, Make a List of Groups, CR Assignment 1: Module 1 & 2 Assignment 2: Module 3 (any of your choice including the Reference Books suggested) Assignment 3: Panel Discussion Sharing the experience of a Live Project (FAO)

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