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1 Status of Software Tools Akiya Miyamoto KEK 8 th ACFA, EXCO, Daegu 12 July 2005 Short summary of work done by K.Fujii(KEK), T.Fujikawa(Tohoku), K.Kawagoe(Kobe), T.Takeshita(Shinshu), H.Matsunaga(Tsukuba), A.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba), Y.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba), T.Nagamine(Tohoku), S.Yamamoto(GUAS), H.Ono(Niigata), T.Yoshioka(Tokyo), A.L.C.Sanchez(MISIIT), …
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 2 lcbase : configuration files Leda : Analysis tools (Kalman fitter, 4vector and jet findinder utilities ) jsf : Root-based framework lclib : QuickSim and other fortran based utilities physsim : Helas-based generator Jupiter : Full simulation based on Geant4 Uranus : Data analysis packages Satellites : Data analysis packages for MC data Overview of our tools We use only C++, except old fortran tools.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 3 QuickSim overview Purpose: simulate detector effects for physics study Components: VTX, IT, TPC, CAL Model for tracker circular trajectory parabolic trajectory With multiple scattering, without energy loss Equally spacing sampling Model for Calorimeter EM signal by e/ , HD signal by hadron, muon no signal Segmented calorimeter. Lateral spreads are generated by an analytic form.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 4 QuickSim update Change in source code Gas density in tracker, Cal. Shower shapre can be changed by input data card. GLD-V2 : new parameter file for GLD configuration Beam pipe: r=1.5cm, Be, 25 m VTX : (r,thickness)=(1.9cm,20 m), (4.1,200), (6.3,200) not consistent with Sugimoto san’s parameter yet. Beam pipe and VTX 1 st layer parameter are not realistic to reproduce performances. TPC: r=40~205cm, 200 sampling, r =150 m, z =1mm CAL : EM segmentation 2cm equivalent HD segmentation 6cm equivalent Parameters for lateral spread have not been changed.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 5 QuickSim Tracker performance Momentum resolution similar to the Jupiter/Satellites result IP resolution at 1 GeV is about factor 2 worse than the Jupiter/Satellites result
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 6 Higgs signals by QuickSim M h =116.2GeV/c 2 M =3.81 GeV/c 2 M h =118.4GeV/c 2 M =4.02 GeV/c 2 M h =117.6 GeV/c 2 M =4.808 GeV/c 2 Criteria for event selections are same Possible improvments: - parameters of track-cluster matching - detector configuration dependant event selection - ……
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 7 Jupiter/Satellites Concepts JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 8 Jupiter feature - 1 Based on Geant4 7.0p1 Modular organization of source codes for easy installation of sub-detectors Geometry parameters ( size, material, etc ) can be modified by input ASCII file. Only simple geometries are implemented ( OK for the detector optimization ) Input: StdHep file(ASCII, Binary), HepEvt, CAIN, or any generators implemented in JSF.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 9 Jupiter feature - 2 Run mode: A standalone Geant4 application JSF application to output a ROOT file. Output: Exact Hits of each detectors (Smearing in Satellites) Pre- and Post- Hits at before/after Calorimeter Used to record true track information which enter CAL. Format: ROOT (standard), ASCII(debug), LCIO Physics List LCPhysicsList QGSP, LHEP, … Calorimeter resolution : Depends on physics list, and not as good as we expected for single particle
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 10 Geometry in Jupiter Solenoid Hadron Calorimeter Muon/Iron Elemag. CalorimeterIT VTX Forward Cal. QC1 TPC
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 11 Calorimeter Geometry 40 cm 270 cm 210 cm Full One Tower EM + HD 27 X 0 6.1λ Default sensor size: EM: 4cmx4cmx1mm, 38 layers HD:12cmx12cmx2mm, 130 layers Replica Phi direction : Tower and mini-tower Sandwich structure of X/Y scinti structure can be defined.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 12 Detector Parameters GLD_V1: as an initial set of detector parameters Beam Pipe : 1.8cm , Be 500 m t VTX : 4 layers from R=2.4cm to 6.0cm, Si 330 m t, |cos |<0.9 r = z =4 m, Cylindrical shape, not FPCCD geometry yet IT : 4 layers from R=9cm to 30cm, Si 600 m t, |cos |<0.9 r = z =10 m, Cylindrical shape TPC : R=40cm to 206cm, |Z|<235cm, # of sampling 200 r =150 m, z =500 m, Gas P10 Solenoid : 3T Muon : Barrel : 4 mud layers, total 270cm t Fe Endcap : 5 mud layers, total 260cm t Fe Signals are smeared in Satellites All parameters needs to be optimized
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 13 New IR/VTX geometry VTX FCAL(W) W-Mask CH2 mask BCAL(W) QC1 Beam Pipe: r=1.5cm,250 m t Be VTX: r=2.0,2.2, 3.2,3.4,4.8, 5.0 cm L=13,13, 40,40, 40,40 (cm) Thickness=50 m r = z =2 m IT Geometry for 2mrad crossing angle. Work in progress: - 20mrad crossing - Forward tracker(FT) - Sensitive detector for FCAL/BCAL/FT
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 14 Jupiter for background studies LCBDS Developed at U. of Tokyo;Tanabe san, Abe san, and their colleagues. Geant4 based simulator for the beam delivery and the dump line of ILC ( from the exit of main linac to the beam dump) Inputs to LCBDS : SAD data file are used to define geometry easy to follow changes of ILC parameters. Accelerator components are approximated by cubic and/or cylindical shape Output from LCBDS: Synchrotron ’s, muons, off-momentum electrons, etc are created Particles information near the interaction point are saved in StdHep ASCII format Inputs to Jupiter Status First version to write StdHep data were prepared. Waiting for the confirmation by Jupiter.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 15 Jupiter for background studies - 2 CAIN Simulator for beamstrahlung effects Generates low energy e+/e-, g, and off-momentum electrons Interface to CAIN data exists in Jupiter IR geometry Still old configuration for GLC. Urgent updates are required.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 16 Typical Background events 100 e+/e- CAIN events 1 bunch contains ~ 66k events ILC 500 GeV nominal parameter CH4 mask BCAL FCAL TPC Ready for background studies !
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 17 Metis package Metis is a collection of reconstruction tools for Jupiter data. Initial aim was to prepare a minimum set of Metis modules for studies of Particle Flow Algorithm. Novice users will be able to do physics analysis using information of PFO classes. As a first step, a cheated track finder and a cluster maker, etc are in preparation in order to know ultimate performance. Each module is independent, thus it is easy to implement different reconstruction algorithms Real clustering codes are prepared using this framework
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 18 make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit make cluster from CAL hits make Particle Flow Objects jet clustering Jupiter result Physics study Metis Analysis Root file Khalman fitter No track finder yet Strip/Tile Cheated/Real Clustering/PFA JSF Framework
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 19 Cheated PFO analysis ZH event at Ecm=500 GeV By K.Fujii(KEK), S.Yamamoto(GUAS), A.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba) - Exact hit points of detectors are displayed. -Hits belong to the same PFO are shown with the same color -A framework of event display in JSF is used.
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 20 Web information Our software tools are maintained in CVS server, At, Description about how to download latest version. Web interface to the CVS repository, Snap shot of source codes. SimTools: binary codes of our tools Web page: Examples and documents are also prepared. The latest version: SimTools-1-01 (May, 2005). New version will be prepared soon. GLD Software page:
A.Miyamoto, 8 th ACFA, 12 July 2005 21 Summary Studies of detector performances based on Jupiter/Satellites have been performed by many people, which are covered by other parallel session talks. Implementation of new geometry in Jupiter has started for studies of background and IR design. QuickSim Performance of tracker and Higgs signal were studied using GLD-V2 parameter set. Detector parameters can be changed easily, but consistency with full simulator is not automatic. Please use it with caution. Jupiter users/developers meet every Tuesday 13:30-15:00 (JST) at TV meeting (KEK MCU, ID 31300). Please join.
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